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...uded, then the overall carbon footprint is increased considerably. Millions of tonnes of nitrogen fertiliser are used every year worldwide. For example, the million olive trees located in the region of Ilia consume more than 600 tonnes of nitrogen fertiliser. A methodology with a reduced carbon footprint is therefore required for providing nitrogen to plants. The same is true for phosphorus an ...
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...ernment and technical representatives and territorial networks in a winning mix of vertical/technical representatives. It has actors with extensive topic and area expertise and others among national, regional and local authorities to link project results and recommendations and outcome transferral. It also involves specific partners and local stakeholders: region, ministry, enterprises, profession ...
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...ost dynamic sectors (EU green paper: Unlocking the potential of cultural and creative industries), with strong potential to contribute to growth and job creation. However, most survive only with some Regional Authority funding or subsidy and, with the current public funding cutbacks, many are now facing serious threats to their financial survival and ability to realise their full potential as a fo ...
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...ll of established Centres will follow common operation guideline. Whole concept of PP4Broadband project will be demonstrated by realization of 3 Investment preparation using PPP4Broadband models in 3 Regional testing areas (Greece, Romania, FYROM). Besides common concepts and guidelines tackling the broadband development under PPP scenarios, the project will also deliver smart mix of dissemination ...
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Joint easily wafted East laboratory Model  (JEWEL Model)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Background Crisis of the function and character of the historical town centre in the territory and the loss of identity of its renewed community. Overall aims Develop integrated strategies for metropolitan areas for contribute to the future development of South East Europe. Project wishes to contribute to innovative solutions to tackle crucial problems affecting metropolitan areas, such as local g ...
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1. Background & problem to be addressed Cloud-based, virtualised IT platforms & infrastructures offer a strong potential to deliver cost-effective, scalable digital public services and to unlock regional growth and competitiveness. EC promotes a common EU Cloud Strategy as a means to help governments and citizens to access and develop advanced online services. The South East Europe (SEE) area suff ...
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...nal Mediterranean Gastronomy as a tourist and cultural element in an effort to strengthen local economies, through the following actions: • Recording of common and different gastronomic habits of regions focused on fish and common traditional products; • Documenting the history in terms of nutritional choices throughout the times and highlighting the particular natural and cultural aspects of the ...
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Wander by bicycle (W.B.B.)

Start date: Feb 23, 2012, End date: Jan 23, 2014,

W.B.B attempts to promote sustainable mobility and builds upon cross-border cooperation (CYRONMED-Prorgramme INTERREG IIIB ARCHIMED). Within the framework of this project: • A feasibility study for the construction of a bike route, and the for the adjustment of The existing ones will be created, • Construction works will be implemented that would facilitate cyclists (signals, slides, etc) • Touris ...
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Cultural Heritage sites located in both rural and urban areas are often facing the dilemma between loss of cultural values and hence loss of identity, due to non-sustainable growth, and economic decline and emigration, due to inappropriate infrastructure and high cost of living (especially, buildings maintenance). CHERPLAN aims to provide a strong basis for ensuring compatibility and synergy betwe ...
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Background Agro-industries are major sources of industrial pollution. Technological development has meant that agro-industry wastes have become more complex, and agro-industries more than other industrial sectors require a dynamic and comprehensive approach if appropriate waste management is to be achieved. Some agro-industrial sectors, such as olive oil ...
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...d to PPs. The phase 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 and 4.2 outputs have been produced, while the 1.2, 4.3, 5.1-2-3-4 implementation is still ongoing. All phase related to the analysis on regional policy for innovation, pre commercial procurement method and smart specialization have been developed. Platform for Knowledge communities and database for innovation centers of Med area have been ...
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Throughout the EU, increased reliance on the car has resulted in high levels of congestion and more pollution, leading to economic, environmental and health problems for our regions and cities. ERDF investment in infrastructure could accelerate this trend if parallel alternative measures are not introduced at the same time. Mobility Management aims to reduce reliance on the car by encouraging tra ...
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Start date: Sep 30, 2010, End date: Sep 29, 2012,

