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"Multilateral networking in sustainable projects - feedback and preview 2015 "
Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This network followup meeting in early spring 2016 will be held to retrospectively evaluate the futher teamwork and to drive forth the new ideas within the framework of cooperation with organizations from Russia,Romania, Slovakia, Ukraine, Belarus and Germany. At the same time new quality standards of the teamwork should be discussed and defined. One of the main points ist the handling of the YOUTHPASS as instrument of certification of nonformal learning. In 2011 there was signed a partnership contract under the name "Multilateral networking in sustainable projects - feedback und preview”, which defined the long-term teamwork and the methods and ways of it. Since then there were organized a lot of projects (mostly EVS and meetings) in Oberhof and partner countries. The meeting will also cover the subject of using the new Erasmus+ programme for the network. This way the meeting will cover such subjects:- Evaluation of the whole field of cooperation in network- Evaluation of the projects - Envolvement of new partners (Belarus)- Introduction of the new programme Erasmus+/Jugend- Development of new ideas together with sharing of responsibilities- Preparation of a work plan till 2017 The meeting will last 5 days incl. travel days, we expect 3 colleagues from each country.

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