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Jugendaustausch Viscri, Rumänien und St. Georgen, Deutschland 2016
Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Aug 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Viscri incepe" is a nonprofit organization since 1999. This women’s project was founded by two german people who live there ,and 30 women of Viscri. Many people are very poor in this small village because here are just few workplaces. One old woman began to sell her knitted socks and the tourists from Germany took the socks home for them or they tried to sell them.That started the “Viscri woollen socks” project, project that now involves about 90 women and girls from the village. They knit not just socks, but also mittens, hats, headbands, blankets for babies, jumpers, slippers, felt hats and so on. The organization friends have been selling for years socks in fairs from Romania and Germany. In this way, the women and the girls are helped to get a small but necessary income. Our women´s proiect concerning self-help created a small network and with one of our partner-organisation in Freiburg/i.B./Germany a online-shop."Viscri incepe" is also a support for students and young people. There are no public means of transport in Viscri. That’s why our organization “Viscri incepe” has organized and financed for about thirteen years the transport for Viscri pupils. In this way almost all young people between 16 and 19 years old can go to Vocational Schools or High School in Rupea. We want our young people to assume more responsibilities for themselves and for the society. Our organization for some years has offered and created opportunities to spend their free time in a good way, supported by a social worker. They are involved in sport competitions and trips. Volunteer youngsters also organize games for children, cultural events and are involved in ecological activities. We also prepared binational Youth exchanges with a Belgian association, financed bei EU-Program "Youth in Action" and "Erasmus". We organized also youth exchanges with German schools. As beneficiars of one Foundation from Baden-Württemberg we offer workshops for the women and seminars for the youngsters to promote their personal development, vocational guidance, teamworking. Last October we organized a workshop at The Participation Day for EU- DanubeStrategy 2015.Most people in Viscri have no social insurance. The nearest hospital, in the small town of Rupea, is some 10 miles away, with no public transport and very few cars available. That’s why our organization has helped one woman to obtain a European recognized qualification as a nurse. Now she can take care for superficial wounds, to change the bandage, to take care of people after surgeries and births. After school we help children with their homework for a small contribution from their parents. In our youthwork we learned togehther solve a problem, we learned from each other and doing so, to be more tolerant and not be racist.In this excursion with 24 youngsters from Romania and one socialworker and 17 pupils from germany with their teachers we want helped the youngsters to open their mind and to look outside the small village and to reflect their traditions. ty. Along with historical awareness, we hope they will gain more courage to stand up for their own traditions and simultaneously gain tolerance and open-mindness. This should help them to become active citizens of their own country!
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