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Space – Raising Awareness of Values of Space through the Process of Education (R.A.V.E. Space)
Start date: Feb 28, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The topics of spatial planning and sustainable spatial development are only seldom considered in the curricula of primary and secondary schools. One consequence is a lack of knowledge of the general public about spatial planning and the value of space. Citizens only rarely assume an active role in discussions concerning spatial issues. However, spatial planning should be based on both expert decisions as well as on public initiatives. The R.A.V.E. Space project deals with the problem of how topics of spatial relevance can be included in the education process at primary and secondary schools. It searches for new ways of education in the field of spatial development and planning and sustainable land use as a contribution to raise awareness and knowledge concerning the importance of space. The project area comprehends nine partners from five countries. Achievements: One component of the efforts by R.A.V.E. Space is the analysis of the school curricula of the countries involved in the project. The curricula are examined and existing spatial-related contents are identified. The school subject most suited for teaching spatial topics will be chosen (not necessarily the same in all countries) in order to implement the measures. Through the educational process pupils should develop an understanding of the meaning of human beings as a transformer of space and the environment. They should learn about the importance of space in balancing development and protection of land and national resources. Pupils should gain knowledge to enable them in the future to participate in decisions and discussions concerning spatial planning and development as responsible citizens. Planned, and already achieved, results of the project are: - Training activities for teachers and pupils through co-operation with educational institutions, - Preparation and distribution of teaching tools, such as books, videotapes and teacher handbooks in schools, - Transnational and national brochures and posters for raising awareness, - Methodology for analysing spatial-related topics in recent curricula in different school systems, - Educational strategies for teaching spatial planning topics and the value of space in schools, - Development of a methodology enabling the step-by-step integration of concepts of sustainable spatial development into the regular educational process (curricula) of schools at European level, - Preparation of a test summer camp for teachers of geography, social sciences and similar subjects.

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  • 67.2%   1 171 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Cadses
  • Project on KEEP Platform

8 Partners Participants