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Mülteci Çocukların İlkokulda Eğitim Süreçlerine Uyum Sağlaması Konusunda Öğretmenlerinin Eğitilmesi
Start date: Sep 5, 2016, End date: Sep 4, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our Project aims to train 24 teachers from Mehmet Akif Ersoy primary school on adaptaiton of refugee children to the education at Portugal. Our schoool has 53teachers and 805 students. 32 of these students are the refugees.Turkey accepts asylum seekers and refugess according to the internationa lagreements. There are 2.6 million refugees according the statistics of 2015 December. Espacially after the Syrian civil war, the number of refugees increases day by day. There is a need on education of refugee people’s children . The numvber of refugee children is incresing too. So that the adaptaiton of the refugee children to existing education system is abig problem for our school and other schools in Yozgat.The objectives of the Project are:a) Training the participant teachers by training in Portugal and the other teachers vby dissemination activities on psychosocial needs of refugees. By this way tecahers will be able to know the refugee children’s needs and increase the education quality for refugee children.b) Minimzing the social exclusion risk for refugee children art school environmentc) Preventing the problems that the existence of refugee student may lead.d) To train the trainers fort he trainings in Yozgat provincee) To increase the awareness level about the refugees at society.f) To increase the awareness level of stakeholders in education field on ewducaiton rights of refugeesg) Trasfering the experiences of Portugal on education of refugees to Turkey and preparing a recommendations paper ontihs topic.h) Increase the foreign alanguage skills of the pariticipants.i) Prevenitnig the prejudices of partiicpants about Europe.j) Traiing the pariticpants on European Union values such as tolerence, human rightsPArpticipants will be qualified on adaptaiton of refugee students to education after the trainig in Portugal. They will learn about therights of reugees and asylum seekers accorindg to internaitonal agreements, the history of refugee problem. This informaiton will lead the participants to fight against xenophobia.

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