Search for European Projects

39 European Projects Found

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...are doing an EVS is a special wish of ijgd and the “Jugendbauhütte” because it benefits the European and intercultural exchange. We applied for one EVS from Belarus. The volunteer is interested to live in Germany for one year and get to know the german language and culture as well as other volunteers and other cultures. He wants to work in the field of enviorment and heritage preservation, explo ...
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Lokale EVS-volontører

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

The project consists of EVS-stays for four young volunteers, from the age of 18-30 years old, to three local receiving associations in Aarhus, Hillerød and Frederiksberg in Denmark.The project’s duration varies from 5 to 9 months.The volunteers will be part of the local association in terms of assignments that relate to cultural after school activities and projects for kids and young people, cf. t ...
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The vision of Europe-realized step by step

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017, shaping the civil society. Youth work doesn't stop at borders, it crosses them and is nourrished by international contacts and partnerships.Two volunteers will take part in the project: one from Belarus, the other from Ukraine. Both have a lot of experience in youth work and participated in several international projects in the past. They will especially be involved in the development of our pa ...
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Pridáš sa?

Start date: Aug 14, 2015, End date: Aug 13, 2017,

The main themes of the project are youth leisure, education through sport and outdoor activities and EU citizenschip and awarness. The goals of the projects are to offer meaningful utilization of free time of young people and to increase European awareness in different regions and social groups among young people in Slovakia. The duration of the project when the EVS volunteers are in our organizat ...
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pictures at an exhibition-Europe 2016

Start date: Oct 12, 2016, End date: Jan 11, 2017,

... to the current situation in Europe in the context of the refugee situation and the consequences related to respect to the differences in the member countries. 50 young people from Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Hungary, Romania and Germany will be the participants. The German group will consist of 50% of the refugees (living in Thuringia)who will be included into the project for the first time.During ...
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Garden of Friendship

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

...rticipants will be between 16 and 25 years old and belong to different organisations, such as the YMCA, informal groups, church groups, etc. The following countries are involved in the project: Belarus, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Portugal Slovakia and Ukraine. We have planned various activities: workshops, discussions, planting arbours, excursions, sporting activities, artistic projects, pre ...
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Y-junction: Belarussian-German interaction

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The project "Y-junction: Belarussian-German interaction" leads the long term cooperation of Evangelisches Jugendwerk in Hohenlohe, South Germany, and the YMCA Brest, Belarus in a new direction: A young man of Hohenlohe will do his European Volunteer Service in a country of partnership with the East. In this case the praxis will be in a more mutual way. The volunteer is experienced in youth work ...
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Inspirations from outside

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

Project "Inspirations From Outside" is the result of previous contact between the Evangelisches Jugendwerk and YMCA Brest/Belarus. Our desire to continue working together has grown steadily over time, and the European Volunteer Service is central to achieving this. "Inspirations From Outside" seeks to use the experience, skills and interests of overseas volunteers to develop our work here in Ger ...
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 FINISHED 2016 will be held to retrospectively evaluate the futher teamwork and to drive forth the new ideas within the framework of cooperation with organizations from Russia,Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany. At the same time new quality standards of the teamwork should be discussed and defined. One of the main points ist the handling of the YOUTHPASS as instrument of certification of n ...
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Create a common meeting center means biuld up a common European society

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016,

... our partners. An old Norwegian house situated in AWO Sano is the ground for substantial preparatory work of the following Youth Exchange. Meeting of young people from Germany, Romania, Ukraine and Belarus will serve as a content-concept and designing event (interior architecture and design) for preparation of future activities. A view from other cultural perspectives will help to ensure that the ...
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Unborder your way!

Start date: Aug 15, 2015, End date: Apr 14, 2016,

Belarus Watch is a non-governmental organisation that generates and promotes new ideas and initiatives for projects related with freedom of movement, volunteer work and civic activism. One of the main areas of its activity is mobility issues between European Union and non-EU countries, mainly Belarus. Since 2011 we are conducting a “Visa Free” public campaign aimed at raising awareness about visa ...
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European YMCA Treehouse Leaders Trainee Camp

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The treehouse project of the Swiss YMCA (Outdoortech) at the European YMCA Festival in Praha in 2013, the experiences of YMCAs in Germany and of the YMCA in the Netherlands makes us prick our ears up and draw our attention to new possibilities of encounter, of living and learning together in this natureand action-oriented and experience based project. With the spirit of appreciation for the indivi ...
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So Far, So Close

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

...1st of September 2015 (excluding arrival and departure days). For 7 days, it will reunite 24 participants from 10 organizations coming from EU, Eastern Europe and the Caucasus: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Latvia, Poland, portugal, Romania, Spain and Turkey. The participants are experienced youth workers in their organizations, which are facing the lack of motivation of young people to ...
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From Theory to Reality

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 1, 2015,

Many organizations are struggling with finding volunteers, motivating young people, project implementation or financial management. The reason behind this that youth workers, directors or project coordinators are missing some skills such as efficient communication with volunteers or employees, delegation of responsibilities, dealing with difficult situations etc. As result, the work of NGOs are mi ...
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Youth Empowerment Meets Conflict Transformation

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

... Georgia, from 18.04.2014 to 26.04.2014 with a total of 33 participants being youth workers, youth leaders and youth activists from Croatia, France, United Kingdom, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Italy, Belarus, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Against the background of a great variety of societal conflicts in Europe, the project proposed peace education as an approach fostering youth ...
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Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2015,

...the programs offered by our partners, and later joined their programmes in order to help and facilitate 16-27 April 2015, organizer being Federatia YMCA Romania with partners from Georgia, Armenia, Belarus, Moldova, Portugal, Spain, Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, Latvia, Netherlands and Serbia. Through this training the participants will learn coaching techniques, communication styles, emotiona ...
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Paths to Progress

Start date: Jan 7, 2015, End date: Aug 6, 2015,

YMCA European Spectrum (hereinafter referred to as YES) will facilitate a seminar for young leaders of YMCA‘s around Europe on 11-17 May 2015. The seminar will be held in Tallinn Estonia and run into the annual General Assembly of YMCA Europe. The main topic of the seminar is to give young people the training and confidence to take part in a high-level discussion and decision making, as well as b ...
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Logout and be active!

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Jul 31, 2015,

The project called Logout and be active! is a 9-days Mobility of youth workers of Key Action 1 (KA1) of programme Erasmus+. It will gather 36 participants from 15 countries (Belarus, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Greece, Italy, Lithuania, Malta, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey and Ukraine) around the themes of social exclusion, addiction on internet and digital technologi ...
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O'Captain My Captain

Start date: Feb 12, 2015, End date: Jul 12, 2015,

O' Captain My Captain training course project hosted 24 young people from 11 countries in Eskisehir, The project's aim was to develop the skills such as; cultural ethical values, democratization, visional perspectives, innovation in young people whom we believe are carrying a potential within themselves to unite different cultures at several different grounds. The realized objectives of our proje ...
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SEED: Strategic Experience for European Dimension

Start date: Feb 6, 2015, End date: May 5, 2015,

...e and Caucasus. This project intends to involve participants 12 countries from Europe, Mediterranean and Caucasus partners (Portugal, Germany, Italy, France, Romania, Hungary, Armenia, Georgia, Belarus, Egypt, Palestine and Tunisia) and will take place in Amarante (Portugal) during 7 days, from 6th till 12th April 2015, gathering in a balanced way (gender and countries) 24 participants, 2 experts ...
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graffity in political context-intercultural learning and art

Start date: Feb 16, 2015, End date: Apr 18, 2015,

Bei dem Projekt ?Graffity in political context ? intercultural learning and art? ging es um die Umsetzung künstlerischer Aktivitäten anhand von Graffiti. Es stand im Zusammenhang mit folgenden Fakten: - planmäßige Weiterführung der Netzwerkarbeit mit den Partnern - inhaltliche Erweiterung des Themas Kunst &Graffiti mit dem Bezug auf aktuelle politische Themen Es ging in erster Linie um die kreati ...
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Spraycan - The Power of Street Art

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

... project aimed at promoting active youth participation and European citizenship through using street art and the theater of oppressed. It will involve 38 young people from 6 countries (Armenia, Belarus, Hungary, Poland, UK, Urakraine). It will last 10 days. The youth exchange will cover the themes of social activism, inclusion of urban youth into active participation, active citizenship, street a ...
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Music Unites Us All!

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2015,

...courage young people to work for their society and become involved in various initiatives on a local, national and international scale. The project associates 84 people who come from Poland, Belarus, Croatia, Romania, Greece and Lithuania and are eager to actively engage in diverse initiatives.Our exchanges, apart from the basic, main theme, music, will also aim to motivate people living in less ...
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Decoding Conflicts through Dialogue

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2015,

Project DECODE aims to raise awareness on the topic of intercultural communication as well as to equip the participants with appropriate skills concerning dialogue and negotiations that would allow them to solve conflicts more efficiently. The main goal of the training is to share knowledge and skills in the field of communication and conducting negotiations in different cultural environments, bot ...
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Bringing Europe together - under one tent

Start date: Nov 4, 2014, End date: Feb 3, 2015,

...hich is bound to take place in Ludwigsburg, Baden Württemberg, in the first days of December 2014, where small groups of young volunteers, coming from the countries of Germany, Italy, Poland and Belarus will meet, discuss about their experience in the youth work, their expectations, fears, wishes, and with the tutoring of more expert leaders with long-term experience in the field, will get to know ...
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Integration and Identity

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

"Looking at the reality of contemporary Europe it becomes clear that the European motto of "United in Diversity" is becoming a more and more important topic not so much in between nations but within the nation states itself. The migration flows of the last decades let to situation in which the percentage of migrants or people with migration background living in today's Europe is on a new high and ...
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GREEN: Practice what you preach!

