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Economical Empowerment of women through education

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...d with the scale of the problem in their communities. Many suffer from burn-out as a result. Even those who have ideas of what could be offered have no idea what funding is available for such work or how to look for it so many ideas are not initiated – or are not sustainable for developing within a long-term perspective. This project aims to tackle the efficiency of training and employment initiat ...
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Ecology- Let's make the world a better place!

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

...dents are interested in the topic of ecology, but there are also people who are not yet aware of problems such as ozone hole, global warming, water, earth and air pollution. Through active discourse, workshops, presentations and sightseeing, participants can trigger their own instinct for helping their country. The students come from diversified cultural circles and therefore, individuals can spot ...
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 FINISHED countries (Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Macedonia and Romania) and it will take place from the 13th to the 21st of January 2017. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, teachers, etc. who already work or expect to work with young people and that deal with the topic of migration.After being hit by the economical crises - not all countries reco ...
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OPEN-UP. Istituzioni e giovani per idee innovative

Start date: Apr 4, 2016, End date: Feb 3, 2017,

...ue to:- Lack of education and training in the field of entrepreneurship, which can be seen as a path to value youth skills and competences- Lack of support by public authorities to the innovative working methods, widespread in the youth world, such as coworking, fab-lab, community cooperatives.- Difficulty to value the innovative contributions of young people within the traditional structures and ...
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The Tree of Awareness

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

...y and color therapy), sports and outdoors, visit the main historical, artistic and folkloristic places (to know and enhance the environment around us ), excursions, meetings with the local community, workshops and more and more. The "three degrees of awareness" (personal, the environment where we live and the European dimension), will provide important solution keys for an individual aware growth ...
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...trategy has to be holistic and consider the human beings in its whole and complexity. It means supporting people in discovering their passions, increasing their self-esteem, createing a supportive network, facilitating their learning competence development. It is about promoting employability Learning to learn becomes then the most crucial key competence for lifelong learning and for developing e ...
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...fferent countries (Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Turkey, Portugal, Greece, Germany, Ireland and Romania) and it will take place from the 22nd to the 30th of January 2016. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, teachers, etc. who already work or expect to work with young people in social inclusion area with non-formal educational approaches. Young people at risk of social exclusion l ...
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Long term coaching training for youth workers - step 2

Start date: Dec 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2016,

... and/or coach themselves as part of their professional role. The popularity of coaching as a way of supporting the learning process is growing within E+/Youth in action and a growing number of youth workers and trainers are looking for a coaching education that is affordable and focused on the specific context of Erasmus+/youth in action and non-formal learning. After the first edition of the 'I ...
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Improve your social skills, improve your life

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Mladinska izmenjava "Improve your social skills, improve your life" je potekala od 17. do 27. oktobra 2015 v Izoli. Države, ki so bile vključene v projekt so: Nizozemska, Latvija, Romunija, Turčija in Slovenija. Udeleženci izmenjave so bili mladi, stari med 18 in 30 let. V projekt so bile vključene osebe z invalidnostjo. Projekt je nastal na pobudo udeležencev, ko smo na enem od prejšnjih projekt ...
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Le nomadisme digital

Start date: Feb 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

...than 10,000 young people including a quarter of unemployed youngsters will take part in the project. At the end of it , they should be able to create their own digital business. Activities include networking of young European digital nomads and the development and the exchange of good practices between them. This will lead to the development of approaches, tools and training material to digital no ...
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The project is a 9 days non-formal educational training programme in Latvia, it includes 26 participants from 9 countries, and 2 trainers, 1 tehnical support person. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, educators etc. who already work or expect to work in social inclusion area with non-formal educational approaches. Too often non-formal education is confused with spontaneous l ...
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Long term coaching training for youth workers - step 1

Start date: Sep 15, 2015, End date: Jan 14, 2016,

... and/or coach themselves as part of their professional role. The popularity of coaching as a way of supporting the learning process is growing within E+/Youth in action and a growing number of youth workers and trainers are looking for a coaching education that is affordable and focused on the specific context of Erasmus+/youth in action and non-formal learning. After the first two editions of t ...
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Youth in a changing Europe

