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30 European Projects Found

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Peace from the grassroots

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

The UN Security Council approved last December the resolution 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security, to recognize the role of youth in building sustainable peace and to lay out the need for governments and other stakeholders to support young people in this role. With this resolution, youth and youth organizations involved in peacebuilding see how their role in official or grassroots peace processes ga ...
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Peace Praxis - Partnerships for non-violent conflict transformation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

...orm an ongoing concern for Europe and its neighboring regions. As developments in the last years have shown even military confrontations are not off the agenda and reached close to the borders of the European Union. The resulting mistrust and hatred between the conflicting parties are not possible to only be solved on a political level but need to be accompanied by efforts, which directly address ...
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Effective Communication for YOUth Employability

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

The training addresses 32 participants’ need to develop their communicative competences and to multiply the project’s outcomes within their local communities. The main target group is composed of professionals, volunteer youth workers or trainers, all working in the youth sector. Participants’ countries are the following: Romania, Armenia, Hungary, Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, Macedonia, Ukraine, ...
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In-Out: Youth Inclusion in Practice

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

...ered youth and social workers from different countries and provided them with space to learn from and with each other by sharing their approaches and practises on youth inclusion and by analysing the European strategy on youth with the aim to draw conclusions for their own work. Thus, the objectives of the training course were been: - To increase the understanding of the situation and challenges o ...
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...ed service and product innovation is curtailed by the growing vertical chain of dependence on poorly interoperable proprietary technologies in Europe. This issue was identified to have high impact on European innovation productivity by the Report of the Independent Expert Group on R&D and Innovation, commonly known as the Aho-report. The report demanded incentives for the convergence of shared tec ...
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Model European Union Strasbourg 2015

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The Model European Union Strasbourg Project began out of the need to enable young people to better understand how the European Union works and to help them achieve decision, debate and cooperation skills. Its core aim is to educate young people in a non-formal learning environment about the decision-making process in the EU and therefore the interactions between its institutions. The project also ...
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Social me - let`s be online

Start date: Feb 8, 2015, End date: Jun 8, 2015,

The project: “Social me – lets be online” is a Training Course designed for experienced youth leaders from European countries interested in introducing media as a tool in their organizations and in their work with young people. It encourages cooperation, exchange of experience, skills and good practices between people working with youth and youth organizations. It will last 9 days and will take pl ...
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Looking at the general employment situation of the younger generations reveals a sad truth that youth in our country are greatly stricken with unemployment and their successful integration in the labour market remains a challenge not just for us, but for a vast majority of EU28 and other SEE countries. A significant part of youth remains trapped in temporary, often low-pay jobs from which they fin ...
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WE ARE B.E.S.T. – We Are Building Employability, Skills and Tools

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Apr 1, 2015,

Cultural, technological, social and economic changes, that have characterized European Countries during the last decade, have also led to a new way of approaching life and its various spheres. Among these, the working sphere is one on which the changes mentioned above have had a great effect, making labour market much more competitive and the construction of youth career as a complicated and diffi ...
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...tion can be something different than the formal system. 'Training of trainers: Learn how to do non-formal education on the topic of democracy' created a week of relevant and lively ideas for youth in European contries as well as in the neighbouring Eastern European and Caucasus countries. It is thought-provoking how youth at the same time share basic hopes and dreams for the future, despite the fa ...
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Europe is ON!

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2015,

...ture a culture of participation. It is our deep conviction that this society must create space for the ones that are coming, the ones that will inherit it and carry it on their shoulders one day, the European youth. Active participation of young people in our societies is first of all a learning process where equality of opportunities has to be ensured, mutual understanding among young people prom ...
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...ional and regional programmes. DCH-RP will design a Roadmap to be executed within future implementation projects. DCH-RP will explore: how to harmonise data preservation policies in the DCH sector at European and international level; how to progress with the dialogue among DCH institutions, e-Infrastructures, research and private organisations; governance, maintenance and sustainability models.
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...of space in schools, - Development of a methodology enabling the step-by-step integration of concepts of sustainable spatial development into the regular educational process (curricula) of schools at European level, - Preparation of a test summer camp for teachers of geography, social sciences and similar subjects.
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The Seminar "Sharing & Learning & Improving: Youth peers for Human Rights Education in Action" is following the development of an 2009 started project line by our association “Mreža” which was dedicated to the promotion of peer education in different fields of youth work, especially in the field of Human Rights Education (HRE). Following this development the current project is dedicated to the dis ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2010,