...ute an essential part of the habitable land and the functioning of the global system. As fires do not respect national borders, the fight against fire requires a close cooperation with the national, regional and local authorities. After the 2003 disastrous summer, 9 Mediterranean regions decided to cooperate in a RFO INCENDI within the framework of IIIC South.The subproject results added to the fr ...
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 FINISHED, technology platforms, existing networks of excellence as well as private financing mechanisms, developed through a wide transnational network in the area. It will thus be in line with the local / regional / national strategies in the area while synergies will be sought to similar initiatives at a European level. Nevertheless, research is not sufficient in an area; it should be transformed to i ...
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G.S.R. aims to contribute substantially to sustainable socio-economic development of SEE regions, through effectively tackling one of the most crucial issues: The quality and sustainability of the Public Sector and of its outcomes. Specifically G.S.R. focuses on the dynamic enhancement of the competences and the capacity of the governmental agencies, with the aim not only to improve productivity a ...
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The aim of the suggested project is to exchange experiences and good practices in order to improve regional policies for coping with fires right after their outbreak in very sensitive areas, like the forest ones.Since regional policies in terms of environmental protection and risk prevention constitute a vital issue towards the accomplishment of the Gothenburg Strategy, local and regional authorit ...
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Start date: Aug 31, 2008, End date: Nov 29, 2010,

... propsal for a capitalisation network involving 13 partners from 11 Member States. Its aim is to implement good practice relating to the role of the public sector in stimulating innovation in partner regions, in particular helping businesses (primarily SMEs) to bring innovative products and services to market more quickly. The long term objective of the project is to stimulate innovation in partne ...
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Capitalising Innovative Approaches towards Demographic Change (ESF6 CIA)

Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2010, in our daily life, with a great potential of knowledge available for the transfer to younger generations. In best practices this resource was identified and will be allocated and transferred to regions facing the same issue of demographic change.The partner structure is realised under the objective of matching less experienced with more advanced regions. Providers, meaning advanced partners ...
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Main objective of NetWet 3 project is the development of transnational co-operation in Archimed geographic zone for the elaboration of common methods that contribute to: (a) the promotion of a creative territorial policy for the management of Mediterranean landscapes (ESDP, European Landscape Convention, European Governance), (b) in connection to the promotion of sustainable management practices o ...
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...n system with suitable algorithms for data fusion and processing, and a web interface which will enable information sharing, collaboration and coordination between managing authorities from different regions and countries. The partnership group leader is the Region of Central Macedonia, a body with three Ramsar wetlands under its supervision. The School of Agronomy of the Aristotle University of T ...
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The project HUREDEPIS evaluates the existing and planning regional capabilities, identifies the common problems of the involved regions related to the sustainable growth, analyzes best approaches and practices to these problems and provides specific solutions utilizing in the best way existing human resources with the important and difficult constrain of immigration movements. This project examine ...
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Hazard Monitoring for Risk Assessment and Risk Communication (MONITOR)

Start date: Dec 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

The infrastructure in mountainous areas or regions with seismic activity is greatly threatened by hazards such as landslides, avalanches or earthquakes. MONITOR offers a basis for a standardised risk management of land-use activities threatened by natural hazards. The project's target groups and their regions vary in their risk exposure and their hazard potentials. MONITOR takes into account a bro ...
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Knowledge Networks (KN)

Start date: Dec 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007,

KN aims to create a network that will provide tools and methodologies to increase the participation of local inhabitants in the decision and policy-making process. By developing a simple and effective system of information exchange, KN wants to bring together city and society to encourage better local policies which respond to the real needs of citizens. ...
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...y from agriculture and heavy industry and towards knowledge based businesses. INNOREF (Innovation and Resource Efficiency as Driving Forces for Sustainable Growth) uses UNESCO methodology to create regional, cross-sectoral networks that encourage the use of local resources in sustainable development. With this methodology, the operation further aims at developing new models of local and regional g ...
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...ilable in Europe. Papers, showcases and presentations have been prepared by partners and have been discussed during 6 seminars. The first opening seminar was held in June 2005 in Mierlo, Netherlands. Regional Councillor mrs. Annemarie Moons opened the SufalNet-project. The landfillsite Gulbergen with a golfcourse of 27 holes was visited. The second seminar was held in October 2005 in Vilnius, Lith ...
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Greening Regional Development Programmes (GRDP)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Oct 30, 2007,

GRDP’s overall aim is to deal with this issue by enabling regions to collaborate and share best practice on how the environment can be better integrated into all programmes benefiting from Structural Funds. This is intended to lead to the development of more effective regional programmes that deliver sustainable results for local people. GRDP will also draft a common European methodology for integ ...
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European Network of Mining Regions (ENMR)

