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ROM-ACT:Widening Roma women's access to non-formal and informal validation systems
Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

The ROM-ACT is based on the contributions and recommendations from previous research projects in the field of non-formal and informal learning validation systems to promote social inclusion of the Roma women. The Roma community has developed specific abilities and competences related to the type of work they have done, but most of them do not have academic degrees and formal work experiences. Thus, Roma people are qualified but they lack formal credentials of their competences. The ROM-ACT project is aimed at widening access to non-formal and informal learning validation systems among Roma women in Europe in order to strengthen their educational, social, and labour inclusion. The project will contribute to achieve the priorities set by the UE strategy for the inclusion of Roma and responds to the need for validation of prior learning stated by the Adult learning Action Plan. Non-academic Roma women are the main target group. The project has an innovation character due to its methodology, that involves the main target groups in discussion groups and includes their recommendations. The main outputs of the project are: five National Reports and one European Report with the state of the art of non-formal and informal learning validation systems in Europe and recommendations done by Roma women and representatives of centres for adult education and Roma organizations; an awareness raising campaign that includes, among others, a DVD with interviews to Roma women explaining their successful validation experiences, a European guide to support organizations in the accompaniment of non-academic groups in the validation process, and the project's website; a lobbying campaign to impact validation policies; and a network of associations involved in validation accompaniment. Through the project, 50 non-academic Roma women will validate their non-formal and informal learning. With its results, the project will benefit not only Roma women but all disadvantaged groups.
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