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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Exchange of youth workers in International Voluntary Service

Start date: Dec 1, 2016, End date: Feb 1, 2018,

... than 200 international short-term voluntary projects –workcamps, which host 3000+ international volunteers and involve 400+ youth leaders.11 partners are members of Alliance of European Voluntary Service organisations and one (Croma, Italy) brings an added value to the project with its specific profile of members – documentary film makers / youth workers. The involvement of the Alliance as a form ...
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The EU and the wider region is deep in what has been labeled a refugee crises. In this context we think narratives informing social conflict and policy are crucial. We have seen how photography has proved to be an important tool to explain reality in a way that touches the public and sets the basis for their perception and narrative of "what is going on". We believe that the first step to rea ...
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Youth sharing skills to further intercultural dialogue and inclusion

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2017,

... “Youth sharing skills to further intercultural dialogue and inclusion” will facilitate the stay of two volunteers from the Russian Federation and Belarus from 1 July 2016 until 30 June 2017 with European Youth For Action in Berlin, Germany.The project aims to strengthen young people's engagement as promoters of intercultural dialogue and social inclusion across Europe. In times where rising finan ...
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“Upper limit or universal human right? How European democracies deal with the refugee crisis.“ is a project implemented through three activities: two YEs and one APV in Prague, Czech Republic, and Potsdam, Germany, as well as subsequent Training Course (TC) in Potsdam, Germany. The overall duration of the project is 6 months, from 1 September 2016 to 31 December 2016. First YE will take place bet ...
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Lika Eco-Art Youth

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Apr 30, 2017,

...School.Activities are:1.) Artist-in-Residence Laboratory (AiR Lab)UKE offers residencies and support in Lovinac for artists and scientists throughout the whole year. AiR Lab collaborates with several European organizations in artists exchange, transdisciplinary art practices and environmental art. At the residency artist, scientists and hackers work collaboratively in the rural environment of Lovi ...
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Peace Praxis - Partnerships for non-violent conflict transformation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

...orm an ongoing concern for Europe and its neighboring regions. As developments in the last years have shown even military confrontations are not off the agenda and reached close to the borders of the European Union. The resulting mistrust and hatred between the conflicting parties are not possible to only be solved on a political level but need to be accompanied by efforts, which directly address ...
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Get up! Support civil courage campaigns

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017, it! How to promote civil courage within the EVS, Vienna in June 2015 supported by Erasmus+ and Stand up! How to support civil courage within your youth projects, Tulln July 2016 supported by the European Youth foundation)These trainings were based on the individual possibilities how to react in a situation where civil courage is needed. The success of the previous courses and the political issu ...
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Your Body is a Voice

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

...nties, very near the Pyrenean mountains at a hundred kilometers from Toulouse.It will take place in English and aims at raising the issue of the relation to the body, among youth workers of different European countries (a great part of them working with youth with less opportunity), through the use and practice of the cultural, artistic and physical activity of contemporary dance.Participants will ...
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Ecolab 4 Sustainable Development

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The modern day European reality is marked by continuous violations of the principles of Sustainable Development. European countries pay little attention to the social and intergenerational justice, environment protection and fair economic redistribution focusing only on economic growth. Moreover, the public policy-making processes are far from being participatory and as a result the influence of t ...
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Eco Art & Development

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

...vironmental challenges from a social justice perspective, the volunteers will explore and visualize sustainable and creative future for all; encourage active citizenship; build a more inclusive European community; involving both local and European-wide youth. The project working and learning method used will be popular education, a group facilitation technique and style of non-formal education use ...
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The Entrepreneur SHIP

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

With this project InterCollege (UK) and its partners aimed to promote cooperation between organisations in the EU and its neighbouring countries in order to foster entrepreneurship among young people, while simultaneously creating and solidifying new partnerships for future cooperation between the participating organisations, through a Contact Making Event (CME) in Moldova in October 2015. This pr ...
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“I Love Project” Contact Making Seminar

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...n İstanbul, Turkey between 4 - 10 August 2016, by YOUTHART Youth Art Research and Training Association, as an active youth organization with Eurodesk and EVS accreditation and as an active member of European Youth4Media Network, National Youth Parliament, Youth Organizations Forum, and Anna Lindh Turkey Network aims to gather 27 experienced and productive organizations and individuals from 25 coun ...
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Cross Cultural Collaboration

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The Cultural Collaboration project took place at The Forest, an arts charity based in Edinburgh, Scotland. The Forest is a volunteer run, non-hierarchical and consensus based decision making project, supporting the arts and artists. The volunteers involved in the Cultural Collaboration EVS project were selected from across Europe including both program and partner countries. As an inclusive space, ...
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Sensitization for Action

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

...n methods such as Creative Drama, filmmaking, workshops, small group works, energizers, games will be used during the project. We are planning to have impact in individual, organizational, local and European level. Sensitization for Action will make individuals more aware about migration, integration and discrimination and these individuals will be organized in their organization in order to spre ...
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Social Entrepreneurship and Social media for youth Employability

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

...n EuroMed countries • To foster the intercultural, intergenerational dialogue and understanding, economic development and social inclusion of youth • To promote deeper knowledge about European programmes and funding opportunities for youth and social entrepreneurs for the EuroMed area. • To facilitate the establishment of new networks at EuroMed level
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Sustainable Futures: Youth Taking Action in your Neighbourhood

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

...he EVS Project “Sustainable Futures: Youth Taking Action in your Neighbourhood” will facilitate the stay of two volunteers from Poland and Slovenia from 1 January 2015 until 31 December 2015 with European Youth For Action in Berlin, Germany. The project aims to strengthen young peoples engagement as promoters of environmental justice and sustainable alternatives across Europe. In times where envir ...
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Alternative Communication

Start date: Jul 28, 2015, End date: Dec 27, 2015,

This project is a European training course support by the Erasmus + program. It will take place in Bédeille (Ariège- FRANCE), from the 28th of September to the 9 of October 2015. The main goal is to allow participants to discover different way of acting and being involved as an European citizen. They will be initiated to participative an playful methods about public debates. We want to raise aware ...
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SCOPE: Sharing Competence On emPowerment and Employability

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

The project "SCOPE - Sharing Competences on emPowering and Employability" was born with the intention of creating a space of meeting and exchange between different European realities working on the development of transversal competences and employability of young people. The Partnership Building Activity will be held in Bologna from 29th June to 5th July 2015, and will involve 24 participants from ...
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Learn through Volunteering What and How?

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...ia , Latvia, Poland, Spain and the Czech Republic. TC 'Learn though Volunteering -What and How ? was coordinated by the FCV thanks to the support of the Spanish NA and the Erasmus + program of the European Commission. TC general objectives are: • To empower young people to be active citizens=volunteers. • To support young people to show more initiative and take on responsibility for their own lea ...
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Stand Together for Tolerance

Start date: Apr 16, 2015, End date: Sep 15, 2015,

"Stand Together for Tolerance" is a training course under the Erasmus+ program. The main goal of this training course is to include people with fewer opportinities in the European society. We also wish to encourage the citizen figth against discriminations. We live today in a society where the different social classes don't mixed. People live in a well defined place depending of his origins, his ...
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Model European Union Strasbourg 2015

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The Model European Union Strasbourg Project began out of the need to enable young people to better understand how the European Union works and to help them achieve decision, debate and cooperation skills. Its core aim is to educate young people in a non-formal learning environment about the decision-making process in the EU and therefore the interactions between its institutions. The project also ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

The project SAND is a seminar lasting 6 days, which is held in Pesaro (IT) from the 13th to the 18th of April 2015 . The seminar involves 21 organizations from 15 European countries and is organized by Rete Italiana Volontariato Europeo (RIVE). The project stems from the need to improve the quality of the preparation and monitoring of the volunteers, with a special emphasis on the skills and the ...
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...create and pass on knowledge. In Addition to that it is expected that the participants see a possibility in working self-organized and informal to create their own projects and network with other european groups and act in a transnational way. The benfit exceeding the duration of the project is the maintenance of a stable network, which is commited to exchange and commute ideas within the topic o ...
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The training course "Manage the Future - Build Partnerships" focuses on international project management, value of partnerships and participation of young people. In this projet we have 12 NGO´s(from EU and Caucasus) and 24 participantes. The venue gone be in Rio Maior and Arrouquelas, and happens from 02 to 10 May 2015. The training course aims to support sustainable partnerships and high quality ...
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"Build up your future"

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 30, 2015,

"Build up your future" was an international training course under the Key Action 1 of the Erasmus+ Program on topic of youth active participation and development of responsible civil society attitude for effective engagement of young people within their local communities. The training course has been held during 7 days in Rimini, Italy. The project has gathered youth workers and NGO representative ...
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Education in Citizenship has to be VIP

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

...p has to be VIP" (ECtobeVIP) is a project coordinated by the Spanish organization Gandia Youth Council - Consell dels Joves de Gandia along with a total 26 organizations from 21 countries of both the European Union and outside. This project consists a mobility activity of youth workers for attending a training course on human rights as the main axis. A total of 36 young people between 18 and 35 y ...
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Youth education and (un)employment are a driving political issues in Europe. While several European economies are experiencing even higher rates of youth unemployment, the pools of young qualified workforce in other countries are drying up. Underemployed youth leads to shrinking economies, while uneducated youth deprives societies of desperately needed innovation. The European Union has therefor t ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2015,

...Germany, Hungary, France, Slovakia, Austria, Poland, Estonia, the Netherlands and Romania and 2 trainers, for a total of 23 participants, will participate in this 5 days seminar. The main themes are: European Voluntary Service, quality of EVS projects and EVS in Erasmus Plus . We want to meet face to face our partners and to create a network among ourselves, involving new associations in our netwo ...
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...century and we are all affected directly or indirectly. Reasons for displacement are diverse - poverty, social or political exclusion, quest for a better life, studying or work abroad ... Each of our European societies has to cope with the repercussions of grand population shifts, especially after the grand economic crisis 2008. In our Short Study Visit we are going to investigate the societies of ...
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Alternative thinking

Start date: Jul 17, 2014, End date: Nov 16, 2014,

This project is a training for youth and social workers about local and European citizenship named:"alternative thinking". In December 2013, Solafrika had organized a youth exchange about the same topic; we decided to go deeper on this topic and created a training. The main goals of this training are to give tools to the participants to act on their society and also to put them in a creative and r ...
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Practical Ecology II

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Oct 16, 2014,

... towards our environment and ourselves. On an other hand, we would like them to leave with ideas about ecology that they can apply in their respective countries over Europe, and about European identity, environment, alternative energies, education of the working class and non-violent actions ; with also a real opening on others cultures, other languages and motivation to integrate a solidarity pro ...
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Youth for youth

Start date: Dec 15, 2009,

This si the frst stag of a Multi lateral youth exchange involving 9 countries. The countries are a mix of EU programme countries, and S.E.E. Countries. This "leg" iS(ļ9icie/^ļgp:the original ideas generated by the group and to move them on to looking at what active citizenship is and what it means personally to be an active citizen. This stage of the project with encourage théLpatticitiantstølookr ...
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Act Now: Youth for Roma Rights

Start date: Apr 3, 2013,

...n and promoting equality or interested in becoming active in this field. Together, they will explore the past and present discriminatory practices within Europe and the positions adopted by various European institutions, with a focus on marginalization and stigmatization of Roma individuals and communities; they will share experiences and strategies of challenging discrimination; develop critical ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The main objective of youth exchange is to empower unemployed youngsters to participate in local and international media and cultural projects with a clear focus on inclusion and on increasing the target group’s employability. Secondly, we want young people to understand that through active participation in local community (volunteering in cultural centers, initiating and participating in workshop ...
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EVS Empower Braga EYC 2012

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The Foundation Bracara Augusta aims to enhance the European Volunteer Service in the context of "Braga 2012 - European Capital of Youth."This EVS Group project will take over strategic issues from the European Youth Capital cities as Braga EYC 2012 aims to cooperate and network with other Youth Capital cities as sending's and hosting organization. The main strategy will be the inclusion, participa ...
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Volunteer Messenger - STEP 2

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The 6-day training for trainers held in Lviv, Ukraine for 41 representatives of different member organisations of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organisations follows up the Volunteer Messenger project and Flagship tour of the Alliance of Voluntary Service Organisations which took place in 2011 aiming to evaluate the experience and plan the “Volunteer Messenger Campaign 2013”.This proj ...
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The project PEERS’CARAVAN Young Trainers for Inclusion is a training course-Action 3.1 and will be 7 days long. It will be run in Rispescia (GR), Italy and the association Lunaria will be the hosting. The participants will be 43 and the country involved are Denmark, Italy, Belgium, France, Greece, Slovakia, Germany, Czech Republic, United Kingdom, Spain, Russia, Belarus, Armenia, Ukraine, Moldova ...
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L'objectif de cette activité est de créer des partenariats et de donner aux participants l'opportunité de trouver de nouveaux partenaires dans le cadre de la coopération entre les pays membres de l'UE et ses trois régions partenaires voisines. Les partenaires sont : la France, la Turquie, la Roumanie, l'Espagne, l'Italie, la Belgique, la SrèceJ'Allemagne, Chypre, l'Algérie, la Palestine, le Maroc, ...
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...vement both for 2011 and for a long term strategy, which will be defined at the end of the project on the White Book of Volunteering 2011-2021. This project comes in a very significant moment, as the European Year of Volunteering and the IYV+10 are celebrated in 2011 and will have an institutional opening in the first activity of this project, symbolically linked to the International Day of Volunt ...
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"Understanding Discrimination, Building Community: Exploring Europe's Past and Present to Create Our Future Together" is a week-long youth exchange taking place in Metelkova, a creative art centre of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The project will bring together 36 participants from Greece, Netherlands, Romania, Slovenia and the UK - from original EU member states through to the newest arrivais. They will e ...
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