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Horizon to the Future
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Horizon to the Future -project is a guidence process which includes important areas of human personal skills. The coordinating school is Joutsa High School from Finland, which has done several international projects in past years with their own funding. We have 4 partner schools, who has always had a very strong international focus and they all have their own field of expertice which are involved in our project. IIS ”Viale Adige” is a vocational school from Civitavecchia Italy, their strentgh is the entrepreunal skills. INS Montmélo in a secondary school from Montmélo Spain. They worked long time with socioemotional learning and that is their expertice to our project. Europagymnasium is a high school from Bitterfeld Germany and they are strong in the field of soft- and self presentation skills. IES Afonso X O Sabio is a secondary school from Cambre Spain. They have done much work in the field of peer mediation and conflict resolution skills. Joutsa Yhtenäiskoulu is our partner because there are same teachers working in both of Joutsa´s schools. Joutsa High School´s strenght is the counselling methods used, that is to develop students self esteem and self acknowledgement through various excercises. The schools have been working in international partenrships in previous years, also with each others, yet they have been done this on a bilateral basis. This new project gives us the chance to gain additional experience in cluster work. The innovative content of our project is the process -perspective for the student´s career developmental process. Our project focuses in all areas of personality growth: 1. The emotional area is the key of the learning process, 2. Social relationships are extremely important both in work- and student lives and it is nescessary to have conflict resolution skills, 3. Guidance for academic journey, practical skills to do that and life long learning perspective, 4. Help the students to plan their future professional careers according to their personality and interests. Develop ICT skills. This project allows us to consolidate as European citizens. We have 6 different kinds of activities in our project: 1. Workshops for students will form a continueing process for a student: one has to got to 1) know her/himself and where one´s emotions comes from and one is able to cope with them (1st workshop in Montmélo), 2) to know her/his strong and weak points, to find out how to study efficiently and what kinds of careers would be suitable for oneself (2nd workshop in Joutsa), 3) The student have to learn how to get along with other and different people, how to make one´s opinions out to others (3rd workshop in Bitterfeld), 4) Because people are always interacting with each others one have to have skills of mediation and the knowledge how to solve disagreements (4th workshop in Cambre) and finally 5) The student is able to start thinking about becoming a entrepreuner and one has to learn skills how to do that (5th workshop in Civitavecchia). 2. Seminars for teachers, 5 times and at the same time as student´s workshop. 3. Tasks and excercises in between the workshop/seminar -weeks, in our project´s website. These excercises are also done with other groups of students in our partner schools. 4. A ”Guidance Toolbox for future orientation” -eGuide is being collected in our project´s website. 5. Transnational meetings are held 5 times before the actual event week. ”Project team” meets and discusses the plans for next event week and evaluates the former one. 6. The final event summarises the whole project. All outputs and the eGuide are then presented to public. All materials and results developed are to been found at all times in our project´s website: the assesment reports of organizing school of every event week, blogs, excercises and videos made during events, the feedback summaries of participants, memos of assessment discussions and memos from transnational meetings. We want that everyone who is interested of our project´s topics and methods will be able to read details of it and to gain practical material of it. The students and teachers involved in the project will develop many new skills, for example problem solving- and debating skills, teachers learn ICT- and project management skills and new methodologies from each other. Dissemination of our results are done mainly through project´s website, various information leaflets and the final event. Project´s website is open for everyone also after the project has ended. Information is given openly to different media and to the final event there will be invited our stakeholders and members of the media. The most important results are immaterial and long-term results are been seen in our students future career choices and lives and in quality of our teachers work. We hope students will become good European citizen with a strong selfesteem and efficient skills to cope with different situations and with different cultures.
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5 Partners Participants