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31 European Projects Found

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Lebensqualität durch Nähe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

...l competence and practical oriented implementation support.The Project is based on 5 adult educational institutions former expertise on implementing active citizenship in municipalities and the European Association of Adult education.Developed curricula for professional facilitators and engaged citizens will be tested and evaluated in 12 model municipalities. 96 citizens and 12 regional managers w ...
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Life Skills for Europe

Start date: Dec 28, 2016, End date: Dec 27, 2018,

...y- More and better tools for the work with low-skilled people, refugees and people with low intercultural understanding- Acquisition of concrete advocacy tool to target regional, national and European policy-makers- Increased recognition of the role of non-formal (adult) education in achieving social inclusion in the EU- Closer cooperation between agencies and stakeholders dealing with refugees on ...
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Implementing Outreach Empowerment and Diversity

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018,

... Outreach – Empowerment – Diversity (OED). The participation in adult education has stagnated or even decreased in some countries while we do know through the PIAAC survey that large numbers of Europeans lack basic skills. And while participation is low, those who do participate are already better educated. There is a real need across Europe to attract especially low-skilled and disadvantaged ad ...
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Let Europe Know about Adult Education

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2018, must improve their competencies in communication in particular with the actors of other countries, backgrounds and cultures. The foundation and starting point of this strategic partnership is the European InfoNet Adult Education Grundtvig network (, which has developed since 2005 and is now comprehensive information portal on adult education in Europe, based on professional j ...
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The 'European Peer Review VNFIL Extended' project aims to extend the current European Peer Review for RVC methodology to more European partners in more countries, establishing Peer Review to complement and enhance the usual quality assessurance systems in Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning (VNFIL). Building upon the results of a series of previous European programmes, the project seek ...
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Professional development through learning exchanges

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018,

Context:AONTAS have a long history working and engaging at a European level. AONTAS is represented on the Board of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA) and acts as the Irish correspondent for the Infonet project. In 2014 AONTAS were assigned the role of the National Co-ordinator for the Implementation of the European Agenda for Adult learning which runs until 2018.Over the n ...
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Financing Adult Learning and Education

Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2017,

In most European countries, financing (non-formal) adult education remains problematic. In contrast to the formal system, the sources of financing are fragmented. On the side of public authorities, there is a distribution across different ministries, regional and local authorities and communes. Employers obviously play an important role as do public employment services. In many countries, the lear ...
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...the case of Nomophobia - No-MobilePhone which can be considered a true modern form of addiction). The specific objective of the SMART GENERATION project is to develop an innovative training model at European level in order to promote a conscious use of the smartphone, its potential and its risks, and to open a public debate on the role of digital technologies in the consprocess of the quality of ...
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...). - EU benchmark referring to the Adult Participation in lifelong learning (15% until 2020) - Priorities of the EU Agenda on Adult Learning 2014-15 The consortium consist of 6 partners, from 5 European countries which cover a wide range of expertise related to the aims of the DIMA project, as well they have a Pan-European outreach in their activities: 1.MOEC has extensive experience in working wi ...
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Job shadowing in der Europäischen Erwachsenenbildung

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project is implementing a two months job shadowing period in the larges and most important representation organisation for general adult education in Europe - EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults) in Brussels. Based on the wish for a stronger and broader European perspective and strategy within the sending organisation (Erzdiözese Salzburg) one staff memeber will take a 60 da ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

...owing activities are planned: 1: Collection of good practice, transfer of innovation, Grundtvig award – Refugees and migrants2: Policy debate: Adult education and refugees3: Development workshop: European adult education perspectives on SDGs4: Adult education and employment: contributing to the skills agenda - Policy paper 5: Workshop: Adult education and employment 6: Country reports7: Lobbying ...
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Live and Learn - Audiovisual Stories of Adult Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Our project is inspired by two observations, shared by most European education policy documents and relevant studies. Firstly, there is a clear need to increase participation in adult education across Europe; and secondly, new ways of sharing best practices among European adult educators must be found. We want to address this need in an innovative way: through the medium of videos. We will produc ...
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Action plan for validation and non-formal adult education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

In 2012, the Council approved recommendations on validation. The plan is that member states have validation systems in place by 2018. We have now had 20 years of national and European practice, but it is still very fragmented. Later this year, the Commission will also publish an updated version of the European Inventory on validation and new Guidelines. However, the partners believe that MSs will ...
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Financial markets have become increasingly complex and, in consequence, individuals everywhere need to improve their understanding of financial products and services. In addition, individuals today have greater responsibility for their financial well-being. A wide process of financial education is required in order to configure a critical and informed citizenship able to understand and make fundam ...
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This training is positioned in the context of civic education and Social Sculpture and explores the relation of Dag Hammarskjöld’s thinking and value in and for the sphere of a European dimension of education. It also explores what his ideas toward the shaping of a humane and viable community have in common with core ideas in the field of social sculpture and how they can be taken forward by such ...
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"Vi er også europæere"

