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Action plan for validation and non-formal adult education
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In 2012, the Council approved recommendations on validation. The plan is that member states have validation systems in place by 2018. We have now had 20 years of national and European practice, but it is still very fragmented. Later this year, the Commission will also publish an updated version of the European Inventory on validation and new Guidelines. However, the partners believe that MSs will have to face big challenges (and in some even resistance) while putting in place such systems and thus they should be supported more. A major role could be played by adult education providers and stakeholders, which are often the implementing bodies of the validation systems. By analysing tools and methodologies in different European countries and proposing solutions from the civil society perspective, this project will contribute to reducing the fragmentation on different levels, namely policy and practice. The project should show possible solutions, explore the best practices and strategies for validation for the disadvantaged, contribute to an exchange of tools, procedures and experiences. The two main objectives and themes are: Contributing to a reduction in the number of low-skilled adults (re-skilling and up-skilling of adults) Facilitating the validation of non-formal and informal learning and its permeability with formal education pathways EAEA is the main umbrella organisation in Europe for non-formal adult education providers. NVL has worked on validation in the Nordic countries for a long time and has a number of expert networks that can contribute to the discussion but also disseminate to the results. The other partners, Kerigma, VOEV, Learn for Life and EUROED, have wide-ranging project- and validation experiences that will contribute to making this project a success. The consortium represents a geographic diversity that will benefit the project and contribute to a wide-ranging level of experiences that will benefit the project. We will establish an online communication room. All partners will post their materials on validation. Reading of Inventory and examining Guidelines; Launch of debate on the survey (The survey is meant for adult education providers and stakeholders in order to get grassroots feedback from concerned organisations, to find out their experiences and practices and to understand their challenges and fears.) In December 2014, we will organise the kick-off meeting, which will introduce the partners, decide on the survey, the evaluation, start the dissemination and discuss the European Inventory and Guidelines. Further activities: feedback on online communication, discussion of online articles, January – September 2015: The survey will be published, then it will need follow-up (clarifications etc.) and analysis 2nd Partner meeting in Vienna (1 1/2 days): October 2015; Discussion of survey results, preparation of concept of expert seminar, dissemination etc.; Linked to: Jour fixe - 1-day multiplier event in Vienna: a lecture, a critical response to the lecture and a discussion with field-experts, stake-holders, students and university staff October 2015 – December 2015: Prepare the concept of the expert seminar, organisation of the logistics, promotion of the event January 2016: Expert seminar (This 2-day seminar will bring together about 40 experts that will debate the main themes and the outcomes of the survey. They will also exchange experiences, explore the main challenges and propose possible solutions.) 2 days – linked with 3rd partner meeting (Oslo) Introduction and final sessions together, otherwise we’ll split into two strands that will discuss one of the objectives each January 2016 – May 2016: Preparation of Action Plan (Drawing on the results of the survey and the expert seminar, key messages and actions will be proposed); preparation of policy debate May 2016 – Policy debate (+ final partner meeting) June – August 2016: Sending out and following up the action plan; Questions on impact; Final report Participants in the project but also the wider adult education community will be able to develop and learn how things could be done. They will learn from others, gain insight into different tools, develop different approaches, propose possible solutions, develop partnerships between systems and sectors and understand existing European tools better. For the individual learners, this project will mean better validation, more quality and better recognition across systems. For policy-makers we will provide more practice-based evidence for better policy-making. For the dissemination, a detailed plan has been foreseen. We believe that the materials and outputs will remain useful and will be used at least until 2018, the deadline for the implementation of national validation systems. We will therefore use them on European and national levels for further advocacy, everything will remain on the websites of EAEA and NVL where interested parties can download everything they need.
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5 Partners Participants