The PIPE project
Start date: May 31, 2002,
End date: Sep 29, 2004
The PIPE project was aiming at demonstrating a holistic approach towards territorial development with a particular focus on engaging the young generation.Participation – Identity – Planning - Entrepreneurship are 4 key elements in development strategies for smaller and medium sized communities and regions located in the periphery. The PIPE project was aiming at demonstrating a holistic approach towards territorial dvelopment with a particular focus on engaging the young generation. In difference from other initiatives PIPE wanted to include youths in small or large concrete actions for the benefit of their home communities, not as alibies for adult driven processes, but by facilitating youth initiatives. More than 20 places and regions located in the periphery of seven Baltic Sea Region countries were participating. Achievements: In difference from other initiatives PIPE wanted to include youths in small or large concrete actions for the benefit of their home communities, not as alibies for adult driven processes, but by facilitating youth initiatives. More than 20 places and regions located in the periphery of seven Baltic Sea Region countries were participating. Business creation and community development were in focus for more than 50 local actions. The idea was to create local actions inspired by transnational cooperation.PIPE organised a whole range of transnational workshops where young people worked together with a team of international experts. The training was organised as learning by doing. Young students in cooperation with experts carried out local spatial analysis and came up with a number of suggestions for improvements. In places like Notodden, Tranemo, Rovaniemi and Mysen plans for local improvements were carried out and also some concrete actions: Pieces of art, new playgrounds, renovation of an outdoor stage, renovation of walls and planning one bridge for pedastrians were concrete results. Some of the proposals were implemented later on.A part of the actions were pure training exercises within entrepreneurship or town planning. Other actions resulted in physical changes in the communities, creation of youth councils, new cultural services, art in public space, methodology for work with young entrepreneurs, new transnational and viable partnerships between schools and local authorities. Some actions also resulted in the creation of real companies.All 9 partners produced "Future charters" with visions and action plans for the spatial development within their regions / communities. These visions were discussed in councils and among the project participants, and disseminated in media and brochures. Most of them were plans or ideas which can be realised on a later stage. They can be taken into master plans or sector plans, be used for local improvements, regeneration of premises and squares.The project also resulted in the creation of a new INTERREG III B project- Innovation Circle.
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