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31 European Projects Found

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Youth for Environment

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2017,

The EVS project ‘Youth for Environment’ in Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), the network of youth environmental organisations from 26 countries, gives volunteers the opportunity to experience the daily work of an international youth organisation’s central office (in Prague, Czech Republic) and to contribute to various YEE projects with their own ideas, skills and enthusiasm. Youth and Environmen ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017, in 5 countries (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Czech republic and Portugal) from June 1, 2016 to October 31, 2017. The aim of the project is to explore innovative approaches for development of youth active citizenship by fostering youth ability to convince stakeholders of the need to implement their proposed solutions for environmental protection. During the project, several groups of young peo ...
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Be(e) the change

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

...ns will be developed using the principles of the non-formal and intercultural education and will reflect the needs and expectations of the participants. The working methods of the youth exchange will involve: team building, working in groups, discussion in groups, research, giving/receiving feedback, brainstorming, presentation, etc.After the training course we will create a publication gathering ...
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Youth for Environment

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

The EVS project ‘Youth for Environment’ in Youth and Environment Europe (YEE), the network of youth environmental organisations from 27 countries, gives volunteers the opportunity to experience the daily work of an international youth organisation’s central office (in Prague, Czech Republic) and to contribute to various YEE projects with their own ideas, skills and enthusiasm. Youth and Environme ...
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Art for the Environment

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2016,

The youth exchange “Art for the Environment” took place on 9-15 November in Kapraluv Mlyn, Ochoz u Brna, the Czech Republic. It gathered 25 participants from 5 countries: the Czech Republic, the UK, Spain, Portugal, Albania. It was organised by Youth and Environment Europe. The idea for the project came from YEE member organisations and it reflected the need for new creative ideas for workshops an ...
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Green Entrepreneurship

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

...e thinking). - To spread environmentally friendly practices among young entrepreneurs. The aim and objectives were achieved through the following activities: - Training course “Supporting youth in creating green start-ups” (Spain, April 2015) - Local workshops (partner countries, June-August 2015) - Online inspirational campaign with videos about young entrepreneurs (June 2015 - March 2016) - Trai ...
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Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

The main activity of the project: "EVS IMPACT: Past-Present-Future" is a 7 day seminar in Santander, bringing together a group of 40 volunteers from 13 organizations and 12 countries. All young people from Armenia, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Italy, Portugal, Czech Republic, Romania, Norway, Turkey and Spain have participated in EVS projects coordinated by Asociación Ser Joven from Spain (coordinat ...
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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

...ries from the South of the Mediterranean, that had as purpose to increase the competences of the members (staff, volunteers, collaborators) and the professionalism of the youth organizations. The training course that took place in Puerto de la Cruz, Spain, between the 25th of October and the 1st of November of 2015 gathered 28 participants from 7 countries: Spain, Algeria, Italy, Egypt, Jordan, Ma ...
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Dimensions of Denmark 2014

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 16, 2016, for personal as professional future. The involvment in the local community will ensure that both Danish and volunteer’s community will benefit from the project. Moreover the volunteer will get a Youthpass Certificate which is recognized by the European countries and is able to contribute to volunteer’s socialization. After the return to their home contries they will be evaluated and encouraged ...
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Give international dimension to your projects

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Nov 3, 2015,

...a, Spain, Albania, Portugal, Russia, Poland, Georgia, Latvia, Ukraine, Croatia, Serbia, Belgium. The training course was attended by 28 participants. The training course was created for environmental youth organisations who work actively with their local communities and would like to transfer their successful local projects to international level. The participants were project coordinators and yo ...
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European Rivers Parliament

Start date: Mar 22, 2015, End date: Sep 21, 2015,

The European Rivers Parliament is the final event of the Big Jump Challenge 2015 ( The Big Jump Challenge is the youth campaign of the Big Jump, a European-wide campaign on water conservation. It empowers youth teams to get creative and take action for their rivers and lakes. The European Rivers Parliament is a policy dialogue between young river ambassadors from across ...
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Three Rs for the Environment

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

Youth Exchange “Three Rs for the Environment” will take place on 19-27 October in Moldova. It is aimed to attract young people, who are interested in the topic of waste management or working in NGOs whose activities are related to waste management and new innovative ways to raise the awareness of waste issue. The participants will have an opportunity to exchange experience and knowledge about wast ...
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Environmental Training for Eco-Trainers

Start date: Jan 12, 2015, End date: Jul 11, 2015,

The Training Course TC "Environmental Training for Eco-Trainers" (ET4ET), taking place in Wiek (Rügen), Germany from 20-28 March 2015, gathered 35 youth workers or active members from 15 youth and environmental organisations of 12 different countries (Albania, Armenia, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Latvia, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Spain, United Kingdom) between 18-35 years. The German ...
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Follow-up and impact in international projects

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The training course “Follow-up and impact in international projects” will be organised by Youth and Environment Europe (Czech Republic) and Balta Daba (Latvia). It will take place in Valmiera, Latvia on 8-15 August. The project will include 13 partners from 11 European countries: Czech Republic, Latvia, Armenia, Moldova, Serbia, Albania, Russia, Spain, Italy, Romania, Portugal. The training cours ...
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In love with energy efficiency

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

The youth exchange “In love with energy efficiency” will take place in Tirana and Himara (Albania) from 7 to 15 of October 2014. The project idea started to shape up during YEE’s Annual Meeting 2013, when some youth environmental organisations decided to partnership and prepare a project to share knowledge and learn more about energy efficiency and the role of young people on this issue. The YE wi ...
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Parlement Européen de la Jeunesse pour l'Eau

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 1, 2015,

Background and objectives: The European Youth Parliaments for Water (EYPW) are designed to promote youth participation in water policies, firstly by raising awareness of the challenges of water management, and secondly through education for citizenship and democracy. The EYPW are organized since 15 years by Solidarity Water Europe (SWE), which has developed a recognized expertise, and established ...
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Water and youth,2009

Start date: Dec 1, 2009,

The exchange "Water and Youth, 2009" aims to connect young people from European Union(Czech Republic, Poland, and Romania) and Eastern European/Caucasian (Armenia, Georgia andRussia) countries with the aim to provide a platform to learn about the water resource situationin various parts of Europe, share experience, develop knowledge and skills on environment,water and sustainable development issue ...
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Main theme of partnership Building Activity ""Youth as main power of Sustainable development inEurope" is rising of European awareness and Urban/Rural development, specially focus on sustainable development.In this PBA will participate youth leaders and youth workers from 28 organisations from 15 countries. During six days in the small mountain town of Rudnik in western part of Serbia they will ha ...
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L'objectif de cette activité est de créer des partenariats et de donner aux participants l'opportunité de trouver de nouveaux partenaires dans le cadre de la coopération entre les pays membres de l'UE et ses trois régions partenaires voisines. Les partenaires sont : la France, la Turquie, la Roumanie, l'Espagne, l'Italie, la Belgique, la SrèceJ'Allemagne, Chypre, l'Algérie, la Palestine, le Maroc, ...
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The present call for proposals aims at:o Promoting long-term and sustainable cooperation between youth organisations from Programmeand Partner countries; o Fostering the process of development of quality youth policies and services with a special focuson any type of socially excluded young people in Partner countries, based on the Europeanexperience in the field; o Developing a network of ...
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The SEMINAR "Sharing-Leaming-Protecting: Volunteering as the tool for sustainable environmentalprotection" Kljuc, Bosnia-Herzegovina, M* of March- 22nd of March 2011 in the fiamework of the YOUTHin ACTION program is dedicated to the discussion of working experiences and strategies in their work withyouth within the fields of education for sustainable development, pedagogical aspects of environment ...
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I can Lead! I can facilitate!

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

The training course 'I can lead! I can facilitate!' is projected for young people who are leaders, coordinators, youth workers in their organisations and want to improve their skills in leading projects, managing groups and especially in facilitating. 30 young people from; 15 youth organisations (from Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Germany, Portugal, Albania, Armenia, Russia, Macedònia, Georgia, Ukrai ...
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The main theme of the youth exchange “Who will remember me 5?” is raising European awareness and environmental protection in the region of participating countries. Special focus during project will be on youth participation in implementation of EU Bird and Habitat Directive and protection of endangered species in Europe.Objectives of this youth exchange are in cohesion with general objectives of ...
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PBA Volunteers for Environment

Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The partnership building activity 'Volunteers for Environment' will take place in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia 20-25 May, 2012. The PBA will connect 18 youth organizations interested in and working on environmental issues with volunteers. 32 youth leaders, youth workers and young volunteers from 15 EU and Eastern European/Caucasian countries will meet to discuss current environmental issues and the good p ...
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Women Leadership Program

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

... encouraged to think about the role of women within their organization, and their countries more broadly, and consider how to encourage and support women in leadership roles.The project is focused on youth women leaders from the YEE network - youth environmental NGOs - as well as other NGOs in Eastern Europe,Balkan and Caucasus region. The aim is to create a long term project, a series of training ...
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Give pedestrians their city back

Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...and importance. What frequently happens is that the sustainability appraisal is neglected during planning process, as well as the right of public information and participation in decision making. The Youth Exchange “Give pedestrians their city back” aims to share experiences and best practices on the concept and actions on green cities and also to develop cooperation and common awareness raising a ...
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The extensive experience of YEE working on youth environmental projects has highlighted the particular need for providing young people with knowledge and skills about leadership, and the opportunity to develop and practice their leadership skills. That is why YEE decided to organise a training course on leadership skills in environmental youth organisations. For our network competent and skilled l ...
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Snapshot to Environment

Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

The youth exchange 'Snapshot to Environment' aims to connect 36 young people from 6 European Union and European Neighboring (EECA) countries with the aim to provide space to discuss global environmental challenges, their local impact and work together to create tools for raising awareness on those issues in their communities. The tools of YE are photography and video that will promote creativity a ...
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...ver a period of 9months it will include 5 transnational meetings during which participants will meet to develop five themes:Migration, Media Freedom, Active Citizenship, Alternatives to the Crisis: A Youth Perspective, Common Goods.Participants will work on series of publications on these themes, they will produce a video, and will prepare public events in their cities, presenting their work to th ...
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Trash 4 Cash

Start date: Feb 3, 2014,

...cological problems all societies are facing huge unemployment problem. In some countries unemployment rate among young people is more than 50%. European states must solve these problems together. The Youth Exchange Trash 4 Cash aims at promoting job opportunities through recycling and stimulating entrepreneurial spirit based on sustainable - green job ideas (taking unused things and turning them i ...
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Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

The youth exchange EcoPhoto aims to connect 40 young people from 4 European Union (United Kingdom, Italy, Hungary and Czech Republic) and 4 EECA (Armenia, Georgia, Belarus and Moldova) countries with the aim to provide space to discuss global environmental challenges, their local impact and work together to create tools for raising awareness on those issues in their communities. The tool of YE is ...
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