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Improvement of water purity of the Baltic Sea through development of water management systems – II stage (ILPR.01.01.00-72-110/10-00)
Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project is to contribute to reduction of the quantity of contaminants from rain and surface waters drained into the Baltic Sea from the south-eastern part of the Baltic Sea Region. Achievements: 1. Rain and surface water treatment systems are constructed in Klaipeda (Lithuania).2. Local sewage treatment engineer systems are constructed in the settlement Primorie of Svetlogorskiy district municipality of the Kaliningrad region (Russia).3. Feasibility study for construction of the international ecological camp in the settlement Primorie of Svetlogorskiy district of the Kaliningrad region (Russia) is prepared.4. Operation efficiency of water treatment systems and qualification of municipal officials in managing water systems, both aiming to preserve water environment of the Baltic Sea, are raised.5. The system of non-formal ecological education of children and youth is developed in the partner countries.6. Awareness is raised and conditions are created for engaging local community in the process of counteracting ecological problems and preventing contamination of the Baltic Sea waters.7. Efforts of the territories of the western Lithuania and western part of the Kaliningrad region in solving the problems of contamination of the Baltic Sea by rain and surface drainage waters are united through engagement of coastal municipalities of the Kaliningrad region into the infrastructural cross-border cooperation network, which was established during the project RAINNET 1.8. Experience/skills of international project management teams of the partners are improved.
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  • 90%   3 599 937,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Lithuania-Poland-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants