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Increasing Knowledge Transfer and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (IKTIMED)
Start date: Mar 31, 2010, End date: Mar 28, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The main project objective is to foster the competitiveness of MED SMEs promoting a new public-private partnership to support innovation based on a more open approach of knowledge and technology transfer and a strong public-private cooperation. The main activities are: innovation providers’ quality certification system analysis of existent public-private mechanisms of cooperation to fund innovation trans-national public-private working groups, pilot projects and open sciences initiatives. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startSince the project start the LP achieved the setting up of the transnational cooperation framework, made by the Project Management Structures, organised groups of experts, project implementation guidelines and an efficient system of project management. Kick-off meeting in Barcelona, the First Steering Committee meeting in Ancona, the Second in Maribor (together with the first international Seminar within Podim Conference), third in Rome and fourth in Cyprus were held. Five PR have been submitted to JTS and four P.Claims, and the quotes of third ERDF reimbursed to PPs. The phase 1.1, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.1 and 4.2 outputs have been produced, while the 1.2, 4.3, 5.1-2-3-4 implementation is still ongoing. All phase related to the analysis on regional policy for innovation, pre commercial procurement method and smart specialization have been developed. Platform for Knowledge communities and database for innovation centers of Med area have been developed too.Latest project activities and outputsDuring this period a SC meeting was held in Cyprus, the PCP/SS workshop was organized in Thessaloniki for Region Central Macedonia local stakeholder. The fourth payment claim and the fifth Progress report were successfully submitted and support provided to partners while entering the Receipt data in the Presage -Show received payments-. A smart specialization report and public procurement final report were improved, and the final reports of 4.1 delivered. The Methodology for the creation of MICS has been defined (4.2) and 6 transnational Groups of MICS created online MIC form: Smart Home Digital Techtourism Ecoenergy Biomed Food Heritage. Partners made a pre-selection of potential MIC participants and established contacts with potential partners for MICs communities in all MICs, assessment for their registration and description of MICs, benefits from their participation. The preliminary work for organization of the OPEN MIC event and the final event took place.Next key steps for the projectPh. 4.3: TVT will participate in the selection of the MIC and organize a process to implement the MIC development plans. Transn. workshops will be organized to make an exchange of objectives between community members and advise them on mid-term objectives, possible working plan and collaboration. -Business plans- ad-hoc for communities will be developed. Comp. 5: The database project and development is populated, the Final and Open Science Event on MICs, as well as last SC meeting will be held.
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  • 76.7%   1 419 075,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants