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32 European Projects Found

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All cross border roads leads to friends homes

Start date: Sep 30, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

... Expected Results: Reconstruction works of total 4,92 km roads are foreseen in Puńsk Community - Morkusa street; in Alytus District municipality - AL0016 Vaidaugai-Vaisodžiai road; in Sejny Poviat - Jenorajście – Burbiszki road. Target groups of the project are local inhabitants of the crossborder communities, busin ...
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HISTorical assets and related landsCAPE (HISTCAPE)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Historic towns and their landscapes are a unique part of Europe’s identity. While Europe’s 500 million population is concentrated in larger settlements 80% of its territory is rural in character. These landscapes, developed over centuries, are home to a dispersed pattern of smaller historic towns. HISTCAPE focuses on these historical assets – some 4,500 small towns of under 20k population which ha ...
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Developing Investments On Sustainable Community Sport Infrastructure

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014, active sport and leisure time activities, as well as modernization of small-scale economic infrastructure: the Stadium at the ZSO High School Complex in Pisz and the running tracks in Butrimonys, Alytus district. Implementation of the project will continue the successful cooperation and strengthen the partnership of two local authorities by solving joint problem in not sufficient use of sport ...
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Partners intend to contribute to the creation of environment friendly and balanced tourism system on the Lithuanian-Belarusian border region and to enlarge the attractiveness of the region to local people and travelers. Expected Results: ...
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d environment – healthy young generation (ILPR.01.01.00-28-072/10-00)

Start date: Jul 13, 2012, End date: Jul 12, 2014,

The overall idea of the project is to contribute to reduction of the consumption of non-renewable energy sources in the border area. Expected Results: 1. Increasing the knowledge and skills about energy saving among citizens l ...
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Cross border racing

Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: May 30, 2014,

The essential aim of this project is to improve communication infrastructure leading to the cross border SMEs, homesteads of rural tourism, and agro-tourism objects. Despite numerous efforts done by the local authorities, the quality of the transport network in this area is still inadequate. The majority of local roads in the project territory has graveled or land paving. It makes serious communic ...
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Shining cross border towns (Shining towns)

Start date: Oct 31, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2014,

The overall aim of the project is to foster sustainable development in the cross border towns through the implementation of joint activities, which are related to the increase in the energy efficiency and installation of new energy systems. The core activity of the project is reconstruction of the lightening system in three cross border towns. ...
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Neighbours in active business actions (Neighbours)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Mar 30, 2014,

The main milestone of this project is the opening of two business support centres (in Pisz, Poland, and in Daugai, Alytus district, Lithuania). The centres will encourage small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the borderline region to cooperate through business networking. So far there have been no such business support institutions in the mentioned municipalities notwithstanding the demand was ...
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Let's learn from each other.

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

... Expected Results: The activities involve the modernisation of school buildings in Giżycko and Alytus, purchase of teaching equipment for the school in Giżycko, improvement of teaching techniques and methods, and finally organization of numerous events: 2 meetings on the modernisation and energy ...
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Spatial planing - development of ecological transport infrastructure

Start date: Aug 31, 2012, End date: Feb 27, 2014,

This project solves one of the main problems in the region – the lack of spatial planning documents for development of ecological transport (bicycles) infrastructure in the cross border region towns: Varėna, Giby, and Daugai. Expected Resu ...
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Joint cross border actions for life, environment and household protection

Start date: Dec 31, 2012, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

As the main aim of the project is to increase the safety in the area, numerous actions such as rescue operations, firefighting exercises and demonstrations, youth exchanges, purchase of rescue and firefighting equipment and firefighting car will contribute to it. The outcomes of the project will be presented during the closing conference. ...
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Crossroads of love and art

Start date: Mar 31, 2013, End date: Oct 29, 2013,

... creating opportunity to develop new cultural product by exchanging experiences between two partners. Specific objective: to organize two art pilot weeks "crossroads of love and art" - one in Daugai, Alytus district and one in Voronovo, Belarus, what will contribute to solving current cross-border problems. ...
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The project aims at raising the accessibility of modern communication technologies to the inhabitants of Monki, Goniadz, Knyszyn, Alytus and Trakai and creating safe upbringing and educational environment for the young generation. These objectives will be achieved by securing equal access to modern educational and communication tools, exchanging experience and ensuring greater safety of the projec ...
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The general objective of the project is to improve roads infrastructure in the areas where rural and agro-tourism objects are found. The core activity of the project is reconstruction of 7 local roads in the borderline region. Expected Resul ...
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Attraction of activities in cross border lakes (Active lakes)

