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Capitalising Innovative Approaches towards Demographic Change (ESF6 CIA)
Start date: Jun 30, 2008, End date: Jun 29, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ESF6 CIA aims at the transferability of best practices analysed in ESF Art. 6 operations to, especially, new member states. Demographic change is a subject which effects our society daily. Elderly people become a more important and outstanding group in our daily life, with a great potential of knowledge available for the transfer to younger generations. In best practices this resource was identified and will be allocated and transferred to regions facing the same issue of demographic change.The partner structure is realised under the objective of matching less experienced with more advanced regions. Providers, meaning advanced partners in the development and improvement of best practices, form the basis of the partner structure as they guarantee and offer their experiences through the development of best practices. The receivers on the other side are in the position to take over well proved best practices, and to be at the end at the same level as the providers.Following the first step, the development and improvement of best practices in ESF Art. 6 projects, the second logical step is the capitalisation and transfer of identified best practices to other regions with the need to address demographic change. Through the involvement of managing authorities and other relevant stakeholders, the third step, will be the implementation of the best practices analysed and formulated in action plans.With a running time of two years, the main outcome of ESF6 CIA will be the formulation of action plans for each region of best practices. The action plans form the end result of an intensive interregional exchange between the partners through sensitising workshops and joint thematic seminars during the project lifetime. The successful realisation of the project lies firstly in the cooperation and experience exchange between the partners, and secondly in the involvement and sensitising of relevant stakeholders of each region within the field of demographic change. Achievements: After 1,5 years of project realisation, ESF6 CIA is quickly progressing towards the final outputs. Main activities in the past included: -the network building and the exchange about good practices from previous ESF Article 6 projects and the evaluation of the feasibility of their potential transfer between partner regions, -the elaboration of a work book where 13 good practices are presented and the production of seven video clips to communicate the good practice methods, -the launch and updating of the project website and the creation of a project leaflet and publication of five newsletters, -the involvement of ERDF Managing Authorities (MAs) of the partner regions, -local sensitisation events addressed to key actors and stakeholders of demographic change and three thematic workshops centred around good practices, -two interregional conferences, and presentations at 12 other events (including 2 organised by the INTERREG IVC programme). The ESF6 CIA network consists out of 11 partners coming from 8 EU MS. Most partners had been active in ESF6 Article 6 Innovative Measures that were funded in 2000-2006 financial period to investigate new solutions to deal with structural and demographic change. 13 good practices resulted from these operations. Means to foster the exchange include a good practice work book (also downloadable from the project website), presentations given at local sensitisation events, produced video clips, and thematic seminars on individual good practices. After ¾ of the project lifetime, each partner region has begun drafting actions plans including a number of good practices whose transfer is prepared and which have inspired the creation of own instruments. Crucial players in the last steps of the project are each area's responsible ERDF MAs as they are expected to provide funding opportunities for implementation of transferred good practices, as well as DG EMPL desk officers that provide guidance. Besides the involvement of the MAs, ESF6 CIA partners also aim for local alliances to support taking up action in the management of the impacts of demographic change. To that aim, local sensitisation events took place in all partner regions in 2009 (e.g. London: 5 March 2009, Leipzig: 4 June 2009, Patras: 30 March 2009, etc). Local stakeholders also participated in thematic workshops organised in autumn 2009 (at Norwich/Uk, Mechelen/BE, Roses/ES) and to be continued in the first weeks of 2010. Media briefings by the project partners and resulting press coverage further increased awareness among local stakeholders. Furthermore, ESF6 CIA was presented in the brochure accompanying the 2009 Regions for Economic Change conference of the European Commission, at the Demographic Dynamics Annual Event of the French-British INTERREG IVA programme at Dinan (FR), and the INTERREG IVC Capitalisation Forum at Gothenburg and at further events. All achievements of the first year were exchanged and debated with representatives of the European Commission at the operation's Mid-Term Conference on 11 & 12 June 2009 at London. Following the event, preparations of the next phase of ESF6 CIA had started: feasibility studies were elaborated, thematic seminars staged to provide insights in good practices, and action plans for the involved regions are in their drafting process. Early in 2010, draft action plans will be discussed with the responsible desk officers of the European Commission, Managing Authorities of the partner regions and representatives of the ESF6 CIA partners. Thereafter, the final action plans will be negotiated. Awareness raising and stakeholder inclusion will be continuous tasks for the partnership, so are communication efforts (mainly supported by the operation's website).
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  • 2007 - 2013 Interreg IVC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants