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Basic skills (literacy, numeracy, science, technology, English as a second language) are the foundation for further learning and are a gateway to employment and social inclusion, according Europe 2020 - the EU's strategic growth strategy. A key factor for achieving smart, sustainable, and inclusive growth is to implement policies, programmes and projects aimed at raising attainment levels and imp ...
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Therapeutic Support & Training(TST)for Special Education staff

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2017,

A basic, but necessary goal of our school is to provide specialized support to our special needs children on issues regarding new technologies in education, the possibility to participate and be able to expand their understanding of executing, developing, planning and managing European projects . In addition the systematic and scientific upgrading and education of special Education teachers who ar ...
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Higher education student and staff mobility project

Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

This is a higher education student and staff mobility project, please consult the website of the organisation to obtain additional details.
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Rural tourism is one of the major economic pillars of rural regions in Europe, representing a sustainable approach to economic development especially in times of crisis, facilitating new employment and contributing to the conservation of the natural, social and cultural heritage. Rural tourism is particularly significant in remote, less developed regions - as it is the case of the partner region ...
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EUROPENEURS: European Young Entrepreneurs

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The Erasmus+ project EUROPENEURS, European young entrepreneurs, comes as an answer to the need of training young European students to be people with a proactive attitude when facing the challenges and opportunities that life offers them at the present and will offer them in the future. There are people who are and act naturally in this way, with an entrepreneurial attitude which drives them throug ...
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On the road to entrepreneurship

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Today’s school is trying to become a modern institution equipped with new technologies, still making more and more attractive educational offers to be appealing on the educational market. Partners taking part in the project “On the road to entrepreneurship” realise the fact that the school priority should definitely be developing students’ key competence. It is extremely important to mention that ...
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Context Schools notice students` difficulties in learning Mathematics and Science. The analyses of the results of teaching and the results of final exams also confirm this fact. The findings of PISA show lower levels of achievements in Mathematics and Science than in the humanities. Also pupils say that they encounter considerable difficulties in learning Mathematics and Science and that they ra ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

OBJECTIVES OF OUR PROJECTSOur school aims to establish a long term two-way cooperation with European Vocational Institutions in the fields of Vocational Training and in Current Educational Issues. To encourage educators and students to be involved in European Mobility Programs. The implementation of this project will give provide a great opportunity to develop their personality, self-esteem, know ...
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Five-Star Quality Teaching

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

One of the more long-standing unresolved problems for educators has been to establish the conditions that result in all adolescent students wanting to pursue productive learning within the school setting and experiencing success. Our school, aiming to be consistent with its mission to inspire students to become enthusiastic life-long learners who value integrity, cultural diversity, the pursuit of ...
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Motivating Students towards Technical and Vocational Education

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Technical School St. Lazarus is a public Secondary Technical and Vocational School located in the southern tourist area of Larnaca, Cyprus known as the Mackenzie beach. Its mission is to provide knowledge and skill-development to its students and to cultivate their attitudes and behavior in accordance with the Secondary Technical and Vocational Education system. Our school offers theoretical ...
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The Mediterranean region is currently being affected by increasing environmental and cultural deterioration. Although it is still one of the foremost tourist areas in the world, the Mediterranean is progressively losing attractiveness. In order to regain competitiveness, Mediterranean countries need to modernise the management of touristic assets, investing in new technologies and innovative polic ...
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Project in brief The rapid pace of urbanization in the Mediterranean area over the last decades have raised a series of issues mostly related to air quality, energy efficiency, waste recycling, pressure on natural resources, pollution and social welfare of urban inhabitants. While cities population will continue to grow in the next years, it is of fundamental importance to ensure the transition fr ...
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Funding Policies to bring Innovation to Finance/market/people (InnoFun)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

The project consortium consists of 14 partners from 9 Member States with a good mixture of regions with different levels of innovation development. All partners are involved in the development of their own regional innovation policy either as regional government or an intermediate body with full support of the government and therefore they wish developing policies to speed up the process from Res ...
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Geomatics Rural Information Society Initiative PLUS (GRISI PLUS)

Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014,

Nowadays, rural areas face various stakes: aging and declining population, poor local economy, isolation, lack of use of the ICT, lack of infrastructures, inertia regarding innovation... To address these issues, GRISI PLUS wants to introduce a new modernity in EU rural areas, mainly based on the results achieved in the development and implementation of geomatics tools within the GRISI project (Int ...
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xtrovert entrepreneurship (ΕΞΩΣΤΡΕΦΕΙΑ)

Start date: Sep 30, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2014,

Το έργο επικεντρώνεται στον ειδικό στόχο της ενίσχυσης του ανθρώπινου δυναμικού και αποσκοπεί, κυρίως μέσω της υλοποίησης ειδικών στοχευμένων προγραμμάτων κατάρτισης, να υποστηρίξει έναν ικανοποιητικό αριθμό ενδιαφερομένων (πρακτικά: υφιστάμενοι και μελλοντικοί επιχειρηματίες) να εμβαθύνουν σε σημαντικά και κρίσιμα αντικείμενα του «επιχειρείν» και της εξωστρεφούς επιχειρηματικότητας. Το προτείνον ...
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MARIE aims to establish the socio-economic conditions for Energy Efficiency (EE) improvement in the MED. Building Stock in the framework of EU policy objectives, overcoming barriers and creating sustainable development opportunities in the MED region. Pil Achievements: ...
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Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2013,

The aid granted to SME through various forms,represents an important part of the public resources allocated to the regional development.Considering the remarkable amount of resources involved, it is in the interest of each Public Authority to outline the situation regarding the exact amount of the aid granted and, at the same time, to know what is the impact on the area of the regional subsidy pol ...
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... Expected Results: • Development of three new Urban Sustainable Development Strategies in the cities of Sousse, Saida and Larnaca • Creation of a Knowledge Transfer Centre for Methodology and Best Practices in Málaga • Creation of two Antennas of the Knowledge Transfer Centre for New Plans and Dissemination, respectively lo ...
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Rural territories participating in the project, inspired by European Landscape Convention, seek to valorise and transform its common Mediterranean landscape not only into a mark of identity but also into a driving force for territorial development of European rural areas. The partners will develop a common methodology and pilot actions in landscape planning allowing to set up an innovative and p ...
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MAritme REgions cooperation for MEDiterranea (MAREMED)

Start date: May 31, 2010, End date: May 23, 2013,

...coordonné avec le CEDRE et l'exercice à Chypre sous Présidence européenne a été organisé avec le partenaire de Larnaca.Next key steps for the projectLes prochaines étapes concernent la finalisation des dernières actions pilotes et livrables, notamment celles décidées dans le cadre de la modification majeure, et la réalisation d'une présentation des résultats de MAREMED au Parlement européen au moi ...
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New Performances for Mediterranean Tourism (Newper)

Start date: Jul 21, 2011, End date: Jan 21, 2013,

The rising importance of tourism and its positive impacts on economic growth and local development have put tourist policies and their governance at the centre of strategies of many Mediterranean regions. The Mediterranean area received around 200 million tourists in 2005, forecasts are of 325 million by 2020. Despite these figures, the growth rate in the Mediterranean Basin is slower than the glo ...
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Diversifying local economies in deprived areas of medium sized cities, by developing an integrated socio-economic urban rehabilitation model Achievements: Documents/reports:Presentation of the LE20/02/2015Useful participative planning methods for ULSGs 2.17/02/2015Usefu ...
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Entrepreneurial Inspiration for the European Union (ENSPIRE EU)

Start date: Dec 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2012,

Economic organisations and governments all across the EU are talking about the need to develop the EU into a strong 'entrepreneurial economy', since this is the key to Europe’s competitiveness and continues modernisation. A lot has been done on a regional, national and European level to support the development of an entrepreneurial economy. However, the 2007 Eurobarometer Entrepreneurship Survey r ...
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Throughout the EU, increased reliance on the car has resulted in high levels of congestion and more pollution, leading to economic, environmental and health problems for our regions and cities. ERDF investment in infrastructure could accelerate this trend if parallel alternative measures are not introduced at the same time. Mobility Management aims to reduce reliance on the car by encouraging tra ...
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Waste management as policy tools for corporate governance (WASMAN)

Start date: May 3, 2009, End date: Apr 29, 2012,

The project intends to promote synergies and disseminate good practices at transnational level among MED countries in the field of waste management governance taking into account specific problems of each partner area. Although the involved countries are different in terms of income, population, size and sectors, they have also similarities of challenges that can be tackled at regional level inclu ...
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...fferent policy briefings and policy recommendations have been deduced. The partnership met three times: in Palermo on November 21st and 22nd, 2011 for a Technical Meeting and a Steering Committee, in Larnaca on February 13th and 14th for selecting the pilots to be prized and for assisting to a National Conference and in Rethymno on March 19th and 20th to assist at the Final Conference and to a Fin ...
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Confronted for many years by a movement of rural exodus and by the aging of their population, the rural Mediterranean municipalities have become increasingly fragile due to a demographic decline, accompanied by a diminution of services and commercial enterprises, which all lead to a loss of their identity. However, the mobility of the professionals, the information and communication technologies ( ...
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Mediterranean Living Lab for Territorial Innovation (MedLab)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Oct 30, 2011,

The Living Lab model for in situ co-design of innovative ICT services is proving increasingly successful in promoting the knowledge economy by speeding up the pace and quality of research and technology development;* yet despite its significant potential, there is to date no clear link with Mediterranean regional policies. MedLabs objective is to apply the Living Lab approach from the demand side ...
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...More schools were involved than originally expected. So far 20 study visits have occurred.Most recently,in period 3 of the project, 7 visits took place,undertook by Klaipeda to Almada,Maribor to Graz,Larnaca to Treviso & Serres,Gdansk to Almada & Treviso,Sofia to London. A successful mentoring workshop was held in Klaipeda in Dec09,on public transport organisation & parking management policy,with ...
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The project aims to create transnational network structure between regional development actors with the specific goal: to improve implementation of regional policies in the innovation field and increase the capacity for sustainable development by encouraging innovation of clean technologies. The partners have stated that social environment in the Med regions is not stimulating enough to assure goo ...
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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

The aim of the project is to evaluate, define and agree upon a common development strategy for improving competitiveness of the MED maritime system, developing the connections between the main regional ports and the Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T); The direct target groups include ministries, regional administrations, municipal institutions, port authorities, which will cooperate in th ...
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Regional cooperation towards adaptation to climate change (REGIOCLIMA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Societies have come to a point where they are asked to adapt to a changing climate irrespectively of the result of global mitigation efforts. To this respect, the overarching objective of the project is to assist societies to adapt to the new climate conditions both by minimising the risk of damage and exploiting the new opportunities arising from a changing climate. The action aims at enhancing c ...
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Mediterranean Initiatives - Development in Agriculture (M.I.D.A.)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Apr 29, 2008,

M.I.D.A.s main objective is to create a strategy of rural development among areas characterized by micro agro industries, through: • The creation of a network among administrations to promote development for rural areas; • The acquisition of know-how on of public subjects engaged in rural development and in micro agro industries; • The experimental pilot actions of protection and improvement of ru ...
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Trans Euro Mediterranean Cultural Heritage NETwork (TECH NET)

Start date: May 31, 2006, End date: Mar 30, 2008,

The project TECH NETs main objective is the implementation of a model of sustainable local development in maritime villages of the Mediterranean Basin. These villages n represent a culture, an economy and a civilization connected with the environment. They are at risk of cultural, social and environmental degradation. It is necessary to have: • a connection between public and private bodies; • a s ...
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key objective of the project MULTI-GATE is to establish a permanen know-how exchange between authorities in the ARCIMED area, with the characteristic of representing multi-modal transport "gates" (at cities or regions). Main activities are multimodal gates network definition in ARCHIMED, konw-how exchange, best practice formulation, and pilot ation. They key theme is "seamless & multi-modal passen ...
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Groundwater resources are under strain in many Archimed areas because of conflicting water uses and heavy demand. Conflicts between various land-use activities arise, trying to resolve water supply and environmental protection. In order to resolve such conflicts in a reliable manner, optimizing the use of the resources and the potential of a certain region, spatial development strategies are indis ...
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The operation Mo.No.Pi - Monument Nomination and Pilot Implementation as an Alternative Form of Architecture and Religion Tourism focuses on the promotion of monasteries as important sites of cultural heritage. Monasteries frequently require significant amounts of resources for restoration and maintenance but, apart from being sanctuaries for contemplation, they can act as growth poles for the dev ...
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Το έργο προχωρά, μεταξύ άλλων, σε:κατασκευή τριών (3) ξύλινων πτηνοπαρατηρητηρίων και 1 αμφιθεάτρου, κατασκευή 7 πλωτών χωμάτινων νησίδων για το φώλιασμα και το τάισμα των πτηνών, δημιουργία κοινής ιστοσελίδας για την ανάδειξη των αλυκών των περιοχών συνεργασίας, δημιουργία έντυπου υλικού προβολής αλυκών (5 έντυπα και 1 φωτογραφικό λεύκωμα), σχεδιασμό κοινού πληροφοριακού εντύπου του έργου, συγγρα ...
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As one of the first thematic networks approved MEDINT hasshown the importance of local working for effectivenetworking. This network was established with the aimof having few key exchange meetings where all partnerscame together but more local forum meetings in eachpartner city bringing together all sectors to create groupswhich are sustainable after the network is complete.This structure has prov ...
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Five European schools explored European culture through staging national and original comedies.Each partner translated and performed four national comedic stories into English. Every school dramatized one of its national stories during each meeting’s “Evening of European Comedy”. Drama has the power to make culture come alive. Through watching the partners’ performances, the audience faced the cul ...
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