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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Private enterprises make substantial use of projects to manage internal innovation, development projects and external work for clients. Established, larger companies often use a formal project management methodology. In contrast, SMEs are rarely able to employ dedicated project managers, find formal project methodologies, such as Prince2, too sophisticated, too costly and too time intensive for th ...
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Community of Responsible Recreational Initiatives in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

...erprises, organisations and entities with demands in the field of the design and management of projects. • Eurocrea Merchant is a consulting and training company based in Italy. • BDF is an international project management agency focused on supporting SMEs and schools in the field of entrepreneurship and internationalisation as well as supporting start-up companies. • Sociedade Portuguesa de Inova ...
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Today when SMEs face problems related to start up, innovation and growth, they find help in a proactive ecosystem of intermediary organizations: Yet the vast majority of these organizations do not currently provide guidance to SMEs on the subject of apprenticeships. RAISE seeks to address this situation by building the capacity of intermediary bodies to develop and operate support structures which ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

I-STEP aims to enhance international entrepreneurial skills and attitude of teachers and students in VET by creating an international dimension to entrepreneurship programmes and strengthening the local and (EU business) network. This offers a solution to EU wide unemployment by enabling young people to create their own employment and become successful entrepreneurs that look beyond country border ...
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Smart Data, Smart Regions

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The volume of data that governments, businesses and organizations manage has grown exponentially and, if turned into actionable, “smart” data, presents vast opportunities to drive productivity, innovation and competitiveness in Europe. The EC 2014 Big Data Strategy recognises that data-intensive sectors of the economy are growing by 40% per year. However, even while the UK, Germany, Ireland and N ...
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Juvenil Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis and Education

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

Education for children, adolescents and young adults with (JNCL) The project aim and the main target group: To improve educational opportunities and non-medical interventions for a disadvantaged and very low frequency group in Europe – children and young people with Juvenil Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinosis (JNCL), also called Spielmeyer-Vogt disease or Batten disease. The disease is characterized by ...
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Over 99% of ICT firms in Europe are SMEs, of which about 90% are micro-sized companies with 1-9 employees. It's hard to overemphasize their importance to the sector and economy in general, but at the same time there is much to be done to improve competitiveness and sustainability of these micro-businesses. While most of them possess strong technical or so-called hard skills, the soft skills are mu ...
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Training community actors to foster entrepreneurship education

Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

The initiative wants to transfer and adapt a model of promotion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education based on the key concept that education, and in this case entrepreneurship education, happens everywhere, particularly in those environments in which children and young people receives first education (family, school, local community). The original project was developed in Extremadura ...
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Restart Entrepreneurship

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Setting up a business is increasingly easy but keeping it going is much tougher: 50% of enterprises don’t survive the first 5 years and bankruptcies account for 15% of business closures. The recent financial crisis caused a peak in business failure in Ireland, Netherlands, Spain and Bulgaria. Since recognising the need to enable honest, failed entrepreneurs to start over in business in the Small ...
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Streetfood: Opportunities for Regions

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The street food sector is growing fast: NCASS registered 700 new street food businesses last year alone and our partners witness rapidly growing sectors with rising demand for support from young entrepreneurs. Yet, for all its dynamism, the sector is also becoming more crowded and ambitious young entrepreneurs are looking upwards and outwards for further growth opportunities. Viable paths to exp ...
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Food Incubators Transforming Regions

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Food and drink represents the largest manufacturing sector in the EU and encouragingly has sustained positive growth. Even during the economic downturn, levels of employment in the food and drink industry remained quite stable. The majority of the 287,000 EU food companies employing employ 4.25 million people are SMEs or micro-enterprises. While the sector has excellent potential for artisan and ...
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There is a substantial need for the development of high quality work-based VET in the healthcare sector that works with congenital anomalies. In Europe, 1 one out of 40 pregnancies is affected by a congenital anomalies that can result in medical, social and/or psychological disabilities throughout the lifespan for the affected individuals and their families. When it come to children with disabilit ...
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Teaching and Learning for Life in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

TEACHING AND LEARNING FOR LIFE IN EUROPE (TELLE), 2015-2017 1. Boosting Professional Profile and Curricula TELLE is a transnational teacher training project of five active, internationally-oriented and competent local adult educations in five European countries: Finland, Estonia, Iceland, Norway and Germany. The aim of the project is to update adult teachers' professional profile, promote the use ...
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LIGHTHOUSE Supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility is an innovative project aiming to develop and provide access to new methodologies for career guidance and counselling in Europe. LIGHTHOUSE will be base on the develop an innovative model for supporting lifelong learning and ...
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During the last years of economic crisis, Cyprus has suffered both recession and unemployment, leading to serious social distress. While various government programmes and initiatives encourage hiring young people, the situation is still very difficult. In September 2015, youth unemployment rate in Cyprus was 32 %. According to psychologists, the consequences of unemployment to young people inclu ...
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...cial workers, school leaders, special needs teachers, guidance counsellors) managers, policy makers and adult learners. The number of direct participants in the mobilities is foreseen to be 25 from RSBDF. Over 100 in total. ACTIVITIES; Job shadowing, teaching assignments abroad, course participation, reflection sessions, METHODOLOGY; Job shadowing, course participation, reflection sessions, teach ...
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We Grow Together

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

We Grow Together is a coproduction of five organisations, leaded by passionated people: Youth Spirit, Romania; Foroige, Ireland; IKSZE, Hungary; Boris Divkavic Foundation, Bosnia_Herzegovina and ONE WORLDcitizens, Netherlands.As project partners of We Grow Together we want to make social entrepreneurship accessible for as much as youth as possible between the age of 10-30. We want to help the yout ...
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The rational of the project was shaped at the European parliament meeting “The challenges of health inequalities in the treatment and prevention of birth defects in Europe” in Brussels (9/10/2012) since it was identified that the psychosocial aspects for individuals with disfigurement is less than optimal in many instances across Europe. The validity of idea was further strengthening by the approv ...
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All over Europe, unemployment figures for young adults (16-25) have become alarmingly high, with recent forecasts not being positive for this group of population in particular. Albeit to different extents, this is also the case for the countries involved in the EXPLORE partnership: NO, AT, DK, IT (EUROSTAT, January 2014). In Italy, to take the most dramatic example, 42% of 16-25 year old people ar ...
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Entrepreneurship in VET: Exploring the European Experience

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

During the last years of economic crisis, Cyprus has suffered both recession and unemployment, leading to serious social distress. While various government programmes and initiatives encourage hiring young people, the situation is still very difficult. In September 2014, youth unemployment in Cyprus was 34,8%. According to psychologists, the consequences of unemployment to young people include d ...
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Context/ background: Until recently, societal interest in looks has been considered largely benign, however, debilitating levels of appearance dissatisfaction are now normative in resource-rich nations, with extensive and damaging impacts on physical and psychological health (Nichola Rumsey 2012). Although there are examples of research and activism in the field in Europe, many researchers work in ...
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Tradium has completed a total of 114 mobility exchanges – 96 student mobility’s and 18 staff mobility’s. The overall level of completed mobility’s match that of the given funded mobility grant. The mobility project has had a great deal of changes in relation to the amount of the mobility grants application, that of which was a great deal larger (247 student mobility’s and 35 staff mobility’s). Th ...
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The Lila project aims to support the internationalization of innovative companies in the energy and digital economy. which have been evaluated as key sectors by NWE regions. with the strategic potential of high growth. Lila is based on the Living Labs approach. the European open innovation methodology which involves users in the product development process. For the first time Lila will realize ...
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The EUROMENTOR project will train mentors to support disadvantaged and disengaged target groups in order to promote their social, educational and economic inclusion. It is based on a previous Leonardo da Vinci project “Peer Mentor Support Project” which promotes the social, economic and educational inclusion of young disadvantaged people throughout training for supports peer mentors and it aims at ...
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VET students and VET-level employees currently have insufficient knowledge about Clean Technologies and sustainability and how to implement these broad themes in practice in SMEs. The EU has made it clear that investing in these qualities is important for a sustainable Europe. The Europrean Council stated in Dec 2010 that this basis in VET-education is weak in its “Council conclusions on education ...
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The ME, MYSELF, I project aims to promote social, economic and educational inclusion of the most disengaged and disadvantaged groups of people by a personal development programme, supported by peer mentors, which will provide them the skills necessary to access vocational training and employment. This project aims therefore at developing and delivering individualised personal development and life ...
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The central aim of the project is to equip VET teachers to teach students the emerging skills of entrepreneurship with a focus on the (start-up) micro enterprise. VET students who finish their studies are usually expected to continue their education elsewhere or start a job. Some former students however start up their own firm. Most teachers are unaware of this next step a student takes after grad ...
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Getting the excluded back on track : A peer mentoring service to support excluded or marginalised people in their attempts to gain access to training, education or employment was developed. Peer educators have been trained to work with the target groups. Evaluation of the efficiency of the methods as a tool for successful (re)integration of the target groups into vocational training and employment ...
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The objective of U-COACH was the development of the skills and competencias necesary to integrate and apply Executive Coaching techniques in the human resource and personnel management team processes. Managers, of all levels, and entrepreneurs of European SMEs have obtained, through the creation of a learning methodology, the relevant skills to improve the performance and competitiveness of their ...
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The Scality-Leaqual aims to make an inventory of existing practice in the quality field and to propose a tool for analysing quality assurance which can be used in the 15 EU Member States and candidate countries in order to produce a quality assurance label for care of the elderly. To achieve this, two studies are planned: the first will have a technical focus and will involve collecting as much in ...
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The project aims at sectors where personnel ( professionals and volunteers), also if enrolled by powerful organisations like the national and regional Civil Protection Corps or the Firemen Departments, is often fragmented in wide or disadvantaged areas. Therefore training needs support of means and tools for distance learning: in such a context e.learning should be the appropriate resource. The pr ...
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Project aims at improving the quality of and access to continuous training programmes for teachers and trainers. Specific objectives arte the identification of new skills and competences required by teachers and trainers, to compare continuous teacher-training models in different countries, to identify non-formal learning with a view to validation. Target groups are VET planners and decision-maker ...
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The project aims the development of a quality assurance system based on the Common quality assurance framework to be common to all the partners involved and that can improve the effectiveness of the training systems in relation to the real needs of the companies facing changing productive processes. The partnership, 11 partners in 6 countries, will develop a benchmarking on the current quality ass ...
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QVETIS falls under the fact and necessity of improving the Continuing Vocational Training System through Quality Standards. A comprehensive set of tools and procedures are foreseen in order to build up a Quality Management System to be managed by a wide variety of target groups as beneficiaries: professionals in charge of the design and planification of policies in Education and Training contexts, ...
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The project will - based on desk-research of the partners and a survey based broad user needs analysis - adapt and develop an innovative training package and on-line platform for entrepreneurship skills targeting unemployed and inactive young and women to be tested and evaluated by the target groups (TGs).
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Against the background of the ICT economy, this project aims to create an Internet portal which presents the needs of this new sector in terms of job profiles and necessary skills and provides guides and training and qualification modules.The portal should facilitate contact between the vocational training sector and companies via a company forum; provide ways for companies to seek qualified staff ...
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FEELing is a pilot project aiming at realizing a transnational standard of vocational training for a specific profile of educators, interested in the littoral environments. The project is the evolution of previous experiences in the field, realised in 2002 in South France. The new general aims are 1) a common and shared body of best practices in training, in the field of littoral environment educa ...
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Mirror, Mirror Project aims to develop a teacher training pack that addresses the consequences of negative body image. The project sets itself the aim of lowering dropout rates and increasing completion rates of VET students in partner countries by focusing on precisely those dropout aspects seemingly ignored or avoided by others when addressing the same issue. By promoting awareness about these i ...
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Reasons.Vocational colleges in the agricultural sector in Europe experience problems to deliver well qualified workers to innovative companies in the Bio Based Economy (BBE). In general, teachers do not have the specific training materials at hand, directly related to the new BBE. Most VET colleges (EQF3-4) do not possess the right and specific educational materials that fit the BBE challenge.Outc ...
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The K-start project was designed to encourage well experienced senior employees to take on a challenge and engage into the process of transferring their knowledge to younger colleagues or business start-ups. This included improving their HR management and mentoring skills with the help of easy accessible e-book and training programs delivered by project partners. The K-start project developed a da ...
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