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Back to Basics: European Solidarity Network
Start date: Mar 15, 2013,

'Back to Basics' will involve 66 young participants from 11 countries (Ita, Fr, Sp, UK, Ge, Rom, Bul, Cze, Neth, Tur, Pol). Spanning over a period of 9months it will include 5 transnational meetings during which participants will meet to develop five themes:Migration, Media Freedom, Active Citizenship, Alternatives to the Crisis: A Youth Perspective, Common Goods.Participants will work on series of publications on these themes, they will produce a video, and will prepare public events in their cities, presenting their work to the local community. The final transnational meeting will incorporate a day of public events, showcasing the results of the project. This event will take place during the Transeuropa Festival, a highly visited event organised yearly by European Alternatives.B2B will give the necessary tools to young people throughout Europe to explore the issues that are of concern for them, and will teach them how to translate their concerns into concrete thoughts and actions, giving them a greater voice in their local and European communities. Secondly, the project's overarching aim is to foster a sense of European citizenship; by creating a network of young people from 10countries to work on one common project, the participants will inevitably leave the project with a European perspective on the issues.Each transnational meeting will host thematic working groups, and participants will develop the thematics through research and interviews with key actors in these areas (academics, decision-makers, activists, etc.) A printed publication will be created for each of the themes, and will be available online, on European Alternatives' website. Transnational meetings will serve as a moment of debate and discussion but at the same time of non-formal learning where participants will share skills relating to research, communication, writing policy proposals, campaigning, etc., all necessary tools for becoming active citizens.
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