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"Vi er også europæere"
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to strengthen DAEA’s lines of action which are innovation and development of non-formal adult learning, looking after the interests of our member organisations, provision of high quality service for the members and DAEA’s role as the voice of the non-formal adult learning sector in the public debate. Two of our board’s headlines describing how the non-formal adult learning sector can contribute to solve the challenges of our society are ”We are also Europeans” and ”Inclusion of all”. In line with the above mentioned our action plans are naturally implemented not only on national level but also through transnational and transcultural dialogues. It is therefore crucial for us to learn from and discuss with foreign colleagues who also work with education, democracy and active citizenship. As part of these efforts we plan mobility actions for three groups of two people in Sweden and Belgium: - One mobility goes to Swedish colleagues for three days to gain experience to set up basic courses in Denmark about non-formal learning for teachers and leaders of non-formal learning provision. A task to be carried out in 2014/15. - Another mobility deals with participation in a final conference related to the end of a European project about inclusion (Belgium). - A third mobility goes to the Lifelong Learning Week of the European umbrella organisation EUCIS-LLL which will give us wide opportunities for participation in important debates about the conditions of education in Europe (Belgium). Four of the six participants in this project are development officers in DAEA and two are school leaders from DAEA’s member organisations with a leading role in relation to DAEA’s participation in the mentioned European inclusion project. All activites build on clearly described objectives and are carefully planned with precise agreements between the partners.
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3 Partners Participants