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B-Learning: Curriculum Design for Blended Learning
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools requires not only competent use of technical tools, but also a new kind of understanding of why, how and when technologies support students learning. In schools today ICT is rather used for the development of lower than higher level skills of students, and innovative practices in schools are fragmented and do not provide systemic approach to schooling in technology rich learning environment. Experience and variety of social habits of contemporary students - digital natives - today is formed and shaped both in the real and virtual environment and they radically change didactics and organization of the processes in schools, individual activities and development of competences. Transformation of traditional schooling, by merging on-line and off-line learning experiences of students, is crucial for competitiveness of education reducing the gap between academic achievements and real life needs. “… the main challenge, including for the most advanced education systems, lies in teachers’ capacities to use technology effectively in the classroom.” (UNESCO 2011) The Project “B-Learning: Curriculum Design for Blended Learning” (B- Learning) aims to provide resources and training for school teams how to transform traditional schooling by combining on-line and off-line teaching - learning experiences. In this process teachers should become the main motivators and initiators of the ICT implementation and agents of change from the classical method into the modern one which is also known as blended learning (BL). The project objective is in line with ‘Europe 2020’ Strategy promoting synergies of experience and know-how among four EU countries and different types of institutions involved in education and training. The BE-Learning project will be implemented by 6 project partners from Latvia, Austria, Cyprus and UK. The project direct target group will be 3-5 leadership team members from 5 schools in each partner country, about 100 persons. Indirect target groups will include teachers and students, teacher trainers and policy decision makers. The main project outcomes will be: 1) Needs Analysis Report; 2) BE-Learning Toolkit; 3) Trained school teams. The desired impact of the project is increased national and European understanding of blended learning and purposeful integration of ICT in schooling. By introducing BL approach education process at school will become more modern and dynamic, appropriate for students’ expectations, skills and abilities and in compliance with labour market needs. School leadership teams will have clear vision how to diversify teaching learning process.
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5 Partners Participants