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STORM 2.0: Structuring non formal education approach to support social inclusion
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is a 9 days non-formal educational training programme in Latvia, it includes 26 participants from 9 countries, and 2 trainers, 1 tehnical support person. The main target groups are youth-workers, social workers, educators etc. who already work or expect to work in social inclusion area with non-formal educational approaches. Too often non-formal education is confused with spontaneous learning through experiences. This concept leads to educational programmes where the potential learning outcomes are not well planned and facilitated or where different experiences are proposed without supporting the reflection. Facilitators in NFE have the role to support learners in watching from different angles, think and reflect about the experience, figure out how to integrate the new learning in their lifes. In order to reach this goal, NFE has to be structured and needs a clear educational approach: it requires a need analyses, SMART objectives, a defined flow of a programme, a safe environment, a step by step activities coherent with the main aims and the specific objectives, a variety of methodologies and methods and a space for creativity! This is even more important while working in the social inclusion field, since the youngsters have often less chance to be involved in supported learning process and they face more obstacles in being actively participating. The methodologies used was based on experiential learning (role-play, simulation, theatre, group working) and on the promotion of self-directed learning as an approach for independent learners. Peer learning will also be a pillar of the training course. The training course was in Sigulda (Latvia) from the 1st to the 9th of October 2015 and aims to support the participants in reflecting on their ethos and improve their competence in creating long term structured programmes for young paople coming from disadvantaged background and/or social excluded environments. Trainers of the training were: Giulia Mastropirro (Italy), Kārlis Viša (Latvia), and technical trainer Inese Stankus Viša (Latvia).

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