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2015,

...Ukraine will come together in a 6-day seminar in Berlin to discuss the issues, backgrounds and concerns of youth and protests in Europe with each other and with policy-makers. The participants will work in three groups focusing on democracy, diversity and media. Later, they will discuss the topics with representatives of research institutes, media as well as activists. Finally, the participants ...
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...e improvement of their self assurance, raising of awareness of their existence and society in which they live, providing for a new vision. It is anticipated that the youth will gain tendency to team work, the competence of self-expression, creativity, innovative thinking, productivity, independence, forethought, developing empathy, tolerance in establishing dialog skills together with creative wo ...
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Youth unemployment is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. Youth transition into an adult autonomous working life has been becoming a longer and complexer issue. Youth employability is directly related to life independence, which plays a central role in other structural social policies, like family policies, for example. All the new documents – Europe 2020 and its flagship – ...
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Open to New Horizon

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

...ovak Republic, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Croatia and Sweden. The seminar will be held on 1-6 July 2015 in Bialy Dunajec. The aim of the project is the exchange of experiences between the leaders, youth workers, coaches to promote entrepreneurship among young people, getting to know interesting methods of work, the creation of sustainable partnerships in order to implement common initiatives. We will ...
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...Therefore education, or rather the lack of it, plays a key role in this. Youth with a low educational attainment are much more likely to be affected by unemployment, inactivity or difficult school-to-work transitions than youth with upper secondary or university education and intense experiences through non-formal education pathways. The TC ''The Change Makers 2 – Sustainable Development through E ...
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Solidarity Tracks organized an 11 day training course in Lefkas Greece for 37 youth leaders and youth workers active in the field of non formal education, coming from 19 youth organizations, from 14 different countries of E.U., eastern Europe and the Caucasus. During this Training course, participants exchanged views and applied methods about developing, following and assessing the soft skills ac ...
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The ‚2nd European Youth Conference: Strengthening the Recognition of Non-Formal Education in European Youth Work’ is a follow-up of the ‚1st European Youth Conference: Strenghtening the Recognition of Non-Formal Eduation and Youth Work’, which took place in March 2013 in Cracow. One outcome of this Conference was the lack of a platform for Euroepan Youth Workers to share best practice examples and ...
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??? ?????? 2012 d?µ??????saµe ??a e?pa?de?t??? e??a?e??, t? «?µe??????? t?? e?e???t?» (EVS Logbook)», t? ?p??? a???p??????e ap? p?????? ????? e???pa???? e?e???t?? ?a? t??? ep?t?e?e ?a pa?a????????? ?a? ?a ?ata???f??? ??a ta st?d?a t?? p?????µµat?? t???, t?? µe??d??? ?p?st?????? p?? t????a? st? d???es? t???, t?? p??s?p???? a???????se?? t???, t?? µa??se?? ?a? t?? eµpe???e? p?? ap??t?sa?. ? a???????s ...
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Youth unemployment is one of the most relevant challenges in contemporary Europe. Youth transition into an adult autonomous working life has been becoming a longer and complexer issue. Youth employability is directly related to life independence, which plays a central role in other structural social policies, like family policies, for example. All the new documents – Europe 2020 and its flagship – ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Under the framework of our project activity meeting in the end of the work organised in Ankara on 16-21 January 2015 with the participation of 48-1(Italy-VERGARA of participants / CLAUDIO- Although we did not get the air ticket)=47 people (half of the group was disabled), including participants from Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Italy, Poland and Turkey and expert, speaker, facilitator and support p ...
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SDL and L2L: Where are we? What next?

Start date: Aug 16, 2014, End date: Feb 16, 2015,

...ess’ the concept of L2L was introduced within almost all activities within the Youth in Action programme. Last but not least ‘learning to learn’ being one of the 8 key-competences in the framework of the Life Long Learning programme of the European Commission made the concept an accepted and recognised one. A new concept brings challenges, changes, success stories, frustrations, different applicat ...
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Educators, trainers and youth workers actively involved in shaping European non-formal education activities are often perceived as "perfect" by the groups they work with. With this perception of perfection comes the expectation that the people in front of the group always know "perfectly" what they are doing and what the outcomes and impact of the methods they use on the group and the individual l ...
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In-to-me-see coaching training

Start date: Aug 5, 2014, End date: Jan 11, 2015,

...ent has become more and more important in different areas of society and a lot of professionals either have a coach and/or coach themselves as part of their professional role. Also in European youth work the question about the use of coaching in and outside a training context is raised and a growing number of youth workers and trainers are looking for a coaching education that is affordable and f ...
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This 7- day Training Course which will be held between the 4 - 10 July 2014 (including arrival and departure) targets youth workers/leaders who work with persons with disabilities and/or their families. 8 partners coming from Malta, Latvia, Romania, Turkey, Austria, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Bulgaria are involved in this training course and will be sending 3 participants each. The training co ...
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...n the process), select and implement learning strategies and evaluate learning outcomes. This learner-directed approach is more and more common in non-formal and formal settings but educators in both work on their own islands. This training course brought actors of both educationals setting together to learn from each other, exchange and develop workshops together that can be used both in formal a ...
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4 Europe

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The aim of the project is building the European identity among youth groups being on a margin of their own societies, staying usually in closed institutions like reformatories. Young people include in the project (16-21 years old) is a group with dysfunctional social background (alcohol, violence, poverty), also with low social competitions and educational deficiency. This social background cause ...
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TC Creativity

Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Sep 17, 2014,

.... With appropriate support , the acquisition of skills and experience and the right attitude ,-anyone can be creative . Nowadays creativity is the ability desirable and useful . It is required in the workplace, it is attractive not only in professional life but also in the private sector. It is a skill often decisive for success or failure . We see strong interest in youth workers and youth leader ...
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Skills for Power

Start date: Mar 1, 2012,

...e EU YOUTH IN ACTION programme can give them, where afterwards through developing Independent Living skills based on the Philosophy of Independent Living young disabled people will be able also to work in frames of EU YOUTH IN ACTION program and be more active on local, national and international level. Duration of the training course – 7 days (04 May 2012– 11 May 2012) Venue of the training cour ...
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... young people with fewer opportunities and they wijl be empowered to become young "developmentleaders" in their local communities. , o.The Kick-off seminar in Burkina Faso will bring together youth workers from the partner organisations to train them about sustainable development and provide them with specific methodology. The 16-days-long international Training Course and Study Visit in Benin wil ...
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Together in a European diversity

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

Together network deals intensively with young people with fewer opportunities and the topic of youth participation for several years. We developed numerous projects in the frame of youth in action, like short-term EVS, youth exchanges and collected a lot of good practices. In 2009, we developed the "Youth Voice" project that brought together 90 young people from all the 27 EU countries with the su ...
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Together without borders

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

...ferent programs of the hosting organisation and rotate between them. This will enable them to try different activities, see what skills they have and where their strengths are and what could be their work orientation in the further life. They will be helping in organising non-formal education activities for children and young people in Juncalito and bring an international dimension into the town. ...
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Inclusion EVS in Europe

Start date: Mar 1, 2011,

...ies, in such a way that the learning outcomes become valuable in the future life of the volunteer.The project will be implemented in Poland where a number of 32 participants will join activities like workshops, exchange of ideas and practices, case studies, group work. All the methods to be used have been chosen with the main aim of offering the participants a space for discussions on the maintopi ...
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2011 China and EU for world youth

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

...ent programs of the hosting organisation and rotate between them. This will enable them to try different activities, see what skills they have and where their strengths are and what could be their work orientation in the further life. They will work on activities in the hosting organisaton in the frame of their project with a specific focus and added value on the CHINA EU cooperation in 2011.All t ...
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EVS in and for see

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

Youth unemployment is a serious problem. It is even more striking now when the economic crisis increased the unemployment rates in the whole Europe. As a rule, the youth unemployment is more or less double to the general unemployment rate. One of the reasons is lack of practical skills and experience and volunteering can be one of the solutions for this problem. By this.project, Together would lik ...
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Back to Roots

Start date: Aug 1, 2011, to express it. The exchange will provide knowledge and space for young people to reflect upon the influence of the different national tradition and costumes on the individual identity building.The workshops will be:-Traditional music and dance; we will discover all musical genres, combining western and eastern music, art music and so-called popular genres in a dialogue between cultures, while ...
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 FINISHED local level among different target groups- Creating new partnerships and/or YOUTH projects- Promoting YOUTH in ACTION programmeTraining course aims to support the professional development of youth workers and youth leaders by extending their competencies to integrate elements of European citizenship within their projects and practice and support their role as multipliers with young people. Part ...
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...dTo give concrete tools how to run a youth campaign and through voluntarism in different level adaptable to different contextsTo promote non formal education as an appropriate methodology for youth work Promoting YIA as a tool for active citizenship and participation in social life of young peopleDuring the project we will explore key elements that refer to cultural diversity such as: backgrounds, ...
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