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In-to-me-see coaching training
Start date: Aug 5, 2014, End date: Jan 11, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Context and background: Coaching is a training or development process via which an individual is supported while achieving a specific personal or professional competence result or goal (source Wikipedia: Coaching as a method for personal and professional development has become more and more important in different areas of society and a lot of professionals either have a coach and/or coach themselves as part of their professional role. Also in European youth work the question about the use of coaching in and outside a training context is raised and a growing number of youth workers and trainers are looking for a coaching education that is affordable and focused on the specific context of Erasmus+/youth in action and non-formal learning. We, two trainers who are also educated as co-active coaches by the Coaching Training Institute (, have picked up on the need for coaching education for supporters of learning and have joint forces with partner organisations who also see that need and are willing to develop the first fundamental step of a coaching education within the Erasmus+/youthin action context. The general objective of the 'in-to-me-see' coaching training is to train educators (youth workers, trainers, coaches, teachers,... ) in a non-formal and experiential way in coaching skills and competences. The specific objectives of the training are: to offer educators the safe, courageous and supportive non-formal and experiential learning environment to: - learn about the concept of coaching meaning that they have an understanding of what coaching is and isn't (not therapy and not mentoring) and where it can be used - learn the fundamentals of coaching in terms of coaching skills and techniques - practise coaching and experience being coached as part of the training - exchange about the opportunties and challenges there are in the specific educational context of each participant to actively use their coaching skills - spread the fire about coaching in the partner organisations and contexts where the educators work and continue to learn and grow as a coach or as educators using coaching techniques to support the personal and professional development of the learners they work with. What? A training course for educators to learn the fundamentals of coaching as a way to support learning and development When? 5 (arrival) till 11 (departure) October 2014 Where? Iceland, accommodation still to be determined For who? Educators who want to learn coaching skills and competences and who are ready and willing to iplement their skills in teir own non-formal context. Max 24 participants from 7 countries. Approach: non-formal and experiential learning approach in which the participants will be able to practise coaching and being coached themselves. Activities: for details please see the detailed program in annex Results: the participants have a clear understanding of what coaching is and isn't, have fundamental coaching skills, have coached and been coached during the training and are ready to implement their new or developed coaching competences in their own educational context. Impact: The educators who participated will be able to implement coaching techniques in their own educational contexts, are aware of the opportunities and challenges of it and can communicate about it with their colleagues and learners at home. This should enable them to spread the fire about coaching and its benefits in their own environment and inspire colleagues to also look into coaching as a way to support learning and development. The organisers will facilitate a NING-platform till one year after the training to start a community of coaches in non-formal educational contexts within E+/YiA.

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