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Hanseatic Tradition for VET:Mobility Strategies for Promoting Enterprenership Skills of VET Students
End date: Dec 23, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

More and more VET institutions are willing to arrange international placements and apprenticeships for their students. The ET2020 strategic priority No1 "Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality" proposes that mobility abroad should become a rule rather than exception. This will mean a growing number of mobilities in VET. The mass scale of mobilities requires strategies for ensuring the quality of mobilities. Individuals and institutions have to benefit from mobilities as much as possible. The economies also should benefit as much as possible.So far, the focus in the content of mobilities has been on 1) professional/vocational aspects; 2) on cultural and language aspects. However, VET mobilities which involve placements at enterprises abroad give an opportunity to observe and learn entrepreneurship aspects in addition to professional aspects. One way to improve the quality and value added of VET mobilities is a strategy aimed at development of entrepreneurship skills during international placements. To implement such a strategy, we need 1) awareness and mechanisms of support at policy level, 2) awareness and skills of VET staff in VET institutions. The overall aim of HansaVET project: To support improvements in quality and innovation in vocational education by improving the quality of mobility of people involved in initial vocational education. The main aims of HansaVET project are:1) To introduce a new mobility strategy to VET systems in Baltic sea region to promote entrepreneurship and ensure high-quality placements; 2) To equip VET teachers, trainers and VET mobility coordinators with skills for coaching and guiding mobility students towards entrepreneurship; 2) to promote entrepreneurship skills of VET students;HansaVET consortium consists of 6 partners: State Education Centre (LV); Norden Association(SE); Baltic Bright (LV); Hanseatic Parliament (GE); Tartu Vocational Education Centre (ES); Vytautas Magnus University (LT)Project outcomes:1) A new mobility strategy developed for VET of 5 Baltic sea region countries. 10 VET policy and decision makers from 5 Baltic Sea Region countries have signed Memorandum of Understanding to support IVET Mobilities with focus on entrepreneurship skills;2)Trained 11 VET teacher trainers and 330 VET teachers;3) Published Methodological Guide for IVET mobility organizers;Short term impact: 1) Support for the new mobility strategy in VET systems of Baltic sea region countries;2) 330 VET teachers have skills to support and guide their mobility students towards entrepreneurship; 3) If 1 teacher coaches 10 students per year, 3300 VET students may learn entrepreneurship during placements in one year.Long term impact: 1)VET mobilities become the tool of entrepreneurship knowledge transfer in the region and in EU; 2)More young entrepreneurs and increasing number of SME increases in the region; 3) Higher quality and competitiveness of VET ; 4) Stronger links between VET and the world of work.

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