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Practical implementation of main transparency tools - EQF, ECVET, EQAVET - in European VET organisations
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In times of striking economic crisis in Europe, education and training are more in the spotlight than ever, as policymakers are looking for clear responses to challenges faced by the Member States. All over Europe, national VET system and VET organisations are making considerable efforts to face these challenges and are undergoing developments to ensure that VET qualifications meet the highest quality standards and can be built on, refreshed and renewed, in order to maintain their relevance in rapidly changing economies. However, first and foremost, it is crucial that any modernisation of VET systems and organisations and consequent development of new VET standards are actually embedded in the practical implementation of existing European tools - EQF, ECVET and EQAVET – aiming to increase the quality, flexibility, transparency, relevance, comprehensibility and currency of VET qualifications in Europe. As highlighted by Carlo Scatoli, Policy Officer at the European Commission, DG EAC, “Now that we see how ECVET can work, broader national strategies are needed which create a link between all the European transparency instruments’ ( ECVET Conference, 2013). At the same occasion, the Head of Unit at The European Commission, EACEA, Ute Haller Block, pointed out that ‘Implementation happens on national level. There is a need to train national ECVET-experts and to develop more opportunities to meet and learn from each other’ (Ute Haller Block, Head of Unit at The European Commission, EACEA). Stimulated by these strong messages, the ATTRACT-VET project was generated in order to develop a new, innovative and multidisciplinary approach in order to empower VET providers to use the existing European transparency tools for qualification (EQF), credits (ECVET) and quality assurance (EQAVET), and in order to modernise and improve the level of quality, excellence and attractiveness of their VET organisations and enhance the European mobility of skilled labour force. Consequently, ATTRACT-VET aims at the implementation of the following activities and the development of innovative outputs: - Explore the European EQF-ECVET-EQAVET tools and related resources, compiling them in the @CATALOGUE - Analyse the gaps and challenges of VET providers (managers, team leaders, project managers, contents/programme designers, trainers/teachers, other educational staff), which they are facing for implementing and using the EQF-ECVET-EQAVET tools within their organisations and daily practice at work, during the STATE OF THE ART STUDY - Develop a new, innovative and multidisciplinary approach, including the ECVET CURRICULUM, TRAINING PROGRAMME and OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES - Empower VET professionals during piloting and validation of the ECVET CURRICULUM and TRAINING PROGRAMME - Encourage synergies and cooperation between VET providers and exchange of practices, providing OPERATIONAL GUIDELINES for boosting the implementation of the ECVET CURRICULUM and TRAINING PROGRAMME - Engage stakeholders and target groups by involving them in planning developments from the outset and at all subsequent phases, and offering them and open and attractive “showrooms” of the project, the OER PLATFORM In this way, the ATTRACT-VET will aim to generate different levels of impact through the use of its outputs on the participants, participating organisations, target groups and other stakeholders, both during and after the project. It will have a direct impact on local, regional, national and European level by enabling VET professionals to practically implement the European tools EQF-ECVET-EQAVET in their daily work with learners.

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