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Learning Outcomes Approach and ECVET Principles for Assessment and Validation of Work-based Learning and Apprenticeships: Training Programme and OER for VET and Enterprise Tutors
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In line with ET2020 objectives recently elaborated in Riga Conclusions (2015) calling to "to promote work-based learning in all its forms", "to enhance access to VET and qualifications through more flexible systems", to promote the use of transparency and recognition tools, to support for transnational mobility, to support for professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in school and work-based setting, our ECVET-Enterprise has set the following goals:- to improve the skills and abilities of VET tutors and enterprise tutors for using learning outcomes (LO approach) and ECVET in assessment and validation of LO in work-based learning (WBL);- to move towards uniformity and common understanding of LO and use of EU tools, especially ECVET, within the Baltic Sea region;- to promote the mainstreaming of ECVET (more active use by practitioners) by offering support tools and resources;- promoting partnerships between VET schools and enterprises in the Baltic Sea region for national and transnational mobilities, apprenticeships or WBL.The main target groups of ECVET-Enterprise project are:- VET providers, managers of VET schools, coordinators of WBL, and particularly, VET tutors supervising apprenticeships;- Employers, coordinators of training, particularly, enterprise tutors (mentors) supervising apprenticeships;- VET learners (apprentices, trainees) involved in national and transnational mobilities, especially for WBL.ECVET-Enterprise acronym represents the project approach of involving enterprise sector and WBL tutors from enterprises in development, training and other activities of the project.The above-mentioned goals will be achieved through the following project steps:- Needs analysis and development of the training program for VET and enterprise tutors supervising WBL- development of open education resources (OER) to support the training program- piloting the training program and OER in 3 levels: international staff training (preparing Lead Trainers) national training workshops transnational mobilities of VET learners where trained tutors can test their skills;- development of ECVET Toolset for Assessment and Validation of WBL;- multipliers' events and dissemination activities to ensure wide use of the ECVET-Enterprise outputs and their sustainability.The expected outcomes of ECVET-Enterprise will be:- training methodology and training program "LO outcomes approach and ECVET for validation and assessment of WBL" for VET and enterprise tutors supervising apprenticeships, national and transnational mobilities;- OER with practical examples to support training program placed on-line for further use by WBL providers;- "ECVET Toolset for Assessment and Validation of WBL" with case studies, best practices, comparative analysis, project experience on using ECVET in partner countries, credit transfer, validation and assessment procedures; practical recommendations for implementation of ECVET.- approximately 140 trained VET tutors and tutors from enterprises in Latvia, Estonia, Germany and Finland;- VET schools enabled to provide guidance to host enterprises regarding use of LO approach, ECVET, assessment and validation.ECVET-Enterprise project partnership consists of VET providers, enterprise sector representatives, VET stakeholders and policy/decision makers from Latvia, Estonia, Finland and Germany.

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