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Find Your Way
Start date: Dec 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project stands as a response to the constant need of teens from the European dimension to have a better professional orientation. The projects has on its basis a series of problems and needs that the teens have : the need to know, experience and improve some abilities, the need to have confidence and the low number of activities which promote career orientation and which stimulate the entrepreneurial spirit of teens. The participants have been selected after the call launched on Erasmus+ discussions groups on Facebook. Besides the leaders of the groups and the project team we will form a group of 24 teens which want better career orientation in the present context in the European Union. The activities of the project will be spread across 9 days and are meant to satisfy the participants’ needs. Also, they will: develop their social skills, entrepreneurial spirit, learn how to build a correct C.V. according to the current standards, be informed upon the current jobs on the labour market, develop nonformal education skills, increase their intercultural knowledge and also improve their language skills. In the first day of the activities we will ensure the fact that all the participants arrived safely and have been provided accommodation, and then the teambuilding games will begin in order to make sure that they start to get to know each other. The second day of activities will presume a treasure hunt in the host city. The teens will worked in mixed teams in order for them to form relations easier while having fun. The third day will be dedicated to identifying the main jobs in each country and in Europe in general and it will end with a debate in which we will discuss whether working as a freelancer is better than being an employee or not. The fourth day will have two main activities. In the first one the teens will visit the local NGOs in order to learn good things about volunteering. In the second part they will visit local companies in order for them to see what happens exactly at the workplace they desire. The fifth day will be dedicated to creating an Alive library in which employees will play the roles of books and the teens will be able to come and talk freely to them in order to break different stereotypes that were built around the job the “books”represent. During the sixth day the teens will have to make some videos in order to describe a day in the life of an employee in a specific domain. The seventh day will be dedicated to evaluating the abilities gained and also to discussing business ideas that would work in the current European context in order to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit of the participants. The last day of the project will be dedicated to their departure. At the end of each day we will have reflexion groups in order to assure the fact that the activities will take place properly and respond to the preferences and needs of participants. As one of the results of the project a facebook page will be created on which constant information regarding job orientation will be posted in order for the participants and the large community to evolve. The videos created during the project will be posted on Youtube to ensure their visibility. The facebook group created during the project will turn itself in a learning instrument in which participants will exchange useful information with each other. The project will have an influence on 3 main parts that are implicated in it: the organizing association and its’ partners, the participants and the community and the indirect participants. The associations that got involved in the project will develop further relations that will lead to the creation of innovative projects in the future that will respond to the needs of the teens in the European Union. The participants will become competent, the chance of the getting employed will rise, they will hopefully identify a passion, develop their language skills and be informed on the current job inside the European Union. The indirect participants will learn that job orientation plays a leading role in one’s life and choosing a job that identifies with your passion is absolutely necessary. They will also discover the importance of nonformal education in teen formation. The local community of the host country will be reenergized by the presence of teens. Because teens will be better prepared they will be able to manage themselves in the present European context and this will lead to a better development of it and to the improvement of the communities from which the teens come from.

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