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Europa und seine Grenzen. Jugendbegegnung zum Thema fluchtbezogene Migration
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project, „Europe and its borders“ is founded because of that topics actuality and relevance. The austrian non profit organisation memfarado is organizing together with their partner Eyfa and 30 particiopants the youth exchange for 12 days in Vienna from the 30.03.15 - 10.04.2015 30.03- 10.04.2015 The participants are young people, who have experiences with migration and the place Calais itsself and want to commit themselves. The major aim of the project or the expected results are building up a network of solidarity and support for refuguees and the local population. The activities range from creating knowledge based on Workshops, inputs, selfdependend working in workinggroups and the documentation of the outcomes, options of acting and finding solutions. The participants should design, conduct and evaluate projects independently and work with several methods to create and pass on knowledge. In Addition to that it is expected that the participants see a possibility in working self-organized and informal to create their own projects and network with other european groups and act in a transnational way. The benfit exceeding the duration of the project is the maintenance of a stable network, which is commited to exchange and commute ideas within the topic of migration.
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