In our project I am disabled I am the one we aim to learn more about disabled culture with some sporte for disabled people. The project will be put into practice in Amasya Turkey. During our project we will inform local people about our project by the local and national newspapers and we will publish some posters and brochures.
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...and innovation, allow people to change and be open to the ideas in a diverse society from a cultural point of view, knowledge-based.Transversal approach to education and strengthening the autonomy of European states go to achieve important results in terms of European citizenship and human rights. “Together in Europe”!
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Youth Unlimited

Start date: Dec 1, 2010,

... beactive in civil society or youth activities at local and regional level; to develop creative and attractive ways of citizenship education through youthwork.The main themes of the activity are European awareness and youth participation through active citizenship. The working methods that we will use are: workshops, plenary discussions, role playing, simulating exercises, mind showering and ...
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Training Course "European Dream"

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

"European Dream" ¡s a training course for youth leaders to improve the quality of the projects of the youth in action programme they participate in and aims to improve the integration of young people with fewer opportunities such as minorities and their active participation in these projects and in public life. This 6 days training course will give the participants the possibility to improve their ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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On the basis of the current situation analysis in EU and RU the project will focus on improvement of the quality of RU higher professional education in forestry by development of the Qualification Framework (QF) in sustainable forestry and lifelong learning (LLL) in cooperation between RU and EU Universities. Proposed activities will bring to harmonization of the forestry degree programs in RU to ...
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...lore “Youth in Action” Programme as a significant tool for promoting gender equality within youth work;• To increase awareness of gender as a social construction in broaden European dimension.No of participants: 26; Countries involved: Albania, Kosovo, Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Romania, Italy and UK.In this project we are a hosting organization.
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Mobilising YOUth: Social Entrepreneurship for Peace is an innovative project of the United Network of Young Peacebuilders (UNOY) that consolidates the organisation’s previous experience in peace education with the field of social entrepreneurship. Responding to unemployment, one of the foremost issues of youth in the UNOY network and indeed around the world, Mobilising YOUth will make explicit the ...
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Social Media for Democracy

Start date: May 1, 2012,

Training in Georgien mit 28 Fachkräfte der Jugendarbeit aus Programm- und Eastern Partnership Youth Windows-Ländern zum Thema Rolle und Einfluss von Sozialmedien in Demokratiserungsprozesse. Die Teilnehmende reflektieren darüber inwiefern soziale Medien die politische Partizipation im Allgemeinen und insbesondere bei jungen Menschen beeinflussen. Darüberhinaus überlegen sie wie Jugendorganisation ...
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Bridging Divided Communities

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

... with disabilities, youth living with HIV/AIDS, youth migrants) with different past, life stories, problems but facing the same issues – especially danger of social exclusion and marginalization in European societies dealing with many challenges of today’s world.8-days training course Bridging Divided Communities aims to connect youth workers, leaders, project managers and experts in the field of ...
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Europe needs active citizens and participation, because democratic societies are based on them. Therefore citizens must be encouraged and involved in participation for their own good. The idea of European Citizenship is based on the efforts of participation by the citizens themselves. The youth of Europe plays a crucial role in there. They are becoming decision-makers in the future. But before the ...
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Gender connection

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

The partnership-building activity “Gender Connection” is designed to provide the opportunity for youth workers, project managers and youth leaders working with youth in Programme countries and Eastern Europe and Caucasus (EECA) to meet, to build the common understanding on gender issues, to discuss the challenges of gender equality in youth work, to discover how to build good quality projects with ...
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Create future with creating jobs

Start date: Oct 15, 2012,

...ts, to empower and to educate youth through best practice examples, exchange of ideas, and cultural diversity, as well as increasing interpersonal and intercultural understanding, solidarity, and European awamess.Activities foreseen:a) local projects and eventsb) virtual collaboration through online competitions and mentoringc) main event (an international conference)Venues: Slovenia, Denmark, Rom ...
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Within all European countries there are moves towards inclusion and equitable learning opportunities in education for all learners. The promotion of equity is a clear strategic challenge for the EU member states reflected in the Strategic framework ET 2020 and the fact the EU and 27 Member States are signatories of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (2006).The ...
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Blended Learning (bLearning) is a relatively new teaching method which emerged in the last 8 years; developed as a combination of classroom teaching and distance learning, this method takes up an important role in the educational system. Big companies were the first to use this teaching and training concept because they expected cost reductions.Nowadays the first research work about the efficiency ...
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