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Developement of Unified Bay-watching System in the Baltic Sea Region (Bay Watch)

The Blue Flag concept is the higheststandard for beaches and marines andtherefore has been set as a quality aim formany resorts. At the moment this standardhas been awarded to four beaches in Latviaand three in Lithuania, but still a better focuson the safety and first aid on the beaches isneeded.The project objective is to promote thesafety level for the beach visitors in theBaltic sea coastline pursuant to the Blue Flagcriteria.The main results of the project are theincreased safety level on the beaches andimproved quality of saving services achievedby preparation of appropriate numberof professional and qualified lifeguards,development of common Baltic Seacoastline saving system consisting of partnerslocated along the sea coast - Saulkrasti,Jurmala, Liepaja (LV) and Klaipėda,Palanga, Neringa (LT), establishment ofmutual cooperation as well as exchange ofexperience between lifeguard teams.The project activities therefore includeestablishment of Lifeguard Training Centrein Jurmala, development of curriculaand training materials for lifeguards,defining common standards for lifeguards,improvement of quality of infrastructure andsaving equipment, raising public awarenesson safety on the beaches during informativeevents.
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  • 75%   666 491,25
  • 2000 - 2006 Latvia - Lithuania - Belarus (LV-LT-BY)
  • Project on KEEP Platform

5 Partners Participants