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Implementing Outreach Empowerment and Diversity
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is the follow-up of a Grundtvig network that elaborated guidelines for trainers/staff in adult education and policy recommendations for policy-makers for engaging disadvantaged learners. The partners now want to implement the principles: Outreach – Empowerment – Diversity (OED). The participation in adult education has stagnated or even decreased in some countries while we do know through the PIAAC survey that large numbers of Europeans lack basic skills. And while participation is low, those who do participate are already better educated. There is a real need across Europe to attract especially low-skilled and disadvantaged adults to education. The partners will work in 2 clusters:• Implementing OED on the provider level• Implementing OED on the policy level 6 partners will work to implement the OED principles (i.e. mainly the methodological guidelines) at the provider level. They will adapt them to the training needs in their countries and regions. 5 partners will implement OED on the policy level by informing & training policy-makers on the concepts and implementation of OED. This will be achieved by events on the European/national/regional levels.All partners will closely monitor their challenges & successes through impact assessment. As a final product, an instruction manual for implementing OED will be produced that will summarise the learning points, propose concrete solutions on how make outreach, empowerment and diversity a reality for providers & policy-makers and how to transfer the OED products to other sectors and countries. We think we will reach at least 500 stakeholders/ multipliers directly and up to 1000 through communication. The long-term strategy is to implement OED across all European countries. There is a real need for comprehensive strategies for engaging new learners and this project aims to work with European, national & regional policy-makers to achieve European & national strategies.

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11 Partners Participants