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This project main goal is to influence and conduct the modernization of the education and training system used in organizations working in the field of visual impairment directly focusing on their professional bodies, bridging a deficiency of available specific training in this area in many of the participating countries, while, at the same time, promoting the exchange of experience and know-how b ...
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In the context of increased migration to European countries the VIME project will develop a model to optimise the use of volunteers working alongside, and in collaboration with, professionals within migrant language and literacy education provision. Language and literacy education is vital in supporting the integration of adult migrants. Not only because proficiency in the language and literacy of ...
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Exploring Blended Learning approaches for VET

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

There is a growing realisation that digital technology has a role to play within VET programmes and services. Many see such technologies as having the potential to enhance existing learning provision and in enabling new forms of learning, which are captured under the term Technology-enhanced Learning (TEL). However, the use of TEL across European VET providers is patchy and there is a lack of pro ...
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The Belfast Budapest Digital Media Project

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Objectives of the project:To arrange an exchange visit so our Higher Level students can experience education and vocational training in a new cultural environment.Number and profile of participants:Two education institutions will be involved, with 40 students and four accompanying tutorsDescription of activities:Students will visit KJF and take part in classes and work-based scenarios Staff will v ...
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The EU programme Erasmus+ aims to improve the quality and efficiency of European education systems. The proposed project will establish an international strategic partnership to consider quality management measures suitable for use in institutions of higher education. By involving experts from within and outside institutions of higher education, a robust and trustworthy procedure for quality mana ...
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The largest cause of sensory impairments is the ageing process with over 60s. Rising life expectancy and increasing numbers of older people in the population in Europe means a growing number of individuals are affected by visual and hearing impairments. Thus, raising general awareness of problems and potential solutions is essential to maximising individual quality of life and minimising social is ...
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Vocational schools with a long-term and substantial experience in the field of automotive engineering in Poland – namely Zespół Szkół Mechanicznych, Świdnica; Zespół Szkół nr 5, Walbrzych; Zespół Szkół Technicznych „Mechanik”, Jelenia Góra – and Germany – namely Berufliches Schulzentrum für Technik „August Horch“, Zwickau and Karl-Heine-Schule, Leipzig – have come together in order to enable youn ...
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Horizon to the Future

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018,

Horizon to the Future -project is a guidence process which includes important areas of human personal skills. The coordinating school is Joutsa High School from Finland, which has done several international projects in past years with their own funding. We have 4 partner schools, who has always had a very strong international focus and they all have their own field of expertice which are involved ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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THE CONTEXT OF THE PROJECTThe project is the extension of the LdV-HU-09-TAN-1044-1073-1087-1088 VET Mobility Certificate (LLP-VET-MOB-CERT) for the 1st Round of the Erasmus+ programme. THE AIM OF THE PROJECTThe aim of the project is the implementation of VET student and teacher mobilities on the basis of the pedagogical programme of the sending institution, bearing in mind the current training and ...
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LWETB 2016

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

...ness of the European project and the EU values; 9) increased motivation for taking part in future (formal/non-formal) education or training after the mobility period abroad. European Projects DepartmentProject Managers: Sorcha Nic Dhonnacha & Garrett BuckleyPrincipal Mullingar Community College: Padraic O'DowdErasmus+ Coordinator: Louise Morgan Other members, J.Pyke, Martina Whyte and Lorraine La ...
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Focus on Skills, Competence and Quality Assurance in Mobility

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

FOSC III for Quality Assurance in European placements offers students in vocational education and training opportunities to learn core competence and life long learning skills in an integrated manner to bring out the full potential in professional growth of each student. The participants to this project are students and teachers in intial vocational education and training of various education sect ...
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The Borderless Sky / Der grenzenlose Himmel

Start date: Nov 28, 2014, End date: May 27, 2018,

The Borderless Sky accompanies five selected astro-photographers on their very special mission to capture the starry sky in ways that enable the audience to feel all the magic and the spiritual power of the night sky again. Equipped with high-tech cameras and camping gear, they head for the remotest of places, defy extreme weather and risk their necks for the sake of unique and never-to-be-repeate ...
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Terra Cotta Symposium

Start date: Jun 5, 2016, End date: Feb 4, 2018,

Tepebasi Municipality is realizing an international symposium each year under the name of “International Terra Cotta Symposium”, which is organized to keep alive the terra cotta tradition in the city of Eskişehir. Today to keep the terra cotta tradition alive, the municipality organizes series of event during the International Terra Cotta Symposium. The first one is the artistic dimension; every y ...
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Act Social, Think Global!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

