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Improving the local governance processes through exchange of good practices, pilots and training in geospatial technologies (LOCAL-SATS)
Start date: Dec 23, 2013, End date: Dec 22, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project in brief The rapid pace of urbanization in the Mediterranean area over the last decades have raised a series of issues mostly related to air quality, energy efficiency, waste recycling, pressure on natural resources, pollution and social welfare of urban inhabitants. While cities population will continue to grow in the next years, it is of fundamental importance to ensure the transition from spontaneous to carefully planned urban development. To contribute to this challenge, LOCAL-SATS aims to support the design and implementation of policies which optimize sustainable urban development processes. The project will target local administrations by providing them with flexible tools and geospatial applications in order to improve territorial management. Specific objective To promote sustainable urban development in the Mediterranean Sea Basin through the exchange among local authorities of experiences and best practices related to geospatial applications for territorial planning Expected Results: • Enhanced regional consensus on the use of geospatial technologies by local administrations through the production of gap analysis, roadmaps and performance indicators studies • Developed common geospatial paradigm for the delivery of quality services to citizens by public administrations • A Decision Support System integrated by a Geographical Information System (DSS-GIS) for policy design, progress and impact assessment adopted and implemented in the target areas • Strengthened local administrations capacities regarding the use of geospatial applications • Improved governance processes at local level through the exchange of experiences among administrations

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  • 100%   99 999 999,99
  • 2007 - 2013 Mediterranean Sea Basin ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

11 Partners Participants