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Clean Tech Employees & STudents

VET students and VET-level employees currently have insufficient knowledge about Clean Technologies and sustainability and how to implement these broad themes in practice in SMEs. The EU has made it clear that investing in these qualities is important for a sustainable Europe. The Europrean Council stated in Dec 2010 that this basis in VET-education is weak in its “Council conclusions on education for sustainable Development”. Likewise, the European Ministers for Vocational Education and Training stated in the Bruges Communiqué: “Just as information and communications technology skills are essential for everybody today green skills will be important to almost every job in the future”.The current VET students have gained somewhat more theoretical knowledge about these topics in the current curricula but the former VET-students didn’t receive any training on these subjects during their education. These were non-issues during their time in VET institutions. C-TEST aims to fill this gap by training VET students and VET level employees on these subjects. This consist of the following activities: 1) implementing the results of C-TEST in the curricula of VET institutions, 2) organizing a yearly seminar specifically on these topics for the students and VET-level employees working for SMEs in the region, 3) organizing a Training Day at an SME where VET students and employees can put the knowledge into practice. The students will gain valuable experience on applying the learned materials into practice together with the employees who can educate them on real life experience in this field. The materials for C-TEST will be based on the previous LLP project RESNET and will be adapted and completed to fit the training needs of the VET students. The materials will be made available online to ensure a greater impact and to make it accessible for all people. Main outputs are the tools & methods developed in the project. The main results are the e-learning course, the manual for a hands-on approach to realize the Training Day and finally the databases for the VET-institutions comprising the different skills of the former students. C-TEST aims at contributing to the economy by boosting the knowledge of green employees and VET-students in order to contribute to the sustainable growth of SMEs. The well balanced consortium will develop tools to be implemented universally and organize the materials in such a way that any VET institute in the EU can easily adapt and apply it to their specific situation.The project intends to impact directly more than 200 persons, who will be actively involved in activities of the project, in all partner countries. Moreover, the partnership intends to spread the results and outcomes among many other people, both on an European and national scale.The project will thus contribute to the Copenhagen mandate (making learning more accessible and engaging) and the Lisbon agenda (making the EU the most dynamic and competitive economy).
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7 Partners Participants