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25 European Projects Found

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Free Waves

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

[Context]“Free Waves” is a project aimed at increasing inclusion in Europe.This project wants to serve a forgotten group in Europe, which keeps on being excluded from the possibilities that Erasmus+ is offering: young people with fewer opportunities. Due to the several challenges they face – social, economic, educational, handicaps, geographical, cultural – they are hardly accepted in their societ ...
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Breath with nature

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Breathe with nature is a project to teach youngsters the respect of environment. It’s a exchange between a total of 28 young peoples between 16 and 20 years old coming from the countries partners to know France, Swizterland, France and Estonia.The goal of the project is to learn how to live in harmony with the nature. Through hiking and bivouac, buiding and improve our camp, recycle our trash, mee ...
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Business Bootcamp

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Today's Europe is struggling with several difficulties, one of them youth unemployment and lack of entrepreneurship among youngsters. Encouraging entrepreneurship and willingness to take action in that field is addressable via intercultural non-formal learning process such as youth exchange. The main topic of the project is entrepreneurship supported by topics of innovation, leadership, teamwork a ...
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Non Formal Education in Action

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

...current refugees and immigrants crisis at international level, we identified a series of issues and needs at many levels, involving the local communities, young refugees and immigrants, but also at nongovernmental organizations and youth workers: The young refugees and immigrants need to be involved in educational and inclusion programmes, to develop their learning and the evaluation of the transf ...
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Environment and Inclusion through Junior Ranger Camp 2

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

The first edition of the project was a success both at partner organizations, especially in terms of tangible results and learning outcomes for the participants. These, during the the follow up session identified the need for a new project, to continue the mission to promote biodiversity among young people, as a starting point for understanding cultural diversity. Together with partners, we decide ...
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No Borders Volunteering

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The EVS project "No Borders Volunteering" wants to promote the active participation of youth through volunteering at international level and encourage the cooperation between Europe and its neighbours countries. In all activities the project will use the methods of non formal and intercultural education. The project involves 4 italian volunteers for long term projects (6 months) sent by the applic ...
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Find Your Way 2

Start date: Nov 2, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

...ers from Romania, FYR of Macedonia, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, Spain and Malta. During the youth exchange took place career guidance sessions, learning sessions, study visits in companies and NGOs and a Living Library, where the living books were real people with different jobs, giving the participants the opportunity to get informed upon their favourite jobs. The methodology of the activit ...
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Environment and Inclusion through Junior Ranger Camp

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Mar 3, 2016,

...dimension. In the long term, the project aims to develop a sustainable system of information and to promote a green culture among young people in partnership with other actors (NGOs, schools, public authorities) through continue promoting best practices developed in the project and to develop a international network promoting an ecological culture and a healthy lifestyle among youth.
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Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

During the project we worked up two topics which influence our society. The first one is gender roles and the second one is stereotypes. The two topics was related to each other, because each raise problems which are irreconcilable with human rights and the ideas of a democratic society. Representatives of eight different nation participate in the program (a team of four with a team leader from ea ...
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Step by step

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2015,

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Find Your Way

Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015,

...bate in which we will discuss whether working as a freelancer is better than being an employee or not. The fourth day will have two main activities. In the first one the teens will visit the local NGOs in order to learn good things about volunteering. In the second part they will visit local companies in order for them to see what happens exactly at the workplace they desire. The fifth day will b ...
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Le projet " Quartiers en crise, jeunesses en mouvement " permettra à 64 jeunes en fonction de leurs motivations et capacités de partir dans des projets de 3 semaines à 9 mois chez 22 associations partenaires, dans l'Union Européenne, les pays voisins et le reste du monde.- Ils pourront s'expérimenter ainsi sur des activités sociales, culturelles et d'animation.Destiné à des jeunes habitants de qua ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2009,

« Moving generation 5 » est la cinquième version du projet d'accueil, d'envoi et de coordination EUROCIRCLE pour le Service Volontaire Européen activement soutenus par un partenariat public-privé bien développé et ce de longue date.Forts de nos expériences précédentes en matière de conduite de projets européens et spécifiquement dans le champ du Programme Jeunesse en Action, nous souhaitons poursu ...
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City Contact 2 Berlin / City View

