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Breath with nature
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Breathe with nature is a project to teach youngsters the respect of environment. It’s a exchange between a total of 28 young peoples between 16 and 20 years old coming from the countries partners to know France, Swizterland, France and Estonia.The goal of the project is to learn how to live in harmony with the nature. Through hiking and bivouac, buiding and improve our camp, recycle our trash, meeting and learning from the experience of local people (permaculture farmers, bees keeper, shepherd, rangers…), the participants will be aknowledge to alternatives and ecological way of life. They will share previous experiences from their countries, gather new knowledges and put this new skills into use back at home in their communities.The youngsters exchange will take place in a eco-shelter based in the National Park of Mercantour in France during 10 days (more travel days). The food will be provide by local and organic producer, will be vegetarian, and prepared by the participants themselves as a cultural exhange workshop.In a long term vision this exchange will give the people the will and the empowerment to make a change around them, to adapt, apply and create ideas from this exchange in their own environment.
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