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

... learning sector in the public debate. Two of our board’s headlines describing how the non-formal adult learning sector can contribute to solve the challenges of our society are ”We are also Europeans” and ”Inclusion of all”. In line with the above mentioned our action plans are naturally implemented not only on national level but also through transnational and transcultural dialogues. It is ther ...
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Demokratie lernen und leben

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

...zhof surprised the public with meetings of people from east and west. Under better conditions nowadays we pursued this tradition. We are in constant cooperation with organisations of more than twelve European countries. For a short time we are the first official associated Styrian member of the European Association for the Education of Adults (EAEA), which is located in Brussels and Helsinki. In o ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

...r - The Adult Education Manifesto for 21st century Europe6. Workshop on Financing adult education7. Country reports 8. Workshop on adult education and development9. Internal lobbying campaign for a European Year of adult learning10. Exploitation of project results 11. Information and communication strategy12. Membership strategy13. Networking and partnerships with other stakeholders14. Policy advo ...
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Staff mobility

Start date: Sep 20, 2014, End date: Sep 19, 2015,

...U adult learning policy, share best practices of Irish adult education and in particular community education; including non-formal adult education and the learner voice. Objectives: 1. to learn about European developments in adult education and lifelong learning 2. to engage in discussion regarding effective advocacy work at European level 3. to exchange information and knowledge about other organ ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

EAEA is a transnational, non-profit NGO with 116 members in 40 European countries. The aims of the work programme are to improve European policies by linking them to the practice of adult education (AE) in Europe and beyond; to propose a strategy for increased basic and transversal skills levels; to raise awareness of AE in other LLL policies in the EU; to contribute to the Open Method of Coordina ...
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Career guidance without frontiers : In an attempt to give career guidance counselling a more multicultural and multilingual element, the project partners have produced an online glossary and a multilingual guidance book. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The main objective of European InfoNet Adult Education (European Information Networkfor Adult Education = InfoNet) is to disseminate information about trends, project andresearch results, the latest developments, best practices and the latest news from themember countries of the European Union. It also seeks at a European level to developand establish European awareness among the network members.I ...
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InfoNet Adult Education

Start date: Oct 1, 2005,

...ging together key adult education journals and publications alongside large national and international education and training bodies such as the EAEA and UNESCO, the network forms the backbone of the European Infonet platform aimed at improving the flow of information amongst adult education and lifelong learning actors across Europe.
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...ntry. Reports will provide feedback on the success of the pilots and will inform any further development of the management indicators/assessment tools. The combined results will be integrated into a 'European Quality System' for adult education. Project outputs, namely the quality management system's indicators and assessment tools, will be summarised in a printed manual which will be made availab ...
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...y in place to define the competences for trainers and experts and the development of the Transfer Model for the SMEs. In an effort to ensure the transferability of the model between countries 3 other European countries outside the partnership - the UK, Latvia and Spain will participate in the project through the Study Circles and hence also involve trainers and experts to learn about and utilise t ...
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...tion character due to its methodology, that involves the main target groups in discussion groups and includes their recommendations. The main outputs of the project are: five National Reports and one European Report with the state of the art of non-formal and informal learning validation systems in Europe and recommendations done by Roma women and representatives of centres for adult education and ...
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Benefits of Lifelong Learning

Start date: Nov 1, 2011,

The BeLL-study examines the wider benefits of liberal adult education in nine European countries. The target group are active adult learners, highly educated as well as lower educated persons, who have participated in liberal education courses and therefore experienced wider benefits. Recent studies demonstrated that non-formal adult education can lead to several wider benefits (Manninen 2010; Sch ...
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Disseminating information and reporting on trends, project/research results, developments, best practice and news in the area of adult education from all European member states as well as EU institutions is the core activity and objective of the unique journalistic service “European InfoNet Adult Education”. This service has been developed as media network since 2005 (InfoNet I and II) and indepen ...
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...ecution of the GoAct conference, conduct case interviews with persons in different intergenerational learning situations and arrange for good coverage of the topic and the project events in the European media. The GoAct project will impact on European level through the conference with 250 participants and the initiation of the GoAct network with follow-up activities as well as through the good med ...
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Many adult education staff do not have formal training in AE.EAEA knows from members that there is huge need & interest to learn more about European policies, programmes and other countries’ systems & innovations.We therefore propose an online learning format in order to reach more participants and to make it affordable. An exchange between staff generations,the learning from experts but also peer ...
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Outreach, empowerment and diversity

Start date: Dec 1, 2011,

... migrants and ethnic minorities, for the development of more diversity in adult education, and especially the inclusion of learners’ voices, and for the empowerment of its learners to become active European citizens.We want to - provide a collection and analysis of good practice examples from across Europe that tackle the overlap of social inclusion and active citizenship (EN, FR, DE)- analyse out ...
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