Start date: Feb 1, 2009,

Das multilaterale Projekt City View (mit TN aus DE, EE, TR, NL und BG) ist Teil einer Projektreihe, die sich aus verschiedenen Elementen zusammensetzt.Im Rahmen dieser zweiten Begegnung der Reihe geht es darum, dass die TN sich in öffentlichen Stadträumen in Berlin mit der visuellen Erfassung dieser Räume auseinandersetzen, um anschließend die kulturell bedingt unterschiedlichen Wahrnehmungen abzu ...
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Experiencing European Citizenship in Romanian Rural Communities is a group EVS project involving 26 young volunteers from programme countries and other partner countries of the world for a 9 months EVS service experience in 8 rural and small developing urban communities from Dolj County. SW Oltenia: Amarastii de Jos, Calarasi, Carcea, Dabuleni, Daneti, Giurgita, Melinesti, Segarcea. The project ga ...
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YOG 2012 EVS

Start date: Aug 1, 2011,

The Youth Winter Olympic Games is the one of the biggest sport events in the world. 1,058 young athletes aged between 14 and 18 fpm over Ş0 different nations will compete in all Olympic disciplines. The venues of the the games are Innsbruck, Seefeld and Kühtai.This international widely acknowleged and important sport event is attracting a lót of people, both behind the scenes on the professional l ...
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The Rhythm of Volunteering

Start date: Mar 1, 2013,

The Rhythm of Volunteering is a short-term EVS project that will be implemented by the Cluj-Napoca Volunteer Centre under Action 2 of the YiA Programme. The project includes 8 EVS volunteers from Venezuela,Portugal,France,Italy and Azerbaijan that over a period of 2 months will work in the local community to promote volunteering and volunteer work.The project aims at creating the proper environmen ...
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The project “Membership Of Volunteering Experience!” is designed to young people especially with fewer opportunities coming from difficult backgrounds between ages of 18-30. The youngsters will have the possibility to go abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to practice or gain new skill and live in the new community. EFM is going to implement the project together with partner organizations from ...
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Youth Exchange "Happy Bus"

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

40 young people from eight different countries (Armenia, Georgia, Ukraine, Moldova, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Estonia) will come together in Dilijan, Armenia to promote Europe through street art, music and street performances. Youth Exchange "Happy Bus" will have a base in Dilijan and will drive in three directions towards three other towns-villages near Dilijan to perform for locals and also ...
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Here There

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

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Validity Of Tolerance and Education

Start date: Aug 1, 2013,

The project "VOTE! - Validity Of Tolerance & Education" creates the unique chance to 30 young people (especially those with fewer opportunities) between 18-30 years old to be involved in voluntary work abroad for a period from 2 to 10 months to another country.In a frame of the "VOTE!" project EFM will cooperate with EU countries: Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Poland & other Partner Cou ...
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Cyclists in Action

Start date: Apr 1, 2014,

“Cyclists in Action” is 8(Eight) days long Youth Exchange program about the healthy life style and environmental protection.36 (thirty six) participants from Non-program (Georgia, Armenia and Russia) and the Program Countries (Germany, The Netherlands and Italy) will come together in order to discuss issues related to healthy life style and environmental protection. The project will give possibili ...
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Sex Doesn't Matter - or does it?

Start date: Sep 1, 2007,

Atomic Culture / SDF Gunnared, Gothenburg, is organizing a training course for a total of 41 youth leaders from Sweden, Lithuania, Italy, Romania, Portugal, Norway, Latvia, Turkey, Bulgaria, Netherlands, Germany, Finland, Greece and Estonia. Training course aims at raising awareness of gender equality and its importance in work with young people. During training, a practical tool will be develope ...
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New Youth Voice

Start date: Sep 10, 2009,

This project aimed at helping some 39 young people to explore the reasons why forcibly displaced persons leave their country and the difficulties which such asylum seekers go through in order to reach mainland Europe, while also leading to a humane and informed understanding of the current local situation regarding migrants. The activities each involved a weekend of physical, intellectual and emot ...
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Marshutka Citizens for Peace

Start date: May 1, 2013,

International youth exchange project - “Marshutka Citizens for Peace" takes place in different cities of Georgia, in August 2013. The project will last during 10 days (including arrival and departure). It will bring together 30 young people from 6 different countries, from EU and EECA: Estonia, Italy, Spain, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Moldova.The project consists of two main stages: 1st phase will ta ...
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