European Projects
Eco-DESsign training for agricultural and FOOD in..
Eco-DESsign training for agricultural and FOOD industry
Start date: Nov 1, 2015,
End date: Oct 31, 2017
The aim of EcoDESforFOOD + Project is to develop and provide a comprehensive training for all aspects of the ecodesign of packaging for the food industry with an interdisciplinary and transversal approach to the main professionals involved in the production of packaging and agri-food packaging. The project will develop training contents of the main blocks of ecodesign and a platform for e-learning with open access to all professionals interested in the project and it will be available in English and in the three languages of the participating countries (Spanish, Greek and Swedish) The e-learning platform will include the following modules:Techniques and Methodologies for assessing environmental impact; Environmental Impact Assessment; Management options to use of packaging waste and valuation techniques and final disposal of packaging; Materials (new materials and best choices for agrifood industry); Eco-packaging and food packaging; Package-food interactions, sensory quality and shelf life of food depending on the packaging, Best Available Technologies and Case Studies.
The TARGET GROUP profile corresponds to:
- Design professionals such as industrial design engineers and graphic designers.
- Managers of agribusiness SMEs.
- Agri-food manufacturers packaging entrepreneurs.
- Marketing proffessionals aiming to integrate the awareness of eco-design in the products they offer.
The project seeks to develop and offer a complete training for these professionals, since the criteria defining more environmentally sustainable design of packaging affect to many aspects to consider in a comprehensive way and include different knowledge areas as logistics issues, weight and volume of packaging, new materials available for food products and their interactions food-packaging, marketing criteria, best available technologies, end of life treatment of packaging waste, regulations and legislation, etc..
The project will follow the following METHODOLOGY .The start of the project will begin with two parallel phases which will consist of developing a transnational analysis and a comparative and diagnosis of the training needs and offer. With the obtained results of both tasks, a comparative matrix will be developed that will allow a transnational Competence Profile. Then a proper methodology for the e-learning course will be proposed. Subsequently the seven training modules will be developed. The learning outcomes will be defined according to ECVET and including the level (NQF, ISCED and EQF) and the credit ECVET points.
Some of the ACHIEVMENTS of the project which may be mentioned are:
- It will improve the training and the professional qualifications of the profesional profiles involved in the development of packaging and packag- for the food industry.
- It will provide a comprehensive and holistic training of ecodesign complement to traditional training of the professionals involved.
- It will provide an important tool for food companies to meet the objectives of reducing packaging and packaging waste set by the European directives until 2030 for all member countries.
- To improve the sustainability of the Agro food industry through the promotion of eco-design. Eco-design of products involves incorporating into product design consideration of environmental impacts throughout the TOTAL LIFE CYCLE OF THE PRODUCT,
- To make Europe an efficient society in the use of resources, produce less waste and use as a resource, whenever possible, thus advancing towards a "recycling society"
- Reducing the environmental impact of its products and processes.
- Increased efficiency: saving raw materials and energy.
- Development of new business opportunities.
- Adaptation and compliance with current regulations and guidelines of sustainability in EU.
Entities of EcoDESfor FOOD+CONSORTIUM has an strong background in ecodesing subjects and agrofood sector which implies a solid structure for developing a high quality project and contribute to an important an important reinforcement on the qualification of professionals of the target group. The Consortium integrates the following entities:
PCTAD has solid experience in project management and knowledge transfer to companies in the food and environmental sector with a dynamic and highly qualified personnel.
University of Zaragoza, one of the most prestigious universities in Spain, has more than 3,800 teaching and research staff, over 2,000 administration and service staff, and more than 37,000 students.
Luleå University of Technology, is Scandinavia's northernmost university of technology, is a partner in several FP7, H2020 and RFCS running projects.
Marketmentoro has an extensive experience in european projects and vocational training services. It is also increasingly active in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad.