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Start date: Jun 9, 2010, End date: Sep 9, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BALTIC SEA CLEAN SHIPPING (CLEANSHIP), is part of the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region, and has by the EU Commission become selected as a strategic flagship project in its mission to make the Baltic Sea a model region for clean shipping. It promotes measures to reduce emissions from ships to the atmosphere and elaborates ways to promote infrastructure for bunkering of LNG and increased use of shoreside electricity. It also elaborates future solutions to stop all sewage releases from ships into the Baltic Sea. The project shall result in a web-based Pan-Baltic Best Practice Manual and a strategy for Clean Shipping. Scenarios for environmental impact from different technical measures and specific port elaborations by pilot projects form the basis for future commitments and decision making about needed investments.The CLEANSHIP project partners, all in all 19 full partners, 20 associated partners and 14 supporting organisations, represent together all the different stakeholders in international shipping in the BSR region. Major Baltic ports, large shipowners, ship fuel makers, coastal communities with own ports, authorities with shipping and ship environmental duties, and the respective stakeholders supporting regional and branch organisations are in different forms represented in this project The CLEANSHIP project therefore consists of and contains voluntary and joint efforts from the entire shipping branch in the Baltic Sea Region itself, jointly creating necessary and functional best practice solutions which will in the end make all Baltic Sea shipping cleaner and less polluting the vulnerable Baltic Sea.The project contains a number of very important pilot projects, all of which will decrease the different types of pollution in air and water from ships. Respective pilot projects are carried out as pioneer projects by the different project partners during the present project period. To jointly share and step by step evaluate the achievements from these pilot projects forms a very essential part of the project. Another very essential part is to continuously spread information about all new knowledge and achievements to all parts of the shipping branch, decision makers, and technicians and also to politicians on all levels dealing with shipping matters and the Baltic Sea environmental concerns. Achievements: For Europe and the Baltic Sea Region maritime transport has been a catalyst of economic development and prosperity throughout history because it enables trade and contact between all the European nations. As freight traffic will continue to grow, on land and sea, the important question for all the involved parties is how to ensure a long-term sustainability of such growth. Shipping companies and port organizations have repeatedly expressed the need for harmonization and standardization when making costly installation for a sustainable shipping and port development, both on board ships and on the shore side. CLEANSHIP was launched with the vision to create efficient shipping with small effects on the environment, and therefore mitigating the eutrophication of the Baltic Sea. The objectives have been the developing of tools and solutions for and by the shipping sector to state as best practice example.By emphasizing a broad perspective on potential ameliorations for cleaner shipping, CLEANSHIP has demonstrated several options of constructive change, resulting in environmental benefits for the Baltic Sea Region. The findings and examples may be transplanted to other ecologically vulnerable maritime areas, thereby assisting in making the Baltic Sea a model region for clean shipping.On the technical level CLEANSHIP has developed best practice cases and technical pilot solutions regarding infrastructure for onshore power supply for ships at berth, LNG supply for ships, and sewage reception in ports. On the strategic level CLEANSHIP has addressed the harmonisation of environmentally related port fees and the development of an Environmental Port Index, for ports to benchmark their environmental status, and spurring further amendments.Finally, a Final report summarizing all parts of the projects also including the project recommendations for clean shipping in the BSR as well as a Position document was developed. The Final report will be widely spread in order to increase the awareness of the effects of shipping on the Baltic Sea, what measures are being taken and further must be taken, and, importantly, the different ways of implementing these measures. CLEANSHIP now wishes that the recommendations and forerunner solutions will result in strong and fully supporting actions being taken during the next period 2014-2020 in EU, by the responsible governments and international organisations, such as HELCOM, the Baltic Sea Political Council and other likewise strong and influencing organisations.

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  • 74%   2 204 004,85
  • 2007 - 2013 Baltic Sea Region
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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20 Partners Participants