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Mediterranean organization structure and strengthening of innovation capacities for sustainable development (MEDOSSIC)
Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aims to create transnational network structure between regional development actors with the specific goal: to improve implementation of regional policies in the innovation field and increase the capacity for sustainable development by encouraging innovation of clean technologies. The partners have stated that social environment in the Med regions is not stimulating enough to assure good results in the innovation sphere. Partners believe that Med space has high potential to develop innovations, which will contribute to sustainable development in the whole Med area. The main obstacle is the lack of coordination and co-operation among key stakeholders (government institutions, public research institutions, universities, local communities, chamber of commerce, SMEs,…). The regional development actors see an opportunity to play an important role in strengthening innovation capacities by cooperating and coordinating with stakeholders in order to provide more efficient implementation and functioning of undertaken measures. The concrete outcome is to establish pilot structure in each region for counseling and providing information to target groups (SMEs, young researchers, innovators,…). Activities set up in the project proposal will be implemented through the transnational network structure to provide considerable impact on strengthening innovation capacities at transnational level and so contribute to the green economic growth and employment in the Med area. Achievements: State of the art of project implementation since the project startSince the beginning of the project in April 2009 the partnership performed several activities, aiming to establishing pilot structures for supporting eco-innovation in each partners' region. First, the existing situation analyses offered an overview of the existing eco-innovation support in all regions. The results of analyses were compared, benchmarks were identified, and cases of good practices of eco-innovation and eco-innovation support were also presented. In March 2010 the partnership started with the preparation of national strategic and operational plans. These offer a foundation for the implementation of pilot structures or projects in each region whose implementation started in the fourth reporting period and finished in the last reporting period. All the enumerated activities were accompanied by extensive communication and management activities, including four partnership and three steering committee meetings that provided for successful monitoring and performance.Latest project activities and outputsActivities within the fifth reporting period all efforts were put into implementing activities arising from the analysis and findings from the existing eco-innovation support analysis and activities with stakeholders and individual SOP documents. Each partner region decided on one or more pilot actions and carried it out with the identified stakeholders as the most important output of the project to contribute to eco innovation consciousness, support environment including financial options and networking. A pilot web portal was established to support all these activities. All the enumerated activities were accompanied by communication and management activities, including the preparation of two newsletters, press release and project's brochure. Management tasks included also cooperating with the organization of partnership and steering committee meetings in Novo mesto as well as final conference in Novo mesto (Slovenija) where the most important project results were presented.Next key steps for the projectThe project has finished at the end of September 2011.

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  • 79.5%   905 579,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Programme MED
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

8 Partners Participants