European Projects
Create future with creating jobs
Create future with creating jobs
Start date: Oct 15, 2012,
ëmployabÏÏÏtyissues through skills development, to encourage youth creativity and entrepreneurship, to stimulate youth participation in volunteering projects, to empower and to educate youth through best practice examples, exchange of ideas, and cultural diversity, as well as increasing interpersonal and intercultural understanding, solidarity, and European awamess.Activities foreseen:a) local projects and eventsb) virtual collaboration through online competitions and mentoringc) main event (an international conference)Venues: Slovenia, Denmark, Romania, Latvia, Turkey, Nigeria, India, Uganda, Rwanda, Singapore.Number of participants: around 900 at projects/events and over 2,000 engaged in the whole project,including through virtual collaboration.Outputs (tangible results): at least two real-life projects per partner as volunteering, social start-up orentrepreneurship project. Estimated total of 20.000 volunteering hours invested by global youth for projectdevelopment, promotion and implementation.Dissemination strategy: promotion of the project, activities and results by project partners and theirrespective networks on local, regional, and international level, dedicated internet webpage, use of largeonline youth platforms.Envisaged impact: help develop necessary skills for better youth employability in corporate, social, orhumanitarian environments.