Act Social - Thik Global! is a project composed of two activities: Evs mobilities and PBA.It deals with the following main themes: volunteering and intercultural learning in social and educational contexts. Its goal is focused both on the volunteers and the youth workers involved.The EVS volunteers will develop new competences in social and educational field e they’ll get new tools to work with ta ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

...lin as a member of the city network XARXA FP applies the evaluation forms which were developed according to the development of the certification ISO 9001:2000 (or now 2008). In whole, the Senate Department for Education plans not only to send young persons during their initial vocational training, experts, trainers and teachers, and young professionals in their first year after finishing their voc ...
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Recycle Upcycle

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Our project will cover two main concerns, namely unemployment and environmental conservation. We have found with so many problems most people lose interest in issues of environmental conservation and often focus only on the problem of unemployment. This project will combine environmental conservation by creating opportunities for employment in these industries and fields. It is known that unemp ...
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CityBound Europe Youth Exchanges 2016

Start date: Dec 30, 2015, End date: Dec 29, 2017,

CityBound Europe Youth Exchanges 2016 will be a continuation of the mission of CityBound Europe Network of eight NGOs from different European countries gathered by the common aim: bring Europe closer to young people. In order to reach this aims our Network organises several youth activities in member countries all over the Europe. During theses seven-days-long CityBound Youth Exchanges young peopl ...
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ACTivate your soft skills!

Start date: Sep 30, 2016, End date: Dec 29, 2017,

The project “ACTivate your soft skills” focuses on soft skills, which are widely applied within and outside the workplace and are very important for entrepreneurship, personal and professional development. Its aim is to outline the importance of soft skills nowadays, especially within the labour market, and to develop them in the participants’ personality. To achieve this and to approach the subje ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

ADIF is working on projects to national dimension, European and / or international. Our projects are often worn by the team of ADIF (3 employees in full-time, 2 Civil Services), volunteers or associations attending the Maison du Citoyen and International Solidarity.ADIF intervenes to support young people and associations in their personal and collective project involving citizenship, entrepreneurs ...
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CityBound Europe 4.0

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

CBEurope 4.0 is a continuation of the CBEurope 3.0-project, which consolidated a solid network of partners from 8 countries who were organizing cyclic youth exchanges for kids 14-17 along the methodology of adventure-based learning. The umbrella-project for all those activities in CBEurope 4.0 aims at setting further development of the network, raising the quality and range of activities offered ...
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The aim of this project is to improve the inclusion of vision impaired people and their quality of life. Even 14 years after the ratification of WHO's "International Classification of Functioning, Disability and health" (ICF), vision impaired people make the experience, that the assessment of their performance is still reduced to their impairment. Concerns about their physical autonomy and mobil ...
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Six organizations are partners in this project and more than 1000 participants are involved in activities, VET teachers/trainers and students. Each participating partner presented the difficulties their countries were facing concerning vocational training and the gap between formal training and the needs expressed by the companies in terms of the quality of job applicants. All the partners involve ...
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Rainbow of Tolerance

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

All we need is love! How I choose to love and with whom I want to spend all my life-time it is my decision that everybody should respect. There is no rainbow without a little rain, and after the rain it is my right to be accepted and to be happy. It is your time to support the LGBTI community and fight together with them to break the prejudices and help young people to be tolerant.Rainbow of Toler ...
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Up And Out

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Looking at the current situation with youth unemployment and the educations paths of young people, this project will take a look at the labour market from the perspective labour markets. At the moment most young people study something which they believe they will like, or that their parents have encouraged them to study and after their university they are simply another statistic behind the unempl ...
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Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Youth unemployment is a major concern all over the EU with some countries reporting over 40% youth unemployment. Young people are more pressured into getting degrees and qualifications in order to increase their chances of employment but there seems to be a gap in the system as universities and schools are not being updated about the market trends and as a result the employability of youth is dec ...
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Uues majas uus elu

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Ahtme School is a school for children with slight, medium, severe and profound disabilities. In year 2014-2015 the school house was completely renovated with the support of European Regional Development Fund. As a result of this renovation the school provides students with a modern environment of high quality with all the facilities for young people's development and successful socialisation. In o ...
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Eco-DESsign training for agricultural and FOOD industry

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

... as logistics issues, weight and volume of packaging, new materials available for food products and their interactions food-packaging, marketing criteria, best available technologies, end of life treatment of packaging waste, regulations and legislation, etc.. The project will follow the following METHODOLOGY .The start of the project will begin with two parallel phases which will consist of dev ...
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YW - Anti-Bias Approach for Youth Workers