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014,

The Training Course “GREEN: Practice what you preach!” intends to train mainly youth and social workers to use eco-friendly tools and approaches at work and provide them with the competences to act as multipliers in their own organizations and projects. This training course is one of the projects that resulted as a follow-up activity of GO GREEN II organized by SALTO - Eastern Europe and Caucasus ...
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Bei dem Projekt “Graffity and diversity in nature – intercultural learning in nature and art“ ging es um die Umsetzung künstlerischer Aktivitäten anhand von Graffiti. Es ging in erster Linie um die kreative Nutzung von Kunst und Kultur als Medium und um die dadurch verbundene Herausarbeitung kultureller Unterschiede, politischer Anschauungen und den Umgang mit diesen. 40 Jugendliche aus 4 Natione ...
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The Colors Behind the Rainbow

Start date: Jun 18, 2014, End date: Nov 17, 2014,

...change will take place between 18.07.2014 and 27.07.2014, will gather 25 participants and group leaders, hosted in Poland and will be the result of cooperation with partners from Spain, Turkey, Belarus, Armenia. Methodological approach of this project is based on experiential learning concept. Group work, drama exercises, creative thinking, simulations and intercultural learning activities will b ...
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Wir in Europa!

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2014,

The adolescents who belong to the Russian-speaking minority of the countries Italy, Greece, Hungary, Sweden and Latvia will take part in this youth meeting. The involved partner organizations dedicate a large part of their work to the integration of this group of adolescents in the particular countries. On the base of the reflexion of one’s own cultural identity we train for a succeeding integrati ...
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Start date: Jul 20, 2014, End date: Jul 28, 2014,

In the Youth Exchange “Babel” the participants will get a chance to share their ideas and thoughts about cultural identity, tolerance and (European) citizenship with the help of theatre techniques as well as other non-formal learning methods. The Youth Exchange will focus on different theatre types, meaning that the participants will learn how to express themselves in new and different ways. The p ...
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Astrophysical Dynamos (AstroDyn)

Start date: Feb 1, 2009, End date: Jan 31, 2014,

Magnetic fields in stars, planets, accretion discs, and galaxies are believed to be the result of a dynamo process converting kinetic energy into magnetic energy. This work focuses on the solar dynamo, but dynamos in other astrophysical systems will also be addressed. In particular, direct high-resolution three-dimensional simulations are used to understand particular aspects of the solar dynamo a ...
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Development of Tourism in Interreg Regions

Start date: Jan 31, 2002, End date: Jan 30, 2004,

Through the applicant company the project involves enterprises producing accommodation, catering, programme, activity and shopping services as well as traffic services in the region of Joensuu (Jyty-region). The services will be assembled to customer-friendly packages and marketed. Ac ...
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Start date: Aug 1, 2012,

...opean Future is a short-term group EVS project (Action 2) under the Youth In Action Programme. Fourteen volunteers from seven countries aˆ“ Poland, Rmania, Italy, Turkey, Azerbajan, Armenia and Belarus will take part in it. The project will be held in archeological preserve Sboryanovo and it will take place between 14th August and 14th September 2012. The activities will include: Fieldwork - excav ...
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NAYD aims to run a training course called “Making Connections” in partnership with NAYT (UK), Di Grease's Buffoon Theatre (Belarus) and The State Youth Drama Theatre "In Rose Street" (Moldova). The training course would last 4 days, take place in Dublin and include 7 participants from Ireland, 8 participants from the Eastern Partnership Countries and 5 participants from other European countries. T ...
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The training will gather 24 youth workers from 6 coutnries and will take place in the area of Tbilisi in September 2013. The international training course Development of Social Enterprises as a tool for employment of young people is aimed at promoting the model of social economy amongst youth organizations from Central-East Europe and Caucasus countries as a tool for raising employment of young eu ...
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Supervision in Youth Work

Start date: Aug 3, 2013,

... skills we want to cover basic understanding of supervision, basic supervision models, listening, empathy, associative interaction, etc.There will be 12 countries involved in the project (Iceland, Belarus, England, Poland, Montenegro, Ireland, Kosovo, Switzerland, Macedonia, Czech Republic, Netherlands and Russia), which also provides a great environment for international learning and fostering u ...
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Due to booming technology and IT phenomena, distant learning and e-employment are growing in an exponential manner. This field requires optimum production rate, which is combination of time and cost. The parameter is being the level of depth of the output detail. Considering the current globalization and market conditions and resulting competition in almost all different fields of service sectors ...
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Local Democracy in a Changing World

Start date: Jan 1, 2013,

...unity by being able to communicate and realize their own ideas, creativity and projects. Countries included in this project will be 33 participants from 15 different countries: Austria, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Egypt, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Lebanon, Moldova, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Russia and United Kingdom.
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