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Start date: May 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to evaluate, define and agree upon a common development strategy for improving competitiveness of the MED maritime system, developing the connections between the main regional ports and the Trans-European Network of Transport (TEN-T); The direct target groups include ministries, regional administrations, municipal institutions, port authorities, which will cooperate in the implementation of the priority scenarios identified for improving the transport and logistics of the MED area; The main activities of the project aim to: - foster dialogue and cooperation for the definition of a common Med policy involving transport network planning, infrastructure investments, and spatial development; - Analysis of Mediterranean Positioning in the Global Maritime Market, with specific attention to the Legal and Financial Frameworks; - identify and set in motion the actions necessary to improve port competitiveness; - identify financing sources for the realisation of these strategic infrastructure; - define a Road Map for the realization of the selected priority development scenarios; - develop an institutional framework for future cooperation on transnational and interregional policy issues, including the definition of roles and responsibilities for the development of an efficient and competitive Med maritime system; - disseminate and capitalize the results achieved in order to ensure the sustainability and the transferability of the project. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startThe partnership provided a qualified management of the Developmed project, ensuring it's transnational added value and the integrated PM of the initiative. Specific attention has been put on the Communication strategy and tools, providing: 2 seminars, 2 workshops, 10 Monographies, brochures, Glossary, Bibliography, web sites, 5 newsletters, a Med port Exhibition, a Final Event The partnership completed all actions planned - The analyses concerning -Global maritime market, strategic positioning and identification of Med potential - 8 Strategic and operative work plan, to define specific paths for the competitive development of the target regions/ports, based on common approaches and devices. - The definition of a support policy in the MED area for the common aspects of the priority scenarios identified within the project - Guidelines, concerning the main elements for a coordinated and integrated development of ports and surrounding areas, attached to a formal Memorandum of UnderstandingLatest project activities and outputsDuring the final reporting Period, the partnership provided to: - elaborate the last 4 LAPS paying attention to adopt common approaches and device, but alt to decline the contents and operational guide line on the basis of the needs / resources / morphology / opportunities of the different contexts. - Complete the activity concerning phases: 5.3 -Detailing Legal Framework- 5.4 -Identification of financial mechanisms- 5.5 -Supporting factors for successful Implementation of local Action Plan-. - define a support policy in the MED area for the common aspects of the priority scenarios identified within the project - elaborate the Guidelines, concerning the main elements for a coordinated and integrated development of ports and surrounding areas - draft a formal Memorandum of Understanding. - Complete all the foreseen Communication and Capitalization Activities, through the drafting of the planned deliverables and the organization of the Med Ports Exhibition and of the Final Event.Next key steps for the projectNot applicable, since the present report concerns the last period of implementation of the project. Concerning the capitalization activities, please refer to the -Final Report-
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  • 77.4%   1 083 698,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants