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MLG support to the implementation of PA 11 in the EU Baltic Sea Strategy (BSR TransGovernance)
Start date: Jun 12, 2012, End date: Sep 11, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

PA Transport of the EUSBSR calls for coordination of national transport policies and actions to ensure a harmonised transnational development of the transport system. The ensured thematic focus and established links between the above initiatives helped achieve certain stage of coordination and complementarity. However, fuller integration of the approaches, which would enable better development and alignment of transport policies at various governance tiers, faces a number of challenges. The project objective is to demonstrate how multi-level governance models, tools and approaches can contribute to a better alignment of transport policies in the BSR at various administrative levels and better incorporation of the business perspective. This is expected to increase commitment of public and private stakeholders to achieving greener and more efficient transport in the Baltic Sea Region, in line with PA 11 of the EU Baltic Sea Strategy. The project will place particular focus on developing and testing joint planning and implementation frameworks for transport policies at such reference scales, which have witnessed a long process of cooperation across the national borders with involvement of public/private stakeholders, and/or which have gathered a vast evidence for MLG actions. These are: MACRO (overall BSR area), MESO (cross-border integration areas), CORRIDOR (transnational multimodal transport corridors) and MICRO (intermodal terminals).In specific real conditions at those reference scales the project will run a few demonstration showcases. Through the so called stakeholder management process the project will engage relevant public and private actors to jointly develop:• sustainable implementation and management frameworks for macroregional and cross-border strategies, programmes and action plans (WP3) – and test them on the case how to streamline the results of the BTO and TransBaltic, and use them in the national and regional transport planning processes (MACRO) and how to secure durability of joint strategic transport processes in the Öresund region and Helsinki-Tallinn area (MESO);• MLG models for the planning and operation stages of intermodal terminals (WP4) – and test them on five differentiated cases in the BSR (MICRO);• operational MLG model for better freight management in a transnational transport connecting EU with non-EU countries (WP5) – and test them on the case of the East West Transport Corridor (CORRIDOR);• operational MLG model supporting the transformation of a multimodal transport corridor into a regional development axis (WP6) – and test them on the case of the Scandria Corridor (CORRIDOR). The project has a strong triple-helix partnership from all BSR EU Member States and all vertical governance levels. It is supported by PA Transport Coordinators, national transport ministries and several other actors, which will be engaged as reference partners. Achievements: Having set a departure point (diagnostic reports in Task 3.1 and 3.2), the thematic work continued at all chosen reference scales (MACRO, MESO, CORRIDOR, MICRO). A close dialogue was maintained with the EUSBSR PA Transport stakeholders, with the Swedish PAC attending the project partnership meeting (Tallinn, 25-26 March 2014).At that very meeting a mid-term project evaluation report was presented and methods of setting an effective communication towards the target groups for the final project results were discussed.In WP3 the project delivered a final report with solutions how to improve an uptake of results by territorial operation project in the national transport planning work (Task 3.3).Following the debate with PA Transport Coordination Group (Riga, 28 May) on the three synergy areas for macroregional transport planning processes (Baltic Transport Outlook, NDPL and the Macroregional Transport Action Plan by TransBaltic),a follow-up work is planned to visualise investments resulting from macro-policy processes in the BSR. Also, Also, Task 3.6 partners released a draft final report comparing cross-border transport development in Helsinki-Tallinn vs. Öresund; (one of the MESO cases).A WP3 MESO seminar (Malmö, 31 March) compared investigation outcomes in all MESO cases (3.5, 3.6, 3.7) and discussed them with invited public and private stakeholders.In WP4 an overview report of stakeholder management process in all studied intermodal terminal sites was prepared and discussed for the purpose of mutual exchange of experience at the WP4 meeting (Tallinn, 25 March 2014. The overview report contains identified pre-requisites to embed the work at individual sites in policy and business decision-making processes. The case work continued towards the completion stage in the next period.In WP5 the project has prepared a draft report (Task 5.2) featuring 6 transport greening measures prioritised by EWTC stakeholders. Also, an external support was procured for an in-depth study regarding facilitation of border crossings and implementation and financing of infrastructure at the corridor level. Task 5.3 continued work towards an improvement of management patterns in the corridor based on surveys among the identified EWTC actors.WP6 carried on a series of thematic and regional workshops along the Oslo-Berlin corridor, expected to be finished until June 2014. A background report (with an inventory of existing transport/regional development initiatives in the corridor) and a framework report (incorporating workshop results and setting a scene for developing an optimum MLG model) were produced.
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  • 77%   1 281 750,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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21 Partners Participants