Start date: Aug 1, 2010, End date: Apr 30, 2012,

...rove the package of the active tourism services, which might be provided by the Interschool sport centre and the rowing base. The project will contribute to the development of tourism in Pisz and Alytus districts, as well as in the cross border region. ...
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Cross border youth cooperation

Start date: Jan 4, 2009, End date: Jan 3, 2012,

The project came out of the necessity to strengthen the cooperation networks between the border regions of Poland and Lithuania through the development of children and youth exchange programmes in the field of sport. The project is aimed at organizing periodic joint sport events and camps. ...
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The project is implemented by five partners, which continuously improving cooperation in social, cultural and economic fields. The key objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of Lithuania - Poland borderline region by making prerequisites to develop creative and cultural industries (CCI) in areas of culture and tourism within the project implementation territory. Creative and c ...
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The main objective of the project was to strengthen cultural cooperation between cross-border regions of Lithuania and Poland. Expected Results: The main activities were cultural events, festivals as during the project impleme ...
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The project included a lot of activities contributing to the achievement of the main aim, which was the protection of air quality in the Lithuanian-Polish borderline region. Achievements: The realization of the project helped to reduce energy consumption in educational ...
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... Achievements: Projects implementation influenced the development of sports infrastructure in Alytus and Giżycko and cooperation between Alytus, Giżycko, Jurbarkas and Varėna, through the youth exchange during sport activities and exchange of experience among the partners. The main target grou ...
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Natural and cultural resources of the projects territory, in particular unpolluted lakes and forests as well as cultural heritage values are the main elements ensuring competitiveness of the regions, located in the territory of several local governmental units. The key objective of the project was to increase the scope efficiency of the joint actions in municipal fire and rescue service supply in ...
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The overall project's aim was to increase the attractiveness of active tourism services in the Lithuanian-Polish border region. Achievements: The most important tangible output of the project was the preparation of technical documentation for the reconstruction of the D ...
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Innovation Circle (IC)

Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

In many European countries urban areas are magnets that attract people from villages, smaller towns and rural districts because cities offer more hope for jobs, education, cultural and leisure activities, health care and better living standards. At the same time rural areas and small towns located far from the large cities or other growth centers face: downsizing and ageing population; out-migrati ...
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The main focus in the BIRD project was to increase rural development in areas with attractive bird rich wetlands, nature reserves and cultural landscapes. 35 joining partners in 6 Baltic countries have localized areas where a quality secured eco tourism has good assumptions to expand. The six joining countries and numbers of partners are: Estonia (5), Finland (5), Germany (1), Latvia (2), Lithuani ...
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The PIPE project (PIPE )

Start date: May 31, 2002, End date: Sep 29, 2004,

The PIPE project was aiming at demonstrating a holistic approach towards territorial development with a particular focus on engaging the young generation.Participation – Identity – Planning - Entrepreneurship are 4 key elements in development strategies for smaller and medium sized communities and regions located in the periphery. The PIPE project was aiming at demonstrating a holistic approach to ...
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General objective of the project is to develop co-operation of the countries in order to stimulate investments, to improve business environment, to increase competitiveness and productivity in Euroregion Nemunas.The main activities consist of:1. Preparing possibility study of investment stimulation of industrial areas and green fields in Euroregion Nemunas. ...
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The project partners aimed at promoting sports among youth of Kaliningrad region and Sopot. A number of joint football camps and tournaments were organised and certain investments into renovation of football fields were made.
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General Goal of the Project was strengthening long-term cultural relationships and cooperation on the both sides of the Lithuanian-Polish border and improving the images and attraction of these regions through activating the activities and cooperation between folklore and art groups, local communities of these and other European regions.
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...imulate economic and scientific co-operation among the border-regions of Euroregion "Nemunas-Niemen-Neman". Specific aims of the project are establishing co-operation network of young scientists from Alytus, Suwalki, Marijampole— and Chernyakhovsk in order to foster sustainable development of the region; to elaborate the colleges-co-operation strategy in order to strengthen their position in resea ...
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Project aims at increasing security of tourists in the territory of Lithuania and Poland. In places of interest cameras shall be installed to reduce criminality and make regions more attractive for tourists.
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Short description: The general objective of the project is to increase the competitiveness of the Lithuania-Poland border region and to improve conditions of the socio-economic co-operation in it, while rebuilding and reconstructing parts of the old local and regional roads and while strengthening infrastructure development administrative capacities of the regional institutions. The project is imp ...
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The main objective of the Project is to develop collaboration between two countries, stimulate cognitive tourism of cultural heritage over the both sides of Lithuania-Poland border. Particular objectives of the project:- Establish conditions to create attractive environment of good quality for tourism by preparing technical documentation for rout Trail of pilgrims;- Ensure development of tourism i ...
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