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Tackling the "Broadband Gap" in SEE Rural areas through PPP model  (PPP4Broadband)
Start date: Nov 30, 2012, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

SEE area comprising non-EU MS, NMS and EU-15 MS is area with the biggest challenge in the matter of Broadband development to achieve i2010 or i2015 targets as it is seen from Digital Agenda Scoreboard 2011 for EU MS and from national reports available for some non-EU MS. Mainly Rural areas are affected by phenomenon of Broadband Gap where we can still identify alarming percentage of Inhabitants living fully excluded - with no Broadband coverage or with download rate below 256 kbps which is limit for classification as Broadband existence based on EC. Aforementioned areas are affected by market failure as there is no interest of private providers to build infrastructure and public initiatives and activities substituting the private service are missing. To solve those problems 16 partners from 9 countries across SEE territory joined force focusing to develop transnational tools using PPP model for investment and operation of missing Broadband infrastructure. This challenging and innovative solution of Broadband gap is inspired by functional models with significant positive value of this model reducing the load of public investment which is most important limitation esp. in times of austerity measures. Thus general objective of PPP4Broadband project is Improvement the development of virtual accessibility through broadband development in SEE rural areas using PPP model. Project aim is to develop transnational tools, methodologies and guidelines targeting mainly public actors across SEE as PPP procurers, which is possible to achieve due to composition of partnership where representatives of EU-15, NMS and non-MS will bring their national expertise and frameworks to development of project outcomes, which will secure their usability across SEE. The partnership is well-balanced in regard to the involvement of scientific/technical PPs and public authorities to assure appropriate expertise but also strong policy impact. As step 1 after identification of national frameworks related to PPP and Broadband development PPs will research 9 PPP models, 3 per each specific technology area - Fixed DSL, Fixed other and Mobile Broadband. Key services established by project in each participating country will be PPP4Broadband National Centres of Excellence with role to provide knowledge, guidance (using developed PPP Models), standardization and also later on also in deal experience. Availability and quality of services provided by CoEs after project closure will be secured by establishment of Network of PPP4Broadband CoEs , where all of established Centres will follow common operation guideline. Whole concept of PP4Broadband project will be demonstrated by realization of 3 Investment preparation using PPP4Broadband models in 3 Regional testing areas (Greece, Romania, FYROM). Besides common concepts and guidelines tackling the broadband development under PPP scenarios, the project will also deliver smart mix of dissemination and educational activities resulting into increased capacities and expertise of public actors concerning use of the PPP models for broadband development. The PPP models developed in the project framework will be compatible with the Europe 2020 Initiative Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) as the most important framing initiative in the field. By drawing on the concepts of the PPP and CoE the project will capitalize previous EU initiatives and will embody the concepts into viable solutions to the digital divide issue. These solutions will be widely applicable and transferable across the SEE since they will reflect transnational experience and needs, yet, respect will be also paid to national legislative frameworks. Current EU initiatives will be reinforced by cross-fertilization actions, which will strengthen project´s transnational impact. At SEE level the project will strengthen the convergence and cohesion and will shift SEE closer to the information society. Achievements: In the frames of South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme, PPP4Broadband project partnership has been working for two years for developing new tools for South-East Europe territories with no or very weak broadband internet coverage. It is proven that broadband gap has a negative impact on economic growth and social cohesion. The work has come to its end and results were presented during the PPP4Broadband Day on 9the December 2014 in Brussels, in the heart of Europe. PPP4Broadband was one of the few projects that has ICT development in the focus. Organizers chose Brussels for the venue of the Conference in order to reach the more representatives possible from the European administration and to present them how effectively the European financial sources were spent. The project was very ambitious from the very beginning and partners had to face difficult conditions but by now it has turned out that hard work and strong awareness creation have resulted in some changes in national ways of seeing ppp construction and even in changes of some national legislation.9 PPP4Broadband models were developed and tested in pilot regions. Highly promising conversations started between partners, public and private actors which showed that the process is working and sooner or later, ppp-idea will have its place not only in broadband development but at any sector.Transnational Closing PPP4Broadband Days 2014 were hosted by the Belgian Development Agency in its modern conference room.All PPP4Broadband pilot actions were then presented by the responsible of these actions.

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  • 85%   1 147 404,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South East Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants