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Baltic Sea Cycling project: strategies for more cycles in the transport system for developing attractive and sustainable townscapes (BSC project)
Start date: Aug 19, 2004, End date: Nov 18, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Baltic Sea Region is facing an increasing urban traffic which contributes to pollution abundance and less attractive cities. Baltic Sea Cycling is a co-operation between 22 partners in Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden for the development of sustainable and attractive townscapes. The project has addressed problems concerning the integration of cycling as a part of urban traffic.The overall objective of Baltic Sea Cycling was to enhance the urban mobility, increase awareness and show possibilities through the use of bicycles. Combining cycling with other urban public transport was furthermore an important objective. The transnational co-operation created the necessary conditions for the development of sustainable local transport policies. The project results gave support in the preparation of an investment plan for the development of urban cycling as well as a durable transnational network.13 pilot actions for trying, testing, investigating and disseminating information on different cycling issues have been carried out. Five pilot actions within the work package Attractive City and five pilot actions within the work package Sustainable City. Moreover a vision of the Bicycle city and a website have been realized. To inspire other cities to take a step into the world of urban cycling, an Inspiration book has been produced and disseminated. This is a planner’s guide and an inspiring book with hints on what everyone can do for cycling.Contacts have been established with the projects MOCUBA and UrBike. The project results have been disseminated at several conferences during 2007; ECOMM conference in Lund, Sweden, Vélo-City bicycle conference in Munich, Germany, UBC general conference in Pärnu, Estonia, the final conference of BUSTRIP INTERREG project, Turku, FinlandFinally the mayors of the participating towns and cities have signed a Baltic Sea Region Urban Cycling Strategy at the final workshop committing themselves to go on with the cooperation in this network, to introduce a sustainable urban cycling policy in their cities and to follow the integrated Baltic Sea Cycling instruments & measures. Achievements: The achievements of the Baltic Sea Cycling project is a result of the transnational co-operation between 22 partners from Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Poland and Sweden. Within 4 work packages, 13 pilot actions have been carried out. All with the purpose to develop sustainable and attractive townscapes through urban cycling. As a start, every city made a profile of their own urban cycling. A model called City Profile was developed for this purpose. Connected to these profiles, the partners have carried out the following Partners:Cycling to work – Get people to take the bike instead of the car when they go to work!System for bikes supply – Make bicycles available wherever they are needed!Sign and information – Get to know where to go!System for combining bikes with public transport – Bike to the station, go on with the bus or train!Healthy peddlers – Use your bike every day!Cycling as transport mean for goods and passengers – Bring your kids and baggage on your bike!Climate adoption, biking in cold and rainy weather – Bike all the year around!Tourist biking – Make sure they can rent a bike and get around safely!Cycling to school – Make the school way safe, let the kids bike to school and get alert pupils!Cycling between towns – Find your way to go safely and healthy to your neighbor town!Vision of the bicycle city, animation software – See the future before it arrives! Watch our film!Website – Learn from each other, learn form us, visit our website!Inspiration book – Read our inspiration book!At the final conference in Kalmar in May 2007, the Baltic Sea Region Urban Cycling Strategy Declaration was signed by the participating mayors, committing themselves to go on with the cooperation, to introduce a sustainable urban cycling policy and to follow the integrated BSC instruments & measures. The results have also been presented at 8 international and national conferences for example ECOMM, Vélo-City, UBC general assembly.

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  • 59.5%   1 363 500,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

21 Partners Participants