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Stand Together for Tolerance
Start date: Apr 16, 2015, End date: Sep 15, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"Stand Together for Tolerance" is a training course under the Erasmus+ program. The main goal of this training course is to include people with fewer opportinities in the European society. We also wish to encourage the citizen figth against discriminations. We live today in a society where the different social classes don't mixed. People live in a well defined place depending of his origins, his social class, his political or sexual orientation, his gender, his food preferences, etc. Evolving in a certain social standing doesn't allow us to develop tolerance about differences, living and meeting various people allows us to grow and evolve using our difference as a strength . The main goal of this TC is to improve the inclusion of marginalized people in our European societies. We wish to increase the citizen fight against the discrimination. During this TC, we will meet different organizations or people who are fighting in there everyday life to include, accept and empower marginalized people : disabled people, prisoners, unemployed people, youth with social difficulties, immigrant (undocumented or not), homosexuals, etc. With those organizations and people, we will organize practical and playful activities to create links between the participants and get them to meet. We will work with them on a common goal and create a common experience. Participative methods will be used. The participants will have to be active and involved in every workshop and get them to think, analyze and debate. By this tool, they will learn knowledge and know-how passed on during the training. The training will take place during 11 days ( between the 16th and the 26th of June) at Bédeille (Ariège, France), in an old farm rented by our organization. There will be 25 participants coming from France, Estonia, Czech Republic, Portugal, Poland and Lithuania.
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