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LIGHTHOUSE Supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

LIGHTHOUSE Supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants by tailored counselling and recognition of prior learning to improve skills, employability and mobility is an innovative project aiming to develop and provide access to new methodologies for career guidance and counselling in Europe. LIGHTHOUSE will be base on the develop an innovative model for supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants – the LIGHTHOUSE - based on the combination of two successful frameworks: (i) Recognition of non-formal and informal learning; and (ii) LOT-HOUSE, a methodology for the empowerment of migrants. LIGHTHOUSE will develop the following set of Open Educational Resources: O.1 State of the art report on career guidance and counseling services for migrants: context analysis, needs and recommendations. The aim of this report is to highlight key conclusions emerging from the state-of-the-art national and European research that the project partners will carry out in order to better adapt the project outputs and products to the reality and specific needs of the career guidance and counseling services for migrants. O.2 LIGHTHOUSE Model: Interactive open space for supporting lifelong learning and career paths for migrants The LIGHTHOUSE MODEL will provide the necessary conceptual and practical framework to set up a LIGHTHOUSE in the organisations. O.3 LIGHTHOUSE TRAINING CURRICULUM: An ECVET-based tool designed for professional development on counseling and career guidance The aim is to design a TRAINING CURRICULUM to develop the necessary know-how of the PROFESSIONALS (career and employment counsellors, trainers, social workers, psychologist and other staff) to implement the LIGHTHOUSE MODEL and provide counselling and career guidance for migrants. Furthermore, it will provide an interdisciplinary approach and the necessary basis for the development LIGHTHOUSE GUIDEBOOK and TOOLBOX. O.4 LIGHTHOUSE Guidebook: innovative strategies and techniques in career guidance and counseling for migrants The LIGHTHOUSE GUIDEBOOK is a comprehensive resource that provides in depth information on the theoretical foundations of the Lighthouse model and its innovative strategies and techniques for career guidance and counseling for migrants. O.5 LIGHTHOUSE Toolbox: innovative methods and implementation models in career guidance and counseling for migrants. The LIGHTHOUSE TOOLBOX is a resource that contains practical information for the implementation of innovative methods in career services for migrants following the Lighthouse interactive model. It will contain a set of practical tools and methods adapted to the specific needs of the target beneficiaries, the migrant people, and to the target users; counselors, educators, trainers, managers and other type of professionals working at career guidance and counseling services for migrants. O.6 Guidelines for the implementation of LIGHTHOUSE innovative methods for career guidance for migrants The LIGHTHOUSE GUIDELINES is a product of the project aimed to provide recommendations for the implementation of LIGHTHOUSE innovative methods for career guidance for migrants. The GUIDELINES will be elaborated based on key conclusions emerging from 7 pilots, organized in SPAIN (2 pilots), AUSTRIA, GREECE, FRANCE, NORWAY and CYPRUS, to test the practical implementation of the LIGHTHOUSE methodology and tools in career services with 175 MIGRANTS and 35 PROFESSIONALS (career and employment counselors, trainers, social workers, psychologist and other staff involved in the career services and/ or in the different areas of the LIGHTHOUSE MODEL: RECOGNITION of non formal and informal learning, TRAINING, EMPLOYMENT and MOBILITY). O.7 LIGHTHOUSE DIDACTIC FILM: An attractive pedagogical tool for more lively training The aim is to produce a pedagogical tool to give visibility and engage the VET community and other players working with migrants as well as motivate the end-user (professionals) and beneficiaries (migrants) for the innovativeness and value of the LIGHTHOUSE MODEL and tools – LIGHTHOUSE GUIDEBOOK and TOOLBOX. O.8 LIGHTHOUSE PLATFORM: A multilingual Open Educational Resource The aim is to offer an interactive platform to launch the OER outputs developed by the LIGHTHOUSE. It will also act as a promotional media to create European awareness about the innovativeness of the LIGHTHOUSE project and it outputs in order to ensure maximum outreach, longer impact and sustainability. O.9 LIGHTHOUSE @BULLETIN: A step for the sustainability The aim is to reach the awareness of the VET community and other players in the migration field about the impact of the LIGHTHOUSE project and as well raising the sustainability of its outputs, by publishing the LIGHTHOUSE @BULLETIN.

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