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Job shadowing in der Europäischen Erwachsenenbildung
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is implementing a two months job shadowing period in the larges and most important representation organisation for general adult education in Europe - EAEA (European Association for the Education of Adults) in Brussels. Based on the wish for a stronger and broader European perspective and strategy within the sending organisation (Erzdiözese Salzburg) one staff memeber will take a 60 days job shadowing period in Brussels and concentrate mainly on the following issues: - Management of adult education institutions in Europe- Networking and network development work in adult education in Europe- Communication, lobbying and organisation of conferences and events within the EAEA- Public relation work- Policy development and consultations- language learning - improvement of social and intercultural competences The expectations, learning contents and frame conditions of participant, sending and hosting organisation will be channelled into a learning agreement which will also form the core basis for a high quality implementation of the project. The recognition of experiences and their transparent documentation will be realised using Europass and a personal transcript at the end of the mobility stay. A broad and intense evaluation and quality assurance strategy is supporting the implementation as well as a adequate approach for mentoring and monitoring during the mobility period. The impact of the project will be evident in a dynamisation of the European development strategy within the Erzdiözese Salzburg but also on an external level in the attached church districts and all service institutions attached to the Erzdiözese Salzburg. With this it must be stated that the mobility stay has a core and important strategic importance for the sending organistaion and also a sustainable impact within and beyond the sending organisation but also on the level of the participant herself can be guaranteed.
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