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Discrimination is a worldwide social problem and a common ground for individuals without the recognition of social statuses. According to the European Commission, accepting of diversity in the public sphere is increasing, but there is still gaps and differences between countries (“Discrimination in the EU in 2012”, Eurobarometer). Although types of discriminations are different for all countries, ...
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Projet de formation professionnelle

Start date: Oct 31, 2016, End date: Oct 30, 2017,

Our institution is a school of social promotion welcoming about 1250 students each year in different sectors of business that we are teaching (catering, catering industry , butchers , bakery and chocolate and confectionery). Our goal is to make our students acquire technical skills in their various trades and language skills while going to show our expertise in other European countries. Our firs ...
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Everyone is learning vol. 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The EVS project "Everyone is learning vol. 2” takes place in Ida-Virumaa, Estonia, within 14 months from 01.08.2016 to 30.09.2017. It brings to Narva and Ahtme 9 EVS volunteers from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Spain and Turkey to make their voluntary services in local communities. Volunteers will be received by 5 organizations: VitaTiim NGO, Sädemeke, Tuluke, Potsataja and Käoke kindergart ...
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This project is part of the need to satisfy some of our institution’s aims concerning the qualitative evolution of our training practices. We believe, therefore, that the promotion of mutual learning opportunities and the sharing of some of our best practices by all participants, whether students, staff or graduate students in professional contexts with social, cultural and linguistic characterist ...
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İkili Mesleki Eğitimde Avrupa İle Staj İşbirliği

Start date: Sep 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2017,

Besides formal and non-formal education in vocational and technical schools, vocational education and OSEP program is implemented in two. 3308 vocational and technical training as determined by the laws and regulations, approved by the Board of Education (MEGEP) modules and programs are implemented. Tokat Provincial Directorate of National Education of Tokat Chamber of Commerce, which was organize ...
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Our Project aims to train 24 teachers from Mehmet Akif Ersoy primary school on adaptaiton of refugee children to the education at Portugal. Our schoool has 53teachers and 805 students. 32 of these students are the refugees.Turkey accepts asylum seekers and refugess according to the internationa lagreements. There are 2.6 million refugees according the statistics of 2015 December. Espacially after ...
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Pastelería Creativa I

Start date: Sep 2, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2017,

...ach country, typical of each European region. These mobilities allow personal, professional, linguistic, social and cultural development of the participants. The project will be developed by the Department of Food Industries, with support from the management team of IES Salinas Francisco de Salamanca (sending partner) and in collaboration with our European partners (both host partners as intermedi ...
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Start date: Sep 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2017,

Off The Wall Expanded is a film showcase shared by different film events in diverse territories. It will present emerging filmmakers from European countries – and by carefully curating their films as an appealing proposal with current relevance, it aims to reach wider audiences by implementing across Europe collaborations. Beyond festivals dates, the project impels the further circulation of the p ...
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Viitor antreprenor!

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Youth Exchange "Future Entrepreneur" It will be a project created by young people for young people from disadvantaged backgrounds , especially in rural areas, which aims mainly to enable 48 young people and eight leaders from Romania, Czech Republic, Italy, Hungary, Slovakia, Spain, Bulgaria and Lithuania to better understand the concept of entrepreneurship, start up, sale, promotion and sustainab ...
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Gender Equality Across Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...o be refered to. Key project stakeholders have an hour in their schedule for consultation; local meetings,international reports, and regular collaboration between partners will allow possible adjustments and regular checkings in a constant common self-evaluation process under the guidance of the French partner. A second transnational project meeting (M2) for all partners (France, sept. 2016) wil ...
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Mobile Application for Skills Trainingin EntRepreneurShip

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

MASTERS stands for “M.obile A.pplication for S.kills T.raining in E.ntR.epreneurShip”. Entrepreneurial skills are of great importance for a country’s economic stability and therefore entrepreneurial education and training has been identified as one of the highest priorities by the European Commission in its Europe 2020 strategy. These skills are even more important in the field of Technical Vocati ...
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 FINISHED 5.1. round table discussion to get the feedback of professionals as well as trainees, their family members and disabled persons organizations will be led and moderated by the partner Rittmeyer Institute, Italy; 5.2. practical probation of prepared training modules applying it at the vocational training institutions will be coordinated by SUSTENTO, Latvian partner. Practical probation will reve ...
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