Start date: Jun 30, 2004, End date: Aug 30, 2006,

The objective of the European Network of Mining Regions (ENMR) is to create a platform for mining regions on a European level driven by public organisations. The two year project involves twenty partners from ten EU Member States, including local and regional authorities, universities, research institutes, industry, NGOs, Union and development agencies from mineral and coal mining regions. The net ...
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Sharing Solutions on Structural Funds (S3)

Start date: Aug 31, 2004, End date: Aug 30, 2006,

Regional and local authorities are increasingly involved in the elaboration and implementation of EU policies For instance, in EU regional policy they are involved in programming, managing, monitoring and evaluating Structural Funds programmes. To enhance institutional capacities and the success of authorities in dealing with Structural Funds, regions need to develop new ways to involve local stak ...
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INSTALL project is submitted under Lifelong Learning Programme - Support for European cooperation in education and training and specifically aims at raising national awareness of lifelong learning strategies and of European cooperation in education and training.The project mainly targets to raising awareness and commitment regarding the strategic objectives of ET 2020 and to contribute to the effe ...
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Regional development can successfully integrate cultural and creative industries (CCI) in many areas of economy. To fully exploit their economic potential, the CCI need to increase their capacity to experiment and innovate. In this framework, the project objectives are:• Identifying main cultural events and heritage assets at regional level to be considered the engine for the development and promo ...
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The TALAS project will pilot and introduce a new methodology which will promote new practical approaches in VET policy, specifically aimed at the teaching of management skills in the field of tourism. The project will rely upon the use of ICT and as such will build upon a methodology already tested during a previously fundedLeonardo da Vinci project (Visually Interacting e-Learning Platform). The ...
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The project aims at transforming the immaterial cultural heritage, made of narrative oral tradition and local identity into new artistic and theatrical performances to be enjoyed from a wider audience. It capitalises on the outputs of a previous project Terre Parlanti, widening partnership and providing innovative activities to recover and promote ancient oral traditions by: • Narrative laboratori ...
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The english version of the contents description is being translated and should be available as of mid November. Please consult until then the original version in FR.
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The core objective of the project lies on effectively communicating the medicinal and cosmetic properties of specific plants, trees and herbs, aiming at informing the population in a more integrated and comprehensive way regarding the beneficial properties of the plants and at strengthening the demand for such products. The above aim will be achieved through the following outputs: Detailed analys ...
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There is a deep-rooted financial/economic crisis at the world level: from the outstanding credits from mortgage loans and speculative bubble in the USA in 2008, with bank and business cracks, the bankruptcy of the Iceland State bonds, till the risks of failure for Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Italy, Spain in 2011, for the high rates on state bonds requested by the investors. The financial crisis eve ...
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... coastal and rural protected areas and contributing to the implementation of the Natura 2000 provisions in Greece and Italy. The sub-objectives are:• Strengthening and improving cooperation among regional administrations to further monitor Natura 2000 species and habitats and to set environmental measures for the next programming period (networking, setting common standards, creating databases and ...
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The general objective of the project is to study the emission sources of air pollution in port cities. The project outputs comprise: • Operation of a mobile air quality monitoring station • Training of the staff on the operation of the mobile air monitoring station • Creation of two emission inventory databases • Assessment reports using data from experimental campaigns and the application of phot ...
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EPA supports the strengthening and promotion of the protected areas involved in the project through their sustainable use. The long-term goal is the seasonal adjustment of tourism in the territories that is not connected only to the sea and to the summer. The specific objectives of the project are:o to promote sustainable mobility within and between protected areas (Parks, Reserves, Marines Protec ...
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...tifying the accessible places, through the creation of a system of attribution of labels • Infrastructural interventions. • Routes without barriers: maps of the accessible areas in the involved regions • Guidelines: collection of national and international best practices on tourism • Methods and tools to adjust the offer of the services to the disabled tourists and their families (promotion of tou ...
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The specific project is the continuation of a previous project implemented during INTERREG IIIA Greece-Italy 2000-2006. The overall target is to create a concrete and sustainable network between the partners that will encourage the theatrical and generally cultural exchange among them, facilitate the professionals and assist the cultural development in both countries. Projects methodology concerns ...
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