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32 European Projects Found

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Development and Accessibility of Interactive E-services (Come Closer)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Two port cities - Ventspils in Latvia and Klaipeda in Lithuania - are cooperation within the project “Come Closer” which aims to improve the accessibility of cross border e-services and internet provision, thus strengthening the competitiveness of the region.Residents of Ventspils and Klaipeda will benefit from the increased internet accessibility and e-services as the public service process will ...
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... Achievements: 1. Rain and surface water treatment systems are constructed in Klaipeda (Lithuania).2. Local sewage treatment engineer systems are constructed in the settlement Primorie of Svetlogorskiy district municipality of the Kaliningrad region (Russia).3. Feasibility stud ...
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...ctives – improvement of the ecological situation in the Neman river basin and the Curonian Lagoon, construction of the leachate and waste water treatment plants in the landfills of Dumpiai village (Klaipeda, Lithuania) and Neman town (the Kaliningrad region, Russia), re-cultivation and closing of the landfill in Neman, promotion of activities and its results. ...
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PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and ...
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My Social Responsibility (My Response)

Start date: Apr 1, 2012, End date: Mar 31, 2014,

Respective documents of Latvia and Lithuania indicates several weaknesses in social integration of people with disabilities. Social rehabilitation (particularly social integration), common quality of social services, environmental accessibility and educational level of people employed in social sector are recognized as insufficient. Mostly environmental accessibility mismatches with present demand ...
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Effective Governance for people (ILPR.02.02.00-96-088/10-00)

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

...n resources. The main objective is planned to be achieved through upgrading of the electronic document management systems in the civil registry offices (Agency) in the Kaliningrad region (Russia) and Klaipeda region (Lithuania). Expected Res ...
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The project Creating favorable investment environment for growth of Liepaja and Klaipeda will be implemented in cooperation between two local administration institutions of the coastal cities - Liepaja City Council and Klaipeda City Municipality Administration. Project will be implemented in Liepaja city and Klaipeda city with the total population of more than 250 000 inhabitants. Liepaja and Klai ...
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Start date: Jun 9, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013,

BALTIC SEA CLEAN SHIPPING (CLEANSHIP), is part of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and has by the EU Commission become selected as a strategic flagship project in its mission to make the Baltic Sea a model region for clean shipping. It promotes measures to reduce emissions from ships to the atmosphere and elaborates ways to promote infrastructure for bunkering of LNG and increased use of ...
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Modern Water Management in the South Baltic Sea Area (MOMENT)

Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Jun 29, 2013,

The European Water Policy and the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) aim at ensuring clean waters. HELCOM Baltic Sea Action Plan (BSAP) has appointed eutrophication and hazardous substances as key issues requiring action. In achieving this, the roles of local actors and citizens will be crucial. The local and regional levels are very important for the implementation of practical measures aiming at ...
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Project aims at creating supporting environment for the development of creative industries in the project areas and fostering the sustainability of economy. It will also facilitate the commercialization of creative business ideas in the audio-visual, multimedia and design by establishing cooperation networks and supporting infrastructure at the level of local municipalities. It is planned to impro ...
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The Baltic Sea’s unique ecology is under a lot of pressure. Fishing, maritime pollution from ships and substantial additions of nutrition from e.g. sewage and farming all pose a threat to the inland sea where the water is estimated to take 30 years to renew. At all times there are some 2000 ships in movement, and each year we see 120-140 collisions and groundings in the Baltic Sea – both traffic a ...
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Climate change was recognized not only in terms of mitigation but also because of the need of adaptation as a major challenge that cannot be solved solely by single actors and territorial restricted actions, but asks for a coordination and support at a higher level. This is highlighted by the EU Green Paper on Adaptation to Climate Change, but also by other documents such as the EC Thematic Strate ...
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Natural science and mathematics curriculum in Latvia and Lithuania should have been changed a long time ago. Rapid development of science, technology and economic changes has resulted in many labour-intensive industries turning into knowledge-based industries. Quality of higher and vocational education is a precondition for preparing natural science, engineering and technology experts. Lack of pro ...
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Creative Industries in Traditional Intercultural Spaces (CITIES)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

...ect named “Creative Industries in Traditional Intercultural Spaces” (CITIES) is a joined initiative generated by 9 partners from 6 countries: Lithuania, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Hungary, Slovenia. Klaipeda City Municipality as the main initiator of the project will perform a role of the Lead Partner. The project addresses Priority 1 of INTERREG IV C Programme (sub-theme: entrepreneurship and SMEs). ...
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...en the interest of the different history. The exhibition started in July 2010 and travelled already to four locations of four countries - Rostock (Germany), Gdansk (Poland), Karlskrona (Sweden) and Klaipeda (Lithuania). Not onlyto promote the exhibition but also the museums themselves in the most proper way - partners have produced several marketing material, such as a common museum flyer presenti ...
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EUROBALTIC Civil Proctection Project II (Eurobaltic II)

Start date: Sep 25, 2005, End date: Jan 24, 2008,

EUROBALTIC II is the follow up of the BSR INTERREG IIIB project "EUROBALTIC Programme for Civil Protection in the BSR", which has established a general framework of cooperation in the area of civil protection, allowed common identification of risks and need for actions in the BSR, and resulted in a joint understanding among the project partners regarding priorities for addressing shortcomings in t ...
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...effects.3. Development of pan-Baltic adaptation strategy and providing country specific national strategies.4. Climate Impact studies for each case study city or region (Gdansk, Riga, Espoo, Kokkola, Klaipeda, Pirkanmaa Region , Kokkola, Tallinn and Pärnu, Estonian archipelago, Curonian spit, Oder river basin, Salaca river basin).
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Baltic Energy Efficiency Network for the Building Stock (BEEN)

Start date: Jun 20, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

...cipality and the local homeowners’ associations (HOAs) in the process. Project partners in Lithuania decided to elaborate a technical standard documentation for the most frequent building types in Klaipeda to encourage and support HOAs in the initiation and implementation of refurbishment projects. In Latvia, an electronic cost-calculation model has been developed, which shall facilitate the prepa ...
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The aim of Baltic Master was to improve maritime safety by integrating and bringing forward local and regional perspectives. This included measures to improve the prevention and the preparedness for ship accidents as well as methods for managing the coastal zones.The issues concerning safe transportations, oil combatting and coastal management has a clear transnational link as they deal with the e ...
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Baltic Gateway PLUS aimed at joint actions to implement and finance prioritised transport projects in the South Baltic Sea area. Focus was on infrastructure investments in the hinterland connections, as well as on implementation of intermodal services. The project involved 30 partners from six countries and had an overall budget of approximately 1 MEUR. It was implemented in the period 2006-2007.B ...
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Maritime Tourism Marketing in the Baltic Sea Region (MARITOUR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

Apart from the natural diversity the Baltic Sea Region has everything a boating tourism region needs: festival highlights such as the Hanse Sail and the Kieler Woche, numerous smaller but no less attractive maritime events, about 1,500 marinas and some 500 traditional vessels sailing the Baltic Sea.What is missing is a cooperative marketing platform. Many maritime suppliers conduct their own marke ...
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Exploiting Inland Waterways for Regional Development (InWater)

Start date: Jan 1, 2006, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The main aim of the project was to create fundamentals for development by exploiting inland waterways. As for many years the role of waterways was minimized therefore they suffered continuous degradation. Tourism was one of the sectors, which can speed up the regional development. Therefore it was important to create conditions and also increase tourist attractiveness for foreign tourists. Central ...
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The Baltic Sea Region is facing an increasing urban traffic which contributes to pollution abundance and less attractive cities. Baltic Sea Cycling is a co-operation between 22 partners in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden for the development of sustainable and attractive townscapes. The project has addressed problems concerning the integration of cycling as a part of urban tra ...
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Coastal Zone Management in the Baltic Sea Region / COASTMAN (COASTMAN)

Start date: Jun 13, 2004, End date: Sep 12, 2007,

The COASTMAN project is aimed on developing approaches for conflicts resolution in coastal zone areas. The project partners’ group with representatives from Sweden, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia and Russia aimed at investigating conditions under which spatial conflict resolution in coastal zone management can be handled in a bottom up perspective in different countries around Baltic Sea. The ...
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...ridors and bottlenecks were investigated and concrete investments prepared. Development along the corridors Øresund-Gedser-Rostock-Berlin, Copenhagen-Ystad-Swinoujscie-Wroclaw, Copenhagen-Blekinge-Klaipeda-Vilnius, were studied. Road telematics installations for variable speed limits were installed and tested on road E22 in Blekinge. A prefeasibility study of new railway route between Kristianstad ...
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South East Baltic Transport Link (SEBTrans-Link )

Start date: Aug 28, 2002, End date: Nov 27, 2005,

SEBTrans-Link is a direct continuation of the former Interreg II C project SEBTrans. This SEBTrans project identified strong demand for improved infrastructure in the SEBTrans corridors. In the North-South Corridor, building the A1 motorway (Gdynia – Lodz) in Poland is a first priority together with improving the section within Sweden (Gothenburg – Borås – Växjö – Karlskrona). Road improvements pr ...
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Seagull-DevERB (Seagull )

Start date: Aug 19, 2002, End date: Nov 18, 2005,

...en the member regions of Euroregion Baltic (ERB), which are Kronoberg, Kalmar and Blekinge Counties in Sweden, the Regional Municipality of Bornholm in Denmark, The Kurzeme Planning Region in Latvia, Klaipeda County in Lithuania, Kaliningrad Region of The Russian Federation, and the Pomeranian and Warmia-Masurian Regions in Poland.The creation of ERB in 1998 was an expression of the member regions ...
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Due to development of mass manufacturingtechnologies, craft industry has lost itsimportance in Latvian and Lithuanianeconomies. However, there are stillcraftsmen and applied artists eager to usetheir talent and specific approach to work, traditions and knowledge inhabited fromtheir ancestors.The project promotes development of craftindustry in Kurzeme (LV) and Klaipėda (LT)regions, thus also contr ...
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...ning works leading to the preparation of concepts of the development of water management systems, including rainwater drainage in the municipalities of Gdynia, Reda, Rumia and Wejherowo in Poland and Klaipeda in Lithuania, and to the development of technical documentations for investments (for all project partners) connected with the pre-treatment of rain water that are key to the improvement of w ...
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The Blue Flag concept is the higheststandard for beaches and marines andtherefore has been set as a quality aim formany resorts. At the moment this standardhas been awarded to four beaches in Latviaand three in Lithuania, but still a better focuson the safety and first aid on the beaches isneeded.The project objective is to promote thesafety level for the beach visitors in theBaltic sea coastline ...
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The main goal of the project - opening of the new international water route connection for tourist transport in the Curonian Lagoon: Klaipeda-Juodkrante - Nida - Rybacij - Kaliningrad. The objectives of the project are: 1) preparation of the detailed project of the route and its approval with local and national authorities; 2) development of the information provision and promotion system for the r ...
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The general objective of the project is to enhance attractiveness of the tourist waterway Berlin-Kaliningrad-Klaipeda by strengthening parts of the waterway in Tczew and Klaipeda. The project partners have constructed a sailing and passenger port with places for passenger river ships, motor-boats and yachts in Tczew. They have also prepared a feasibility study, a special plan and a